Toronto Setlist Party

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Blue Crack Addict
Mar 6, 2010
Puerto Rico

I hear the line nazis are blocking fans on Twitter, and some people are very comfortable in GA. Lumineers should be starting soon.

I hear the line nazis are blocking fans on Twitter

kinda happy there's only a week and just a few shows to go.

/blows up inflatable couch and sits down right right in front of PR
Anyone know if they ended up opening the roof? (Kinda enjoying my Friday night so I'm a bit out of the loop)
there was an image floating around that said they were going to start at 830, which is right about now.
I'm growing more concerned Foxboro GA is going to be a shit show. Am I being dramatic?
Rogers Centre - Toronto, ON - June 23, 2017

---------- The Whole of the Moon ----------
01 - Sunday Bloody Sunday
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