How Old Is To Old Or Young?

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Blue Crack Addict
Dec 28, 2005
Heaven In Alberta, Where We Got All Hell For A Bas
Well for the last 3 and a half weeks I've been getting in a relationship with a guy. He's 19. Goes to The Local Collage and drives. This is the longest thing ive had in like a year almost seriously! I don't think hes only in it for the s.e.x because we haven't even mentioned it a lot. I'm 16 and he's 19. I don't think its too old and my parents don't seem to mind, nether do his but his parents live in the maritimes of canada (like p.e.i and nova scotia). He doesn't live in his own! He lives with his aunt and uncle. They havent really met me but they've seen me around and they probably think im to young or that i look to young or something cause they left him this weird note. I just don't know, i really don't think it'll stop us from anything but how old is to old. . .
I would say that the younger you are, the bigger a difference there is between ages. Y'all are currently at different stages in your lives, whereas if you were 36 and he were 39 you'd be essentially at the same level.

That being said, I think it depends on the people in the relationship and the gap in maturity (and I mean maturity in multiple senses of the term). :shrug:

Sorry it's not really a definite answer, because I don't think there is one to this.
U2democrat said:
I would say that the younger you are, the bigger a difference there is between ages.

Totally agree with this. When you're young it makes a difference. I dont think its that bad though. I think when I was 15 I dated a guy that was 18 and it went ok. We never had sex, he understood that I was young and not ready yet.
It seems you're concerned about the age, and it's your opinion which matters. It's ok to say it's too much for you to manage right now.
I think age only matters for the people outside the relationship...
You can't controll who you fall in love with, so love isn't bound by age... ok, 12 and 20 would be pretty sick, but that's because in the teenage years you grow a lot, physically and socially... your mind develops and you get more worldwise.. in Holland the age for a minor to have a relationship with someone over 18 is 16, and I think taht's a good age... around 16 you should be wise enough not to do most stupid things, and I think you should give it a try and see if your relationship works out :)
Mr. BAW said:
The question is, are you and the friend mature enough to accept the consequences of whatever might happen...

we've got this coverd. lol

yeah im fine with it. the relationship is good! we're complete opposites though. hes very quiet and im very outgoing and like wild you could say. i think he'll more or less calm me down. :)

i agree you can't control who you love lol.
I'd say that three years is nothing. As long as you're comfortable and he's comfortable, there's no problem. But, I've never been one to worry about ages either. I've seen someone who was well over my age, and it was never an issue.
U2democrat said:
I would say that the younger you are, the bigger a difference there is between ages. Y'all are currently at different stages in your lives, whereas if you were 36 and he were 39 you'd be essentially at the same level.

That being said, I think it depends on the people in the relationship and the gap in maturity (and I mean maturity in multiple senses of the term). :shrug:

Sorry it's not really a definite answer, because I don't think there is one to this.

I happen to agree with this. So much happens when you're a teenager that you or your hormones don't quite understand how to react.

Getting rejected in my teen years was a hell of a lot harder than getting rejected after 23/24. Of course now I don't seem to get rejected at all ;) Same thing when dealing with personal issues as a couple at your age. Something that's a big deal at age 16/17/18, ain't shit when you're 30.

The pressure is going to come from his friends and family (and yours too, although I think you're in the better situation, dating up rather than down).

It really shouldn't matter, and what should is if you're happy. Enjoy the good times now.
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I don't think a 19 year old guy should be dating a 16 year old girl. Eventually, the 19 year old guy is going to want to do the wild thing. The 16 year old girl should be dating a guy that's 16 or 17.
Newsflash, 16 and 17 year old guys want to do the wild thing too.
Sicy said:
Newsflash, 16 and 17 year old guys want to do the wild thing too.

True that. :shifty:

Age stops being an issue once you finish your education, IMO. Long-distance relationships suck, and it would be unrealistic to expect a guy to be faithful to his girl for 2 or 3 years while she finishes high school, with only occasional communication between the two. He may be scum for cheating on her, but it's not exactly a stretch to figure why he would. :|
U2isthebest said:

Excuse me? You are my husband!:mad: Now I find out you're whoring it out to every one?

Wait, you are my husband right?:uhoh:

I always forget how those IO relationships go...

Am I now? :shifty:

i forgot too

Ahem...just clearing my throat. :uhoh:
MrPryck2U said:
I don't think a 19 year old guy should be dating a 16 year old girl. Eventually, the 19 year old guy is going to want to do the wild thing. The 16 year old girl should be dating a guy that's 16 or 17.

you gotta be kidding me right!?!?!?
please remove me from the room as i am about to burst out in laughter!!!
please tell me you have kids, and that they're my age. . .if so you need to talk with them now!
no offence. . .
RedrocksU2 said:
I actually always had a thing for older ladies.:shrug:

my first crush; my HS English teacher :drool:

Miss MacPhee, my Grade 11 Canadian History teacher :drool:

Definitely not my first waited a damn long time if it took you until high school! :lol:

I say go for it Kayla, if you really like this dude and he likes you. I dated a 24-year old when I was 19 and it worked out great for about 8 months (till she left for the summer, but that's a whole other story). Age doesn't really matter as long as you both understand the differences and are willing to accept them and work within and around them. Don't do anything you don't want to, and tell him you've got about 20 guys who will come kick his ass if he screws around :madwife:

But FYI, it is REALLY hard to have a relationship with someone who still lives with his/her parents if the parents don't approve, so do everything you possibly can to get them to like you. Trust me, it is not fun at all to go over to your girl's house and be constantly watched by people you know don't like you and are just waiting for you to do something foolish. I had a girlfriend in high school who's parents HATED me (her little brother walked in on us, during what was the first time for both of us, and told her parents - I corrupted their little girl in their eyes). And dad was a contractor who liked to go hunting and was an amateur boxer :yikes:
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