Pauatahanui, New Zealand Superthread

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:lol: I already know all the stuff but wanted to look over it again. It's with the head office bigwig who I fainted on the other week!! Prolly can't make myself look any worse.


Cin :shame: :p
Morning, folks.

by the way, good morning, fly strikes!!


Did I tell youse about my birthday morning the other day? I had a freaking kangaroo in the backyard!! I'm dead-set not kidding. It was the greatest thing ever. We took pictures. They be somewhere on here or the camera still.
no, crazy ex roommate psycho bitch is making a move on my ex boyfriend, who i really care about and know is fairly emotionally vulnerable, and, included in an email exchange to a 3rd party about her progress with him, (i warned him she's a man eater) she said

"suck it, Vazza"

i forwarded the forward to him. i'm now waiting for the aftershock. hopefully it will knock some sense into his horny fucking head.
no, crazy ex roommate psycho bitch is making a move on my ex boyfriend, who i really care about and know is fairly emotionally vulnerable, and, included in an email exchange to a 3rd party about her progress with him, (i warned him she's a man eater) she said

"suck it, Vazza"

i forwarded the forward to him. i'm now waiting for the aftershock. hopefully it will knock some sense into his horny fucking head.

dude. :hug:
thanks guys :grouphug:

i really do care about him, and i did warn him that she's on the prowl for him and she's left every guy she's ever been with a wreck, seemingly on purpose. so it really pisses me off that he was doign this flirty email exchange with her that lead to the "suck it, vazza" forward. but hopefully that can be her undoing. will keep ya'll posted when he replies to my forward.
I'm so out of touch with ... the general progress of time. I just spent ages trying to figure out if today's Labour Day or not.

It's not. That's next week.
Forgive me for having debatably screwy priorities, but this means a long weekend, no?

Yes, though not for me, since the University doesn't observe it. I was wondering if I was getting screwed by having to go in today on a public holiday, or if my lack of appointments next Monday conveniently coincides with the holiday. I am glad to learn it is the latter.
Incidentally, southern Australian states, you're doing it wrong! Labour Day is the first Monday of May. May Day! Come on.
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