Pauatahanui, New Zealand Superthread

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You'll be fine, I'm sure!

I actually had the first productive morning on my thesis in a long while. Hopefully it will continue through the afternoon (superthreading while researching ftw)
which program are you in here?

btw - march 29 for dst. 3 weeks after the us, weird.
ok, so I only listened to Winter now and I have to say I agree with those that said that the intro sounds a bit like Viva la Vida.

I finally heard VLV. It was on the radio one day while I was waiting for a U2 interview. Yeah, I totally see the Winter connection.

Incidentally, do you have a good copy of winter? My MP3 is shit quality.

You'll be fine, I'm sure!

I actually had the first productive morning on my thesis in a long while. Hopefully it will continue through the afternoon (superthreading while researching ftw)

I hope so!

Good to hear. :up:
You beat me to it.

I'm finishing my 3rd year of a phd (at hei).
aaah what's your focus? i'd consider the development program there, though right now i'm trying to figure out at my internship what kind of degrees people have who do what i wanna do...
I finally heard VLV. It was on the radio one day while I was waiting for a U2 interview. Yeah, I totally see the Winter connection.

Incidentally, do you have a good copy of winter? My MP3 is shit quality.

I have a 320 kbps version - shall I send it your way?
aaah what's your focus? i'd consider the development program there, though right now i'm trying to figure out at my internship what kind of degrees people have who do what i wanna do...

I'm in the polisci program, focusing on civil wars. I did my masters here and thought about going to the states for the phd because it's academically better there. however, as i want to do policy rather than stay in academia, i decided for a shorter program here and don't regret. it was also useful, as i started working a couple of years into the programme, which i wouldn't be able to do had i been in the states.

From my experience in IOs, a phd is not going to help you in the beginning of your career - you're better off with a masters + professional experience (specially in the field). however, it can be helpful some years down the road, usually when it's too late for you to take a break from work to start a phd.

i don't really know the development program - i would say, though, that you may be able to do most of what you would like to do in the development program in the polisci program as well if you have a doubt between both.
I'm in the polisci program, focusing on civil wars. I did my masters here and thought about going to the states for the phd because it's academically better there. however, as i want to do policy rather than stay in academia, i decided for a shorter program here and don't regret. it was also useful, as i started working a couple of years into the programme, which i wouldn't be able to do had i been in the states.

From my experience in IOs, a phd is not going to help you in the beginning of your career - you're better off with a masters + professional experience (specially in the field). however, it can be helpful some years down the road, usually when it's too late for you to take a break from work to start a phd.

i don't really know the development program - i would say, though, that you may be able to do most of what you would like to do in the development program in the polisci program as well if you have a doubt between both.

cool my undergrad thesis (which ax read haha) was on civil wars/rebel conflicts and natural resource exploitation.

i do not want a phd. the masters i'm looking at are the 1 year development management program at LSE (i just met someone in geneva who did it and loved it, i'm having lunch with her next week i think to chat about it), the development program at geneva (which i have a slight preference for over the regular one), maybe the humanitarian law thing in geneva, the Tufts (which is near boston) masters of arts in law and diplomacy. maybe the oxford refugee masters which i've heard is fairly common at unhcr along with law degrees which i have no interest in. but i'm not sure if i wanna go the UN route or the INGO route....
Bear with me, guys - I'm on a super slow VPN connection now. God, I hate these!
cool my undergrad thesis (which ax read haha) was on civil wars/rebel conflicts and natural resource exploitation.

i do not want a phd. the masters i'm looking at are the 1 year development management program at LSE (i just met someone in geneva who did it and loved it, i'm having lunch with her next week i think to chat about it), the development program at geneva (which i have a slight preference for over the regular one), maybe the humanitarian law thing in geneva, the Tufts (which is near boston) masters of arts in law and diplomacy. maybe the oxford refugee masters which i've heard is fairly common at unhcr along with law degrees which i have no interest in. but i'm not sure if i wanna go the UN route or the INGO route....

That sounds great. A friend of mine did the refugees master in oxford and enjoyed it and my wife is doing the international law programme at hei (which has a bit of IHL). I also have a friend who did the MA in Tufts you mentioned. I'd be happy to put you in contact with any of them if you want to find out more about the programmes.

Are you interning at unhcr, if I may ask?

btw, I'd love to read your undergrad thesis. You probably used some greed/grievance paul collier stuff there I assume.
That sounds great. A friend of mine did the refugees master in oxford and enjoyed it and my wife is doing the international law programme at hei (which has a bit of IHL). I also have a friend who did the MA in Tufts you mentioned. I'd be happy to put you in contact with any of them if you want to find out more about the programmes.

Are you interning at unhcr, if I may ask?

btw, I'd love to read your undergrad thesis. You probably used some greed/grievance paul collier stuff there I assume.
paul collier, jeremy weinstein, yup yup yup.

and yes, i'm at unhcr.
paul collier, jeremy weinstein, yup yup yup.

and yes, i'm at unhcr.

this is great. my thesis (at least the way i see it) is to some extent a rejoinder to weinstein. hopefully it will go as planed.

i'm at ohchr - we should definitely meet for coffee or something at some point!
this is great. my thesis (at least the way i see it) is to some extent a rejoinder to weinstein. hopefully it will go as planed.

i'm at ohchr - we should definitely meet for coffee or something at some point!
weinstein went to my undergraduate college. a friend of mine here studied under him at stanford which makes me jealous.

yes, we should. or lunch in the HCR caf (my intern budget means i hit the microwave there with leftovers every day)
weinstein went to my undergraduate college. a friend of mine here studied under him at stanford which makes me jealous.

yes, we should. or lunch in the HCR caf (my intern budget means i hit the microwave there with leftovers every day)

he's very good indeed!

sounds great! any day after this thursday works for me.

(and I'm not doing this for purity scores, btw!)
he's very good indeed!

sounds great! any day after this thursday works for me.

(and I'm not doing this for purity scores, btw!)
haha me neither, though i never have met a superthreader.

i could probably do friday if you want, but we should reconfirm later this week. and i have to make sure i don't need to be doing anything for international women's day that would interfere with lunch time.
haha me neither, though i never have met a superthreader.

i could probably do friday if you want, but we should reconfirm later this week. and i have to make sure i don't need to be doing anything for international women's day that would interfere with lunch time.

that works for me. let's confirm on thursday just in case? i can come up to your caf - some other time you should come down and see our beautiful (truly so) building...
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