Foulness, Essex Superthread

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Woah, Melissa, it's definitely been a while since you've been here! How are things going? Great to see you! :wave:

thanks!! :D I've been feeling fantastic! Apart from the fact that I've managed to pull some muscles in my neck and shoulder (went to physio today!) I'm feeling great :hyper: Just been on a great holiday up the coast, Sydney/Brisbane/Byron Bay (and few places in between!) for about 10 days .. hardly got any sleep, but it was awesome! :D

Hope you've been good too!

I've actually gotta go to bed, first day back at work tomorrow, ugh :sad: But I'll catch you guys soon, ok?

take care :wave:
Haha, I know. I'd like to know whose list out of the lot had the most albums that did NOT make the top 100. Probably me. I hope so anyway. That top 100 was fairly middling and mediocre. Looked like something any dull critic on their off-day could've made, plus a sprinkling of extra U2.

Yours did not disappoint on the shoegaze front. It made me happy.

Also, I'm working on the stats spreadsheet right now, and it's so odd dealing with everybody's screen names as I do it. Like I'm looking for "The Sad Punk", not Bonnie, or "bono_212", not Ashley. I'm so used to using everyone's real name.

Yeah, I felt sorry for Traviud because the list was such a yawnfest in the end. Any surprises in there were typically things I weren't interested in, even if I'm glad that Beav, some other guy and I managed to get Zen Arcade across the line. :fuckyeah:. But everytime a Zeppelin, Floyd or Stones album came up I was just like OH FUCK OFF, haha.

I really upped the ante with shoegaze there. Looking back, I probably should have put in more black people music. I'll do that for next year's competition. :silent:.

Yeah, it's weird. I noticed that looking through all the album lists, too. I don't like my screen name (although I put Trompe le Monde by the Pixies in my list for kicks, in the hope it'd push out the more overrated Pixies albums) so I was kind of surprised when I got to it. Aw well.
Ergo why you should all have your names in your usernames, idiots.

Or be popularly known by an abbreviation of your screen name, like Vazza, cin, and I are.

And as if you can talk! You have a different screen name just about everywhere. The Embryo, The Curtain, liamtreasure ...!
thanks!! :D I've been feeling fantastic! Apart from the fact that I've managed to pull some muscles in my neck and shoulder (went to physio today!) I'm feeling great :hyper: Just been on a great holiday up the coast, Sydney/Brisbane/Byron Bay (and few places in between!) for about 10 days .. hardly got any sleep, but it was awesome! :D

Hope you've been good too!

I've actually gotta go to bed, first day back at work tomorrow, ugh :sad: But I'll catch you guys soon, ok?

take care :wave:

Ooh, sounds good. I'm thinking of doing some travel soon, hopefully to South Australia, country Victoria, places like that. Just finished university for the year, so I'm feeling good!

Hope to see you again soon. If I remember correctly, you're a fellow Triffids fan, right? There are rumours of a Triffids gig in Melbourne early next year, so keep in touch so that you don't miss out!

G'night. :wave:
Yeah, I felt sorry for Traviud because the list was such a yawnfest in the end. Any surprises in there were typically things I weren't interested in, even if I'm glad that Beav, some other guy and I managed to get Zen Arcade across the line. :fuckyeah:. But everytime a Zeppelin, Floyd or Stones album came up I was just like OH FUCK OFF, haha.

I really upped the ante with shoegaze there. Looking back, I probably should have put in more black people music. I'll do that for next year's competition. :silent:.

Yeah, it's weird. I noticed that looking through all the album lists, too. I don't like my screen name (although I put Trompe le Monde by the Pixies in my list for kicks, in the hope it'd push out the more overrated Pixies albums) so I was kind of surprised when I got to it. Aw well.

The over-abundance of certain dinosaur acts and U2 and shit was a bit disappointing, albeit extremely predictable. B&C really does have this tendency towards just one spot on the musical spectrum. If you did the same thing on RYM, you'd probably come out with a crazily diverse chart. Well, I suppose they DO already have that, since all their charts are calculated from user rankings.

Heh, I was surprised when I took out a number of strong metal album contenders. Just wasn't feeling it. Like Wolves In The Throne Room were originally firmly in the list, but I took them out.

I remember the days when I still called you by your screen name. Now when I'm on other parts of the forum, it's weird to refer to other Superthreaders by their screen name. And blurgh, I've now reached the stats from the dark days.
The over-abundance of certain dinosaur acts and U2 and shit was a bit disappointing, albeit extremely predictable. B&C really does have this tendency towards just one spot on the musical spectrum. If you did the same thing on RYM, you'd probably come out with a crazily diverse chart. Well, I suppose they DO already have that, since all their charts are calculated from user rankings.

Heh, I was surprised when I took out a number of strong metal album contenders. Just wasn't feeling it. Like Wolves In The Throne Room were originally firmly in the list, but I took them out.

I remember the days when I still called you by your screen name. Now when I'm on other parts of the forum, it's weird to refer to other Superthreaders by their screen name. And blurgh, I've now reached the stats from the dark days.

Yeah, I guess I don't know what I was expecting. Maybe I had too much trust in B&C. Also, for someone with a generally decent music taste, I was surprised Traviud had Definitely Maybe so high on his list. Come on, that's like as bad as you saying you enjoy Coldplay more than Prince!

Wait, hang on. Nothing is as bad as that. But, you know? And why the fuck were the Strokes so high? What is this, 2001?

I have no problem with somebody calling me by my name anywhere on this forum. I'm just glad you don't call me Saddo anymore. That just felt weird.

Hang in there! Those days are over, buddy. We beat them.
Yeah, I guess I don't know what I was expecting. Maybe I had too much trust in B&C. Also, for someone with a generally decent music taste, I was surprised Traviud had Definitely Maybe so high on his list. Come on, that's like as bad as you saying you enjoy Coldplay more than Prince!

Wait, hang on. Nothing is as bad as that. But, you know? And why the fuck were the Strokes so high? What is this, 2001?

I have no problem with somebody calling me by my name anywhere on this forum. I'm just glad you don't call me Saddo anymore. That just felt weird.

Hang in there! Those days are over, buddy. We beat them.

Could've been interesting if a few of the more indie sorts had submitted lists. Though what would've been really sweet if the prog-inclined people had submitted more. I'd have appreciated some of that, even if it would've been the first wave of prog that I'm not so into, like Yes and whatnot rather than my third wave Dream Theater bullshit. And Coldplay, as much as I hate them, are CONSIDERABLY better than that nauseating Prince twunt.

Haha, it's funny, back then it felt weird for me to call you Bonnie. I have utterly no idea why! Maybe shyness or something.

And yeah, the days are over, but that doesn't make compiling the stats any more fun. And there's this awful blank area up the top in the Ian/Vazza/Khan rows. :(
Could've been interesting if a few of the more indie sorts had submitted lists. Though what would've been really sweet if the prog-inclined people had submitted more. I'd have appreciated some of that, even if it would've been the first wave of prog that I'm not so into, like Yes and whatnot rather than my third wave Dream Theater bullshit. And Coldplay, as much as I hate them, are CONSIDERABLY better than that nauseating Prince twunt.

Haha, it's funny, back then it felt weird for me to call you Bonnie. I have utterly no idea why! Maybe shyness or something.

And yeah, the days are over, but that doesn't make compiling the stats any more fun. And there's this awful blank area up the top in the Ian/Vazza/Khan rows. :(

Yeah, there were a few people on here with more unique tastes that I was really hoping would get some lists in. I hope we do another one within the next year. When Traviud's ready, anyway.

That's just fucking stupid, Ax. That's like saying that some 13 year old tosser on Deviantart who only traces pictures from animes is a better artist than Kandinsky ever was. You may not like Kandinsky, but you can still admit that he's more talented than this kid. Anyway, you're almost as white as U-Wen so I don't expect you to change. ;)

Yeah, I understand - it feels a little strange at first. Especially since we didn't know each other that well.

C'mon man, that shit is over. It's all cool now. It's cool.
Yeah, there were a few people on here with more unique tastes that I was really hoping would get some lists in. I hope we do another one within the next year. When Traviud's ready, anyway.

That's just fucking stupid, Ax. That's like saying that some 13 year old tosser on Deviantart who only traces pictures from animes is a better artist than Kandinsky ever was. You may not like Kandinsky, but you can still admit that he's more talented than this kid. Anyway, you're almost as white as U-Wen so I don't expect you to change. ;)

Yeah, I understand - it feels a little strange at first. Especially since we didn't know each other that well.

C'mon man, that shit is over. It's all cool now. It's cool.

Traviud probably wants nothing to do with numbers any more. :laugh: I hate to think how much it must've sucked to compile that list. Must admit, some of the U2 placings surprised me - namely Boy's failure to chart and ATYCLB doing better than WAR and ZOOROPA. Phail, Interference.

Prince just makes my skin crawl. He's unpleasant. Coldplay may bore me, but they do not make my skin crawl. Therefore, Prince is automatically worse. Plus Prince's falsetto is horrendous. Now, OK, Martin's may limp and struggle to do anything at all, but I'll take that over horrendous.

Yeah, plus I'd never really seen people using your real name, so I didn't know if you'd want me to use it or what. God, it'll be good to get these stats done. Ashley and I have 135 threads to cover. :crack:
Traviud probably wants nothing to do with numbers any more. :laugh: I hate to think how much it must've sucked to compile that list. Must admit, some of the U2 placings surprised me - namely Boy's failure to chart and ATYCLB doing better than WAR and ZOOROPA. Phail, Interference.

Prince just makes my skin crawl. He's unpleasant. Coldplay may bore me, but they do not make my skin crawl. Therefore, Prince is automatically worse. Plus Prince's falsetto is horrendous. Now, OK, Martin's may limp and struggle to do anything at all, but I'll take that over horrendous.

Yeah, plus I'd never really seen people using your real name, so I didn't know if you'd want me to use it or what. God, it'll be good to get these stats done. Ashley and I have 135 threads to cover. :crack:

Yeah, poor guy. I'm gonna buy him a beer whenever he's old enough/wants one. :up: He did a fucking ace job.

I was really surprised to see ATYLCKSALDSOGHB so high, and Boy nowhere in sight. Also, I thought Zooropa was pretty well loved on B&C, I really expected that to break the 50.

Fair enough. But you're only concentrating on his vocals. His musical compositions kick shit all over Coldplay, undeniably. But if you're choosing with what you'd rather listen to than examine, sure. Haha, music to examine rather than to listen to. This is where the conversation turns into tossery.

Pfft, I let people use my real name all the time online. I just don't let them write my address, phone number and bank card number! Good luck with all that. Maybe you should ask Traviud to do some of it, he's probably not sick of boring statistical work yet!
Yeah, poor guy. I'm gonna buy him a beer whenever he's old enough/wants one. :up: He did a fucking ace job.

I was really surprised to see ATYLCKSALDSOGHB so high, and Boy nowhere in sight. Also, I thought Zooropa was pretty well loved on B&C, I really expected that to break the 50.

Fair enough. But you're only concentrating on his vocals. His musical compositions kick shit all over Coldplay, undeniably. But if you're choosing with what you'd rather listen to than examine, sure. Haha, music to examine rather than to listen to. This is where the conversation turns into tossery.

Pfft, I let people use my real name all the time online. I just don't let them write my address, phone number and bank card number! Good luck with all that. Maybe you should ask Traviud to do some of it, he's probably not sick of boring statistical work yet!

Ah, but the big question is: how exotic a beer?

At least Pop placed highly, despite the whiny agitation of some. I mean, it wasn't a surprise, given all the Pop lovers, but still, it beat out ATYCLB. Take that, EYKIW apologists! B&C isn't totally silly. And oh yeah, I absolutely based all my listing on favourites. I think trying to make "best" lists in music is honestly kind of ridiculous, and I should really remove from my vocabulary any of the word in regards to music. But I'll concede the point on Prince's compositions. Some of his songs are good. The non-sleazy ones. On an early PT EP, SW covers The Cross and it's great.

Before the Superthread, I think I'd only seen your real name used once or twice, in the AFL threads! I don't think I knew anything about you before the start of this year.
Ah, but the big question is: how exotic a beer?

At least Pop placed highly, despite the whiny agitation of some. I mean, it wasn't a surprise, given all the Pop lovers, but still, it beat out ATYCLB. Take that, EYKIW apologists! B&C isn't totally silly. And oh yeah, I absolutely based all my listing on favourites. I think trying to make "best" lists in music is honestly kind of ridiculous, and I should really remove from my vocabulary any of the word in regards to music. But I'll concede the point on Prince's compositions. Some of his songs are good. The non-sleazy ones. On an early PT EP, SW covers The Cross and it's great.

Before the Superthread, I think I'd only seen your real name used once or twice, in the AFL threads! I don't think I knew anything about you before the start of this year.

I suppose I'll start him out with something from Liechtenstein!

Yeah, I wasn't surprised seeing Pop that high. I was hoping Zooropa would get higher, but as long as one of them would beat ATYCLSOABF, that's all good.

Well, I only had a couple hundred posts on the board, and the Superthread was a great break for me because I didn't really know anyone that well up to that point. All I knew is that this guy called Axver was a real complete prick with a lot of knowledge, and I had to know more. I thought you were the king of the goddamn forum, so imagine seeing you asking me to pop by the Superthread. The start of a beautiful relationship.
Ali! Happy birthday (again)!

Yes, we were thinking we should totally find a dinosaur-themed location for a birthday Superthread in your honour. :lol:
Ali! Happy birthday (again)!

Yes, we were thinking we should totally find a dinosaur-themed location for a birthday Superthread in your honour. :lol:

Ta :D

:lol: That would be awesome. There's a national Dinosaur Monument in America, and of course Dinosaur Cove in the Otways here...
Can I also add, if I'd been in on that top 100 thing, the Triffids would definitely have been there. As would Skipping Girl Vinegar. I bought the album, and there's no filler on it - one of the few albums I own that doesn't have a track I'd skip!
U-Wen! :wave:

I like that we've proved we can actually be quite positive about U2, in the Rejoice vs Refugee thread, and it's gone totally ignored by the "waaahhh EYKIW's so negative" crowd.
Can I also add, if I'd been in on that top 100 thing, the Triffids would definitely have been there. As would Skipping Girl Vinegar. I bought the album, and there's no filler on it - one of the few albums I own that doesn't have a track I'd skip!

All the filler was at the album launch.. :|
U-Wen! :wave:

I like that we've proved we can actually be quite positive about U2, in the Rejoice vs Refugee thread, and it's gone totally ignored by the "waaahhh EYKIW's so negative" crowd.

That would be people like me, then? Or is that the crowd that can't stop posting about how -ve it is rather than just... not posting...?
I suppose I'll start him out with something from Liechtenstein!

Yeah, I wasn't surprised seeing Pop that high. I was hoping Zooropa would get higher, but as long as one of them would beat ATYCLSOABF, that's all good.

Well, I only had a couple hundred posts on the board, and the Superthread was a great break for me because I didn't really know anyone that well up to that point. All I knew is that this guy called Axver was a real complete prick with a lot of knowledge, and I had to know more. I thought you were the king of the goddamn forum, so imagine seeing you asking me to pop by the Superthread. The start of a beautiful relationship.

Ha! Oh god, you MUST find Liechtenstein beer. I wonder if Liechtenstein has any vineyards? I totally want Liechtenstein pinot noir. Though not now. I drank too much last night.

I didn't even know if you'd go for a chat thread. You'd just rock up and make a stunningly good point or a funny post and I really had no idea about you. Like I've always thought a couple of the other Aussie posters around the place would be awesome to have here, say somebody like Earnie Shavers, but I doubt they'd dig a chat thread. And I didn't expect you to. So it was a real pleasant surprise when you became a regular.
That would be people like me, then? Or is that the crowd that can't stop posting about how -ve it is rather than just... not posting...?

Haha, no, not like you. Yeah, I mean the people who seem to lie in wait for a vaguely negative post and make a huge song and dance about it, and who just drag the forum further down into negativity by prattling on about how some other people are just too negative.
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