Alan Cross getting first listen to "Get Your Boots On"

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Good evening Alan, my name is Carlos, but some of my buddies call me Redrocks. :D
I like Cheeto's. Nice to meet you.

Puff Cheeto's...btw.
He probably can't find the new album boards. This place is tough to navigate.

Or maybe he's reading posts about himself and chuckling, brooding over his tidbits of knowledge.
looks like we will have to fight over him.

keep it nice peeples :D

:hyper: . . . the tension is making me loopy . . . and just when it looks like getting interesting I have to go out again . . .:scream: . . . will no doubt be into second thread by the time I get back so have a blast peeps . . . and if Alan pops in . . . say hi from me :)

pst . . . this may have already been posted but there's a new update on the twitter site . . . :reject: I signed up

'There will be news about a new ExploreMusic TV show/webcast very, very soon. Watch New Rock Music Discovery ExploreMusic for more. about 1 hour ago from web'

happy song watching . . . maybe song watching will become like the new bird watching???? :nerd:

This has got to be fake. Who on gods earth makes an account with their full name?
Yep indeed RaceAgainstTime it will be quite the week! I still remember clearly when I first got to listen the leak of ATYCLB and then the leak of Vertigo here at interference and back when I was in school still. I remember this place went nuts and the server shut down I think a couple of times. This time (for me) its so different cos I am in a totaly different possition in my life which is going to make this ten times more enjoyable then the other times! We are getting so close. Any day now perhaps even any hour :hyper::hyper::hyper:
That must have been exciting! I became a fan in 1998 so the first experience I had with a new U2 album was ATYCLB. This is the first time I've been so anxious about a new album though!!
Oh my god Alan Cross just viewed my profile!

(he hasn't already but it'd be funny if he did after this post :shifty:)


Alan, after you finish viewing pgv's profile, tell us if you liked the new single. A one word post of yes or no will suffice. We've had a bit of an outbreak here and you can help.

Thank you,

the interference nurses office
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