I hate people who litter

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Rock n' Roll Doggie
Jan 19, 2001
s p o r a t i c
I really do.

What is worse are the smokers who throw butts on the ground.

I am going to start a new campaign and follow smokers and when they throw the butt on the ground quickly ask them, "Who do you think is going to pick that up?"

That is my biggest gripe, who do litterers expect to pick their trash up they throw on the ground???

Now that the smoking ban is in effect in NYC, there are butts everywhere.

Do not get me wrong, I have nothing wrong with smoking per se, I just hate litter...

i do too. it annoys the crap out of me.

i mean for the love of god, walk a half a block to the freaking garbage can, loser.

littering :down:
I hate that too-and it's not just in cities. People even do it in parks that our tax money is paying for. Lottery tickets, beer cans, coffee cups, etc-ugh!

People are so LAZY :madspit: and so completely disrespectful of the environment.
I have a smoker friend who absolutely refuses to throw out a cigarette on the ground. So he carefully puts it out and then carefully disposes of it in the nearest available garbage can. So a few weeks ago in Seattle he did exactly this while we were waiting at a bus stop. Suddenly, the garbage can burst into flames. :huh:
I can't stand litterers either. It seems to be common practice for smokers to just toss their butts onto the ground, even if there's a trash can or ash tray within 50 feet. :mad: I especially love when they just toss them out of their car window while driving. Sometimes I honk at them.
Diemen said:
I can't stand litterers either. It seems to be common practice for smokers to just toss their butts onto the ground, even if there's a trash can or ash tray within 50 feet. :mad: I especially love when they just toss them out of their car window while driving. Sometimes I honk at them.

AARGH! This drives me bugshit! I mean, you smoke IN your car, so put the freaking thing OUT IN YOUR CAR! What, does throwing it out the window, into possibly dry brush which will then catch fire, keep your car from smelling like a bar at 3am? Nooooooooo:mad:
I hate people who litter too. Ugh. At college there are always people giving out flyers advertising club nights and such, and people take them and then just throw them on the ground. By the end of the afternoon you can barely see the floor for all the flyers. :mad:

I just feel sorry for the people who's job it is to clean it all up.
Diemen said:
I can't stand litterers either. It seems to be common practice for smokers to just toss their butts onto the ground, even if there's a trash can or ash tray within 50 feet. :mad: I especially love when they just toss them out of their car window while driving. Sometimes I honk at them.

I honk, too. I mean, the last two years we've had devastating droughts out here in the Southwest, with fires popping up everywhere, and when I'd see those out-of-state cars throwing butts out the window I used to honk and sometimes worse.
ouizy said:
Now that the smoking ban is in effect in NYC

oh my goodness. lmao.

do you know how many raving, drunken e mails i receive regarding this ban?
my brother has gone completely insane because of it.
I hate it when people flick their cigarette butts out of their cars while they are driving...especially when they hit my windshield and make me jump a mile. :crack:

I asked my friend why she didn't just put her cigarette in the ashtray of her car. Her answer?

"I don't want that junk in my car."

Yeah...much better to throw "that junk" out where it doesn't belong.

When I worked at 7-Eleven, I used to have to sweep up the cigarette butts in the parking lot. As I was doing it, a couple guys laughed at me and threw their butts on the ground..."Here are some more for you, sweetheart!"

Today while I was waiting for my train to go home, I saw this kid drop this soda cap onto the floor. Any decent human being would bend down, pick it up and then dispose of it. NOOOO, this dumb ass has to kick it onto the tracks where I presume it probably fell down onto the streets. I hope no one got hurt but it pisses me off so when people are too lazy to throw thing away. :mad: :mad:

Same shit with cigarette butts. It's not TOO hard to throw it into the garbage can right? AH! Alas it is so they toss it onto the floor. Same with flyers, plastic wrap from products and other things alike.

My school we recently discovered is infested w/ pests such as mice and ants. :madspit: We have them as neighbors in my Gothic Fiction class... the cause of all this? Food, junk food, gum, wrappers, empty soda bottles all stuffed into the desks. :mad:

Lazy ass bums... it infuriates me so that sometimes I wish the ants would crawl onto them and eat them alive. :yes:
One day I was at a gas station and this woman was driving her car out of the place (I assume she'd just filled the car, whatever). She rolled the window down like 4 inches and blatantly threw all this crap out of her window--a fast food bag and wrappers and cup! I was so freaking shocked I just stood there with my mouth open! It was as if she was all alone in the world--just nuts! Had I been a little less floored, I prolly woulda shouted at her......I hope!
And just cuz we're sharing shit that pisses us off...here's some more:

People who park in handicapped spaces...when they're not! I yelled at some guy one day for that--boy was he guilty and embarassed. He ran away from me! And I don't think I'm all that threatening!

And when people leave their pets in the car. Um, if you can't take the dog into the store, leave him at home! And if it's too destructive and will tear up the furniture if left home alone, either take it to obedience school or DON'T HAVE ONE!

k, done on my little soapbox. ty
haha great thread for ranting :D
I completely agree with everything you all say. ESPECIALLY people who throw butts out car windows :mad: What makes me even madder is the fact that when a couple of summers ago we were having a particularly bad bushfire season, the government introduced an on the spot $200 fine for throwing butts out a car window. BUT PEOPLE KEPT DOING IT! One summer, I think it was last year, I was driving home from work through a place called Eastern Creek which is notorious for scrub and brush fires. On the freeway especially, there'd be a fire every couple of days. This day, the traffic was crawling through as the firies were all over the place containing a vicious one when the car in front of me threw one out. I honked at him and he flipped the bird at me. A while later, his passenger did the same so I honked again. They thought I had road rage from the slow traffic and yelled out the window to me about the fires and the fire trucks slowing every one down!! I just yelled back to them "$400, arseholes"

:rant: :yell: :rant:
If you throw anything on the street in Singapore, flyers, junk, whatever, be prepared to pay 500 $. This city is so totally clean. It?s nice, but... would you like to live there.

I like to smoke in bed *lights another cigarette*
Nope.. I dont want my room and clothes to smell like smoke.

I smoke in the living room. :wink:
FizzingWhizzbees said:
I hate people who litter too. Ugh. At college there are always people giving out flyers advertising club nights and such, and people take them and then just throw them on the ground. By the end of the afternoon you can barely see the floor for all the flyers. :mad:

That happens at my uni too. You'd think that with all the fees we have to pay, they could at least put some recycling bins in. There must be so much plastic, aluminium etc as well just lying around ... :ohmy:
Sicy said:
:hmm: I never smoke in bed :shame:

You might have to get used to it :D ;)

I hereby announce that Prosecco in bed mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmh tastey tastey

*goes to the living room to puff*
my parents just had a not so nice time travelling to Lightning Ridge in Australia. Funnily enough my local radio guy Martin, went there for the long weekend. He commented on the unsightly trail of beer bottles all along the road side:( and said he and his friend had discussed possible solutions. They thought to maybe appeal to the male competitive nature, they erect a set of football type goal post on the road side and encourage the drinkers to aim their bottles there. At least it would restrict the clean-up task to a smaller area.
Putting your hand in or even just looking at something unpleasant, previous picnicers have left in a beautiful place is very distressing imho. :shame:
:down: people who litter.
I have seen garden beds in the city, brim full of cigarette butts. Poor plants:( Nicotine is so toxic, a baby can die if it chews on a butt. You can soak butts in water and use it as a very effective bug spray in the garden. I smoke, I try to respect non-smokers and dispose of my butts thoughtfully.

I hope no one punches ya ouizy...go for it...good luck.
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