ZooTV Sydney and PopMart Mexico DVD tree!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.

Achtung Ya'll

War Child
Jun 12, 2000
North Carolina
Well I finally got ahold of these in the mail the other day!

So it's time to start a tree for everyone else out there!

The Sydney disc is the laserdisc rip so it's much better quality than going from VHS>DVD and the Mexico City disc is from the raw DSS feed>DVD...which is the complete version of the concert.

Chrisedge knows more about it so I'm sure he'll be able to fill us in in this thread.

The first five people to reply will be put on my branch and I expect each of you to at least offer 1 or more copies back up to the tree when you receive yours :).

I will hopefully be able to get these out by the end of the week (it's a lot to burn plus I'm going to try to print onto the discs so they look better :) ).

Also note that I will most likely NOT be replying to this thread til tomorrow so don't panic.

If you have any questions email me at zwp1@msstate.edu

Regarding legalities..this particular version of the PopMart dvd was never commercially released so I assume that's ok. As for the Sydney DVD, I'm not posting any links or anything to it so I think we're comfortably in the gray area. If I am mistaken please let me know. Thanks!
I appreciate the effort of sharing, but I'd say the Sydney is a definite no-no. To me, it's the equivalant of converting The Joshua Tree from tape to CD and distributing it. Just me $.02, but I'm not a lawyer or worse yet... a mod. I kid, I kid.

Take care.
Anything that you can purchase at the store, etc (commercial)
will not be allowed to be shared, unfortunately. :slant:
Well, I guess I need to finish the "Definative Verison" of Sydney soon so we can share that. Complete PPV from SVHS master including TTTYAATW and the confessionals.

Achtung Ya'll said:
ok gotcha.....then just PopMart it is....

still no replies...so I guess nobody wants it :(
No my friend, don´t worry, I think fans are confuzed because they have mixed feelings about getting official stuff by sharing :confused:

I´m so interested in Sidney 1993 DVD :drool: ;) but I don´t have a DVD burner :sad: :(


Gracias :wave:
willing to join in with the British tree here, all I'd need is a DVD burner and some basic DVD-Rs (£1 each) right?
RA-D said:
willing to join in with the British tree here, all I'd need is a DVD burner and some basic DVD-Rs (£1 each) right?

Yes, you'd send a B&P package to Achtung Ya'll (or he'll just send out copies, not sure of his plans), then when you get your DVD you'd come back here and offer to burn copies for at least one more person.
Just an update...I'm almost finished burning all the discs.

I am not taking any more requests. I'm simply overwhelmed.

So if you want a copy you'll have to ask someone else. Those of you that can contribute back...if you could start taking names that'd be great!

Also I'm dead broke so these won't be able to be mailed off til the end of the month (not far off). Thanks!
BRITISH ONLY: Anyone interested in these, once I recieve the discs from Mr Achtung email me. Achtung Y'all, do you wish us to pay the price of postage, which I'm sure we'd all be more than willing to do? If so, let us know if you have a paypal account.

again, BRITS ONLY: rodgerdavies at gmail dot com . If recieved in time, i will be able to mail out copies on April 15/16

Thanks again for your time Mr Ya'll
I will buy a burner for at least one of these. I have Sidney ZooTV on VHS so maybe I can legally have a copy, PoPmart, I only have X2 in my memory which isn't so good anymore. I anyone will contribute I'll pass it on.
Jusat a thanks for Achtung! Once I get Ill be glad to post here and offer some copies as well ;)
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