Foulness, Essex Superthread

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Ta :D

:lol: That would be awesome. There's a national Dinosaur Monument in America, and of course Dinosaur Cove in the Otways here...

Ooh, we have a Dinosaur Cove here?

I was wondering if there was a Dinosaur Volcano anywhere. :laugh:
Haha, no, not like you. Yeah, I mean the people who seem to lie in wait for a vaguely negative post and make a huge song and dance about it, and who just drag the forum further down into negativity by prattling on about how some other people are just too negative.

Not mentioning any names, but some of them MAY have numbers in their usernames.
Haha, no, not like you. Yeah, I mean the people who seem to lie in wait for a vaguely negative post and make a huge song and dance about it, and who just drag the forum further down into negativity by prattling on about how some other people are just too negative.

Hehe, fun...

I have this image of Forum Negativity, the Interference musical... It sounds a lot like the Guys and Dolls I remember from the Simpsons.
Ha! Oh god, you MUST find Liechtenstein beer. I wonder if Liechtenstein has any vineyards? I totally want Liechtenstein pinot noir. Though not now. I drank too much last night.

I didn't even know if you'd go for a chat thread. You'd just rock up and make a stunningly good point or a funny post and I really had no idea about you. Like I've always thought a couple of the other Aussie posters around the place would be awesome to have here, say somebody like Earnie Shavers, but I doubt they'd dig a chat thread. And I didn't expect you to. So it was a real pleasant surprise when you became a regular.

Heh, you know something? I'm going to order some import beers that I have no way of finding online for Christmas, and if there's a Liechtenstein one that looks good, I think I'll pick it up. :up:

Oh, I've always liked chat threads on any forum. You've probably picked that up from me by now, though! The other forum I go to regularly basically just is a chat forum these days. Threads derail quicker than they do here, but nobody cares. It's good stuff.
"Hello, my name is Mark and I'm one of the few people on earth who can make longer and more rambling speeches than Bono!"

Welcome to Speechifiers Anonymous, Mark! To welcome you to our august assemblage, I have prepared a few short words which I trust will guide you on your way to a life of conciseness and brevity, allowing you to express your thoughts and feelings with greater efficiency, and co-incidentally reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Because the Earth is our home, and we can't leave and find another planet when this one becomes uninhabitable... :blahblah:....

Yep, I've been there and all.

OMG. That would be way too cool. :drool: :nerd:

Do you go on annual pilgrimages there? Is it the accessway to the centre of the earth, where you keep all the dinosaurs?

Heh, you know something? I'm going to order some import beers that I have no way of finding online for Christmas, and if there's a Liechtenstein one that looks good, I think I'll pick it up. :up:

Oh, I've always liked chat threads on any forum. You've probably picked that up from me by now, though! The other forum I go to regularly basically just is a chat forum these days. Threads derail quicker than they do here, but nobody cares. It's good stuff.

Haha, awesome. One day, we should all go have drinks at the Kunstmuseum.

No, it seems like you detest chat threads, especially this load of self-important twaddle. :wink:
Do you go on annual pilgrimages there? Is it the accessway to the centre of the earth, where you keep all the dinosaurs?


I only went once... maybe twice... no, probably once. While I was doing the museum programme... they stopped digging there when they found the Inverloch site.
The tunnel into the cliff face was all boarded up, so there might be access to the centre of the earth there...! :ohmy:
I only went once... maybe twice... no, probably once. While I was doing the museum programme... they stopped digging there when they found the Inverloch site.
The tunnel into the cliff face was all boarded up, so there might be access to the centre of the earth there...! :ohmy:


I think this requires that we go on an expedition and find out exactly where the tunnel leads. Either it goes to the centre of the earth, or it's the way too many rabbits get into China.

I think this requires that we go on an expedition and find out exactly where the tunnel leads. Either it goes to the centre of the earth, or it's the way too many rabbits get into China.

BAHAHAHAHAAHA :lmao: I still find that ad hilarious.
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