U2 by U2 in Paperback

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War Child
Oct 12, 2003
Just wanted to let you guys know that U2 by U2 will be coming out in paperback in October. I thought perhaps there might be a few of you out there who, like myself, were holding out on buying this book because of the price.

Pre-order link at Amazon
I'm really annoyed I didn't hold out for this - thats quite alot cheaper than I thought it would be.

love2bmama said:
not only that, but it will be heck of a lot easier to hold! Trying to read that thing in bed is :yikes:

I'm actually only about 50 pages into mine because it isn't the kind of thing I just leave out nearby and pick up when I have a moment. :reject:
Yeah, that's why it took so long for me to read, too. I also had a beef with the pages that had the text over a dark color. I don't like to squint to have to read something.

have you guys tried to read the beatles book? that one is even worse than u2 by u2.
are you talking about that big one that's comparable in size to U2 By U2? With a silver colored background?

I got it as a Christmas present back when it came up. I have still never read it.

yeah, thats the one.

its supposed to be written by the beatles themselves too.

i dont think its possible to read it. the format is such a pain in the ass.
It's like trying to read a website with dark blue text on a black screen, and the background has dancing teddy bears or something underneath all the text.

:tsk: Poor design.
exactly, there's absolutely no way you can read that crap.
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I have both the Beatles and U2 books, and both are extremely difficult to read on some pages. The Beatles one even has a page (or more) with handwriting in the background, then the text over top. :crack:
U2 by U2 is a great read, though. It helps to prop it up on pillows to lighten the load. lol
At times, it feels like you're sitting in the room with them as they talk amongst themselves. I enjoy it. I'm very interested to see how it looks in softcover.
Bonochick said:

I'm actually only about 50 pages into mine because it isn't the kind of thing I just leave out nearby and pick up when I have a moment. :reject:

Left mine in the bathroom and finished it in a couple of months. :shifty:
Utoo said:

Left mine in the bathroom and finished it in a couple of months. :shifty:

saved a few bucks on toilet paper those two months, eh?

i think you should have given it a chance, it's not THAT bad.
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