NFL Season 2010

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
how did you get the tickets? and how much did the stadium explode on that pick-6?

makes me more determined to go to dallas next year.

the only sure fire way to get super bowl tickets without paying ridiculous broker prices is to know somebody.

i know somebody.

Nice, so how would you rate the SB experience?
You got to see quite a game.

it was a great game... but as much as i wanted the saints to pull it out, i was a little upset with the INT... because that game had last minute and/or OT "i was at that game" classic written all over it. unfortunatly peyton ran the same play two times and a row and screwed the entire thing up. immortality is knocking at the door, and he runs away and hides.

it's very surreal to step inside that stadium (let alone the parties and everything leading up to the game)... you can't help but get all tingly and goosebumpily.

security was absolutely ridiculous getting in, but i suppose there's good reason for it. it was about the worst airport/bank rope line in the history of mankind to get into the outer peremeter, which was a far far ways from the stadium it's self. they didn't park anyone near the stadium, and you had to have your ticket just to get into the secured peremter.


we had to walk up and down 20 of those rope lines just to get to the ticket check in... which you have to go thru full airport security once there. the only thing i didn't have to do was take off my shoes. but i had to stand arms out... up the arms, down the front, up the back, between the legs... all that good stuff. put my stuff in a tray to go thru an x-ray machine and then walk thru a mag, all before i could even get my ticket scanned. it didn't take all that long, but i was there at 1:00 in the afternoon... i can only imagine what it was like at, say 4/5ish.

i got to go to a lot of the big parties friday and saturday night, and was in the official closed off tailgate section (not the fanfest which is open to the public). all incredible experiences.

and of course... i peed next to tim tebow.

if you do go to dallas... and if the person i know is still in the position they're in, then i'll see you there.
Peyton Manning is more impressive than Brett Favre, in my view. Still, I agree, he's come up small late in the season a few too many times.

Reggie Wayne certainly made Manning look worse in the Super Bowl.
The security was similar in Glendale. Like you, we went fairly early and it wasn't too bad to get through. Folks who arrived closer to kickoff had a much longer ordeal.
oh shit, no actually i forgot Carolina :doh:


Thing is, all were pretty good games if memory serves me right.

now lets see if i can remember who performed at halftime:

janet jackson (.)@
no clue

Prince performed in Miami at the Colts/Bears SB.
Tom Petty performed in Glendale for Pats/Giants.
Montana and Bradshaw have the best records because they have multiple wins vs. no losses. Brady, Staubach, Elway, Favre, also had losses. San Francisco is the ONLY team to go to multiple Super Bowls and have all victories vs. no losses making them the greatest SB team of all time.

Now that the parades and parties and all the expressions of oh how nice for New Orleans are over, how much this city needed this, etc....can we please now stop feeling sorry for them, and next year let teams both NFC and AFC be able to beat them without feeling guilty? Sorry but the media really overdid that storyline a bit IMO and I don't want to hear it anymore. Ever.
Now that the parades and parties and all the expressions of oh how nice for New Orleans are over, how much this city needed this, etc....can we please now stop feeling sorry for them, and next year let teams both NFC and AFC be able to beat them without feeling guilty? Sorry but the media really overdid that storyline a bit IMO and I don't want to hear it anymore. Ever.

I don't think anyone feels sorry for the Saints. They've had many shitty seasons and finally won a Super Bowl after 40 something years. Let's give them their time in the spotlight. They definitely earned it.

Guys like Brady, Ben and Peyton can't win it every year.

Oh yeah, Troy Aikman was 3-0 in the Super Bowl. Not too shabby.
I don't think anyone feels sorry for the Saints. They've had many shitty seasons and finally won a Super Bowl after 40 something years. Let's give them their time in the spotlight. They definitely earned it.

Guys like Brady, Ben and Peyton can't win it every year.

Oh yeah, Troy Aikman was 3-0 in the Super Bowl. Not too shabby.

Ben Roethlisberger has a better playoff and SB record than Manning too.

Just sayin'

Big Ben towers over Manning in playoffs - NFL - Yahoo! Sports
Peyton Manning is more impressive than Brett Favre, in my view. Still, I agree, he's come up small late in the season a few too many times.

i think it all depends on what you're looking for in a QB. Manning and Favre have such different styles. as much as Favre has killed his teams with INT's, he's also made plays that no other QB could have dreamed of making. he's a "take the good with the bad" kind of player. with that said, i can't help but wonder if the Packers would have won a Super Bowl in the 00's if they had Manning instead of Favre at QB.
by the way, this is why i truly believe that the Packers have the best GM in football. :lol:

Q. You've had some time to digest the season. What are your general thoughts?

A. Well, I was proud of the team. I thought we had a good team. I thought we had the kind of team, once we got into the playoffs, that we could play a few games. And I still believe we have that kind of team. We happened to get in a shootout and came up on the short end of it.

Q. Was it a successful season?

A. Well, none of us are really happy right now. I think if you looked on it from two or three years from now, you know, 11-5 is a pretty good year. It's tough to win games in the NFL. But I think we expected more.

Q. The season was negatively affected by the slow start to the season. It ruined any chance at the division title and/or home playoff games. That slow start was mostly due to the porous play on the offensive line and the inordinate amount of sacks they gave up. Why do you think that unit struggled for so long to start the season?

A. I don't know. I don't think we played as well as we can up front. Again, the sacks are not just that. It's the route running, it's maybe holding the ball, it's maybe not being able to run the ball. Maybe not controlling the game on the defensive side. The whole thing is tied together. But it's certainly an area where we're trying to get better at.

Q. But obviously the offensive line was affected by the situation at left tackle, with Chad Clifton getting hurt and Daryn Colledge and T.J. Lang having to play there. When you put together your 53-man roster, you were OK with Colledge backing up an aging Clifton, who hadn't started all 16 games since 2007 and was coming off four surgeries?

A. Well, that was one of the plans. The thing that I think is overlooked sometimes is you can't have a left tackle ready to play that's sitting on the bench in the NFL. There's not that many of them. There's not 32 of them. We happen to have one and we actually have a couple of young guys, including T.J. Lang, that we think can play out there. But when you get hurt at a position as valuable as left tackle, you're going to take some lumps. Now, we've done that in the past and we've been able to play our way through it and win some games. We struggled a little bit more this year.

Q. But Colledge seemed to be your Plan A. . . .

A. Yeah, he's done it before. And we have several players on our line that played left tackle one way or the other. But it is what it is. If we would have had a better left tackle somewhere that we could have had on our 53, we would have had 'em.

Q. You didn't think you could find some sort of veteran who could do better than Colledge?

A. Obviously not.

Q. Who are the young guys that you think can play left tackle?

A. We think T.J. can.

Q. You do?

A. Yeah. And we'll see. He's got some growing to do. Several of our guys have done it. And, like I said, that wasn't the end-all, be-all.

Q. You said it before, you thought maybe the line didn't play as well as it could have. Do you think those guys are coached up well enough?

A. (chuckling) Yeah. Yes I do.

Q. Because this isn't just a one-year problem. The struggles on the line have been going on for at least three years. These are the players you put in place. It seems like it's either the players or the coaching.

A. Well, yeah, we're not going to play the blame game. I'm not going to point fingers and hopefully none will get pointed back at me, although most do (laughing). Like I said, it's an area that I think we're better than what we've played and we're going to keep working at it.

Q. You and coach Mike McCarthy talk, you think there are going to be any coaching staff changes?

A. I don't know of any. There could be but we haven't sat down and said, "This is what's going to happen."

Q. Do you want Clifton and right tackle Mark Tauscher back next season?

A. Yeah, if it works out for everybody, sure.

Q. Are you actively trying to re-sign any of your unrestricted free agents?

A. We're having conversations with a lot of our guys.

Q. Did the addition of Tauscher and running back Ahman Green - and their contributions in the locker room - open your eyes a little bit more to the value of veteran players?

A. No. I had my eyes wide open a long time ago. I've been around the game for quite some time. They were two guys that we knew, we knew the character and the makeup of those players, we also knew what they could bring in terms of contributing on our team and it worked out pretty well.

Q. Will you make an effort to bring Green back?

A. I don't know. We'll work through that.

Q. What's the deal with right tackle Breno Giacomini? He's been on the roster for two years, has barely been active. Doesn't he almost have to start next season to validate you holding a roster spot for him?

A. (laughing) No, Breno's a good player and he's a good teammate and all that sort of stuff. You know, as you evolve in the NFL eventually you're going to have to go out there and sink or swim, and we're going to ask a lot of our guys, and he's going to be one of them.

Q. So you think he can play in this league?

A. Sure.

Q. It just seems strange with some of the personnel issues that you've had on this team that you've let Giacomini sit on the roster and not really contribute at all. Even when you had injuries and ineffectiveness at right tackle this season he wasn't even active for games. You must believe in him.

A. Yeah, I think we think he's got the makeup to be a player.

Q. So you expect him to compete for a starting job next year?

A. Well, I expect him to compete.

Q. Charles Woodson questioned the team's mentality for the playoff game against Arizona. Did you agree with him? Did you think the team was overconfident?

A. I'd have to talk to Charles and ask him what he meant by that. But I think we were ready to play.

Q. What happened to the defense in that game?

A. I don't know. We got into a shootout in Pittsburgh, same kind of thing. I don't know. Like I said, we got caught in a shootout and we couldn't get off the field. Fortunately our offense was clicking and we were doing the same thing to their defense. That happens sometimes. But we haven't gone through all the evaluations or what happened here or what happened there. So we'll get to it.

Q. It wasn't like the Cardinals were a new opponent. You knew the personnel and the scheme; do you think there was a problem with the game plan?

A. We haven't gone through that yet. That's part of the process that will continue through the spring.

Q. So you don't know yet if it was the players or the scheme?

A. I think it was all of us.

Q. Why were other teams able to pressure Brett Favre and Kurt Warner and the Packers weren't? Between the lack of pressure and coverage issues in the secondary, it was almost like 2008 all over again but with a different scheme.

A. Well, I don't know, it's game to game. There's reasons in every game why you do or don't get pressure. I thought as a team we were pretty good on defense this year. We did some really good things in terms of stopping the run, and a lot of games we did get pressure, sacks and batted down balls, and played good defense. It just didn't work out against Arizona.

Q. Can you explain the decision to put cornerback Pat Lee on injured reserve before the season?

A. He was injured.

Q. But he could have played at some point, right?

A. It would have been late.

Q. Do you think Lee is a player?

A. We're hoping so. We're counting on him.

Q. So you think the game is important to him?

A. Sure.

Q. Do you think you adequately staffed the secondary? Between the cutting of Anthony Smith, putting Lee on injured reserve?

A. Yeah, I think we had a pretty good group, especially going into training camp. And then we had some injuries. We wound up finding guys in the middle of the season and they were playing at the end of the season. I thought we did OK. Again, there's only so many players that are capable of doing that on the NFL level.

Q. You claimed Smith when he was cut by the St. Louis Rams; did that signify you made a mistake in releasing him?

A. I don't know about mistake, at the time we felt like he could add something to our team.

Q. Do you regret cutting him? Would that have worked out better for the Packers?

A. I don't necessarily think so. That was a time when we an opportunity to get Derrick Martin and we felt like he added a lot to our team, which he did.

Q. But you claimed Smith after you released him. If you didn't think he could play in August, why could he play in November?

A. Well, things change a lot between Week 1 and Week 10.

Q. Do you want linebacker Aaron Kampman back?

A. Sure.

Q. Will you make an effort to bring him back?

A. Sure.

Q. You think he's a good 3-4 outside linebacker?

A. Yeah, he's a good player. You can never have too many good players.

Q. Will you definitely make him an offer?

A. I'm sure we will. But we don't talk business.

Q. Will you ask linebacker A.J. Hawk to take a pay cut?

A. (chuckling) I'm not going to talk about that. But I would never talk about anything like that about one of our players. I'm a little insulted you'd ask.

Q. Will you bring in competition for Mason Crosby?

A. We bring in competition anytime we can find competition.

Q. But with the 80-man roster restriction, that's been an area where you've skimped a little, right?

A. Sure. We'll see. If we have somebody that can compete we will. We like Mason though.

Q. What's the one area you think the Packers need to be better to be at a Super Bowl level?

A. There's probably a lot of areas.

Q. There's got to be one thing that's foremost in your mind.

A. I'm sure there is.

Q. You're not going to tell me, are you?

A. No.

Q. What's the biggest regret you have during your tenure?

A. Oh. (Didn't answer).
Re: greatest QBs of all time, one thing that nobody (casual fans, quants, talking heads, anybody) ever mentions is how much weather affects QBs. Try to identify the following QBs (all of whom have played at some time between 1990 and 2009) from their career regular season home/away rating splits:

Quarterback A: 85.4/73.9
Quarterback B: 98.9/91.6
Quarterback C: 96.8/90.9
Quarterback D: 97.7/85.9
Quarterback E: 94.7/89.0
Quarterback F: 99.1/92.1
Quarterback G: 96.1/95.6
Quarterback H: 89.0/84.4
Quarterback I: 91.9/91.6
Quarterback J: 94.2/92.5
Quarterback K: 87.4/85.3
Quarterback L: 89.4/95.2

Quarterback A is John Elway.
Quarterback B is Peyton Manning.
Quarterback C is Kurt Warner.
Quarterback D is Matt Schaub.
Quarterback E is Drew Brees.
Quarterback F is Tony Romo.
Quarterback G is Philip Rivers.
Quarterback H is Brett Favre.
Quarterback I is Ben Roethlisberger.
Quarterback J is Tom Brady.
Quarterback K is Dan Marino.
Quarterback L is Joe Montana.
sorry, this article was done by JSOnline in Milwaukee. the reporter is obviously anti Ted Thompson.

by the way, this is why i truly believe that the Packers have the best GM in football. :lol:

Q. You've had some time to digest the season. What are your general thoughts?

A. Well, I was proud of the team. I thought we had a good team. I thought we had the kind of team, once we got into the playoffs, that we could play a few games. And I still believe we have that kind of team. We happened to get in a shootout and came up on the short end of it.

Q. Was it a successful season?

A. Well, none of us are really happy right now. I think if you looked on it from two or three years from now, you know, 11-5 is a pretty good year. It's tough to win games in the NFL. But I think we expected more.

Q. The season was negatively affected by the slow start to the season. It ruined any chance at the division title and/or home playoff games. That slow start was mostly due to the porous play on the offensive line and the inordinate amount of sacks they gave up. Why do you think that unit struggled for so long to start the season?

A. I don't know. I don't think we played as well as we can up front. Again, the sacks are not just that. It's the route running, it's maybe holding the ball, it's maybe not being able to run the ball. Maybe not controlling the game on the defensive side. The whole thing is tied together. But it's certainly an area where we're trying to get better at.

Q. But obviously the offensive line was affected by the situation at left tackle, with Chad Clifton getting hurt and Daryn Colledge and T.J. Lang having to play there. When you put together your 53-man roster, you were OK with Colledge backing up an aging Clifton, who hadn't started all 16 games since 2007 and was coming off four surgeries?

A. Well, that was one of the plans. The thing that I think is overlooked sometimes is you can't have a left tackle ready to play that's sitting on the bench in the NFL. There's not that many of them. There's not 32 of them. We happen to have one and we actually have a couple of young guys, including T.J. Lang, that we think can play out there. But when you get hurt at a position as valuable as left tackle, you're going to take some lumps. Now, we've done that in the past and we've been able to play our way through it and win some games. We struggled a little bit more this year.

Q. But Colledge seemed to be your Plan A. . . .

A. Yeah, he's done it before. And we have several players on our line that played left tackle one way or the other. But it is what it is. If we would have had a better left tackle somewhere that we could have had on our 53, we would have had 'em.

Q. You didn't think you could find some sort of veteran who could do better than Colledge?

A. Obviously not.

Q. Who are the young guys that you think can play left tackle?

A. We think T.J. can.

Q. You do?

A. Yeah. And we'll see. He's got some growing to do. Several of our guys have done it. And, like I said, that wasn't the end-all, be-all.

Q. You said it before, you thought maybe the line didn't play as well as it could have. Do you think those guys are coached up well enough?

A. (chuckling) Yeah. Yes I do.

Q. Because this isn't just a one-year problem. The struggles on the line have been going on for at least three years. These are the players you put in place. It seems like it's either the players or the coaching.

A. Well, yeah, we're not going to play the blame game. I'm not going to point fingers and hopefully none will get pointed back at me, although most do (laughing). Like I said, it's an area that I think we're better than what we've played and we're going to keep working at it.

Q. You and coach Mike McCarthy talk, you think there are going to be any coaching staff changes?

A. I don't know of any. There could be but we haven't sat down and said, "This is what's going to happen."

Q. Do you want Clifton and right tackle Mark Tauscher back next season?

A. Yeah, if it works out for everybody, sure.

Q. Are you actively trying to re-sign any of your unrestricted free agents?

A. We're having conversations with a lot of our guys.

Q. Did the addition of Tauscher and running back Ahman Green - and their contributions in the locker room - open your eyes a little bit more to the value of veteran players?

A. No. I had my eyes wide open a long time ago. I've been around the game for quite some time. They were two guys that we knew, we knew the character and the makeup of those players, we also knew what they could bring in terms of contributing on our team and it worked out pretty well.

Q. Will you make an effort to bring Green back?

A. I don't know. We'll work through that.

Q. What's the deal with right tackle Breno Giacomini? He's been on the roster for two years, has barely been active. Doesn't he almost have to start next season to validate you holding a roster spot for him?

A. (laughing) No, Breno's a good player and he's a good teammate and all that sort of stuff. You know, as you evolve in the NFL eventually you're going to have to go out there and sink or swim, and we're going to ask a lot of our guys, and he's going to be one of them.

Q. So you think he can play in this league?

A. Sure.

Q. It just seems strange with some of the personnel issues that you've had on this team that you've let Giacomini sit on the roster and not really contribute at all. Even when you had injuries and ineffectiveness at right tackle this season he wasn't even active for games. You must believe in him.

A. Yeah, I think we think he's got the makeup to be a player.

Q. So you expect him to compete for a starting job next year?

A. Well, I expect him to compete.

Q. Charles Woodson questioned the team's mentality for the playoff game against Arizona. Did you agree with him? Did you think the team was overconfident?

A. I'd have to talk to Charles and ask him what he meant by that. But I think we were ready to play.

Q. What happened to the defense in that game?

A. I don't know. We got into a shootout in Pittsburgh, same kind of thing. I don't know. Like I said, we got caught in a shootout and we couldn't get off the field. Fortunately our offense was clicking and we were doing the same thing to their defense. That happens sometimes. But we haven't gone through all the evaluations or what happened here or what happened there. So we'll get to it.

Q. It wasn't like the Cardinals were a new opponent. You knew the personnel and the scheme; do you think there was a problem with the game plan?

A. We haven't gone through that yet. That's part of the process that will continue through the spring.

Q. So you don't know yet if it was the players or the scheme?

A. I think it was all of us.

Q. Why were other teams able to pressure Brett Favre and Kurt Warner and the Packers weren't? Between the lack of pressure and coverage issues in the secondary, it was almost like 2008 all over again but with a different scheme.

A. Well, I don't know, it's game to game. There's reasons in every game why you do or don't get pressure. I thought as a team we were pretty good on defense this year. We did some really good things in terms of stopping the run, and a lot of games we did get pressure, sacks and batted down balls, and played good defense. It just didn't work out against Arizona.

Q. Can you explain the decision to put cornerback Pat Lee on injured reserve before the season?

A. He was injured.

Q. But he could have played at some point, right?

A. It would have been late.

Q. Do you think Lee is a player?

A. We're hoping so. We're counting on him.

Q. So you think the game is important to him?

A. Sure.

Q. Do you think you adequately staffed the secondary? Between the cutting of Anthony Smith, putting Lee on injured reserve?

A. Yeah, I think we had a pretty good group, especially going into training camp. And then we had some injuries. We wound up finding guys in the middle of the season and they were playing at the end of the season. I thought we did OK. Again, there's only so many players that are capable of doing that on the NFL level.

Q. You claimed Smith when he was cut by the St. Louis Rams; did that signify you made a mistake in releasing him?

A. I don't know about mistake, at the time we felt like he could add something to our team.

Q. Do you regret cutting him? Would that have worked out better for the Packers?

A. I don't necessarily think so. That was a time when we an opportunity to get Derrick Martin and we felt like he added a lot to our team, which he did.

Q. But you claimed Smith after you released him. If you didn't think he could play in August, why could he play in November?

A. Well, things change a lot between Week 1 and Week 10.

Q. Do you want linebacker Aaron Kampman back?

A. Sure.

Q. Will you make an effort to bring him back?

A. Sure.

Q. You think he's a good 3-4 outside linebacker?

A. Yeah, he's a good player. You can never have too many good players.

Q. Will you definitely make him an offer?

A. I'm sure we will. But we don't talk business.

Q. Will you ask linebacker A.J. Hawk to take a pay cut?

A. (chuckling) I'm not going to talk about that. But I would never talk about anything like that about one of our players. I'm a little insulted you'd ask.

Q. Will you bring in competition for Mason Crosby?

A. We bring in competition anytime we can find competition.

Q. But with the 80-man roster restriction, that's been an area where you've skimped a little, right?

A. Sure. We'll see. If we have somebody that can compete we will. We like Mason though.

Q. What's the one area you think the Packers need to be better to be at a Super Bowl level?

A. There's probably a lot of areas.

Q. There's got to be one thing that's foremost in your mind.

A. I'm sure there is.

Q. You're not going to tell me, are you?

A. No.

Q. What's the biggest regret you have during your tenure?

A. Oh. (Didn't answer).
Re: greatest QBs of all time, one thing that nobody (casual fans, quants, talking heads, anybody) ever mentions is how much weather affects QBs. Try to identify the following QBs (all of whom have played at some time between 1990 and 2009) from their career regular season home/away rating splits:

Quarterback A: 85.4/73.9
Quarterback B: 98.9/91.6
Quarterback C: 96.8/90.9
Quarterback D: 97.7/85.9
Quarterback E: 94.7/89.0
Quarterback F: 99.1/92.1
Quarterback G: 96.1/95.6
Quarterback H: 89.0/84.4
Quarterback I: 91.9/91.6
Quarterback J: 94.2/92.5
Quarterback K: 87.4/85.3
Quarterback L: 89.4/95.2

Quarterback A is John Elway.
Quarterback B is Peyton Manning.
Quarterback C is Kurt Warner.
Quarterback D is Matt Schaub.
Quarterback E is Drew Brees.
Quarterback F is Tony Romo.
Quarterback G is Philip Rivers.
Quarterback H is Brett Favre.
Quarterback I is Ben Roethlisberger.
Quarterback J is Tom Brady.
Quarterback K is Dan Marino.
Quarterback L is Joe Montana.

interesting that Montana was better on the road.

on a side note....i really think that trying to say who is the best QB of all time is pointless. there are too many variables.
Montana and Bradshaw have the best records because they have multiple wins vs. no losses. Brady, Staubach, Elway, Favre, also had losses. San Francisco is the ONLY team to go to multiple Super Bowls and have all victories vs. no losses making them the greatest SB team of all time.

Now that the parades and parties and all the expressions of oh how nice for New Orleans are over, how much this city needed this, etc....can we please now stop feeling sorry for them, and next year let teams both NFC and AFC be able to beat them without feeling guilty? Sorry but the media really overdid that storyline a bit IMO and I don't want to hear it anymore. Ever.

i am trying to think of a situation where this post makes sense.

my trying has failed.
I really think that trying to say who is the best QB of all time is pointless. there are too many variables.

I have to agree after all. There's no way to use Super Bowl wins to measure greatness alone. Is Mark Rypien a better QB than Marino? Plunkett better than Tarkenton? Warner better than Fouts?
that's why he's the head coach... he's good at delegating responsibility.

i have a video of michael strahan singing en vogue that i've considered posting on youtube, but it's fairly frightening.
bills won't be offering TO a contract

i think this pretty much paves his way to go back to the eagles
Looks like the Bears are trying to hit this free agency thing with some serious ferocity. I've always really liked Julius Peppers and will be very fucking happy if he signs with us. Do the right thing, Jules. Be the shepherd!
Looks like the Bears are trying to hit this free agency thing with some serious ferocity. I've always really liked Julius Peppers and will be very fucking happy if he signs with us. Do the right thing, Jules. Be the shepherd!

With hardly any picks in a very strong draft, this is essentially the Bears offseason these next 48 hours.
Wow, we did it. Peppers, along with Chester Taylor and Manumaleuna, two solid veteran offensive pieces.

Happy day!
Well, I'm not saying we're suddenly world beaters or anything. But that's a strong day of free agent signings. Improved certainly on defense, if only for Peppers' presence alone. Peter Piper picked a pack of pickled Peppers 12 sacks how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Time to get drunk.
A three-part Haiku honoring Speed Racer due to a lost interference bet:

It's true that I hate
Every New England sports fan
Except Speedracer

Why is he exempt?
Cos he's so charismatic
and clever to boot

He really loves stats
but hates skating announcers
Go Speedracer. Go.
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