You've heard GET ON YOUR BOOTS? - Post all thoughts, reviews, discussion HERE Part 4

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really cant get over the hatred of this song already, all some people seem to wanna do is keep slagging it off and going on about how much all their friends hate it etc etc

maybe the band shouldnt even bother,

it's their job to bother otherwise they better call it quits:wink:
Btw, forgot to say:
Played to six persons today:
6 friends of my age (17): two Metallica-Nirvana-Pink Floyd fans (but one is also a Bob Marley, Dylan fan). Three casual radio listeners and a girl, also casual radio listener.

One of the casual listeners loved it and already downloaded it.
Two of the three casual listeners liked it a lot. (one of them being the girl)
The other casual listener didn't like it, but didn't showed a hate feeing. Just said he didn't liked it and would probably change the station if it started to play on the car.
The Marley-Dylan-Nirvana-Pink Floyd-Metallica fan found it interesting and a lot better than BD or Vertigo
The other Pink Floyd-Nirvana-Metallica fan hate it.
of all the beach clips i heard, this was the most interesting sounding song, but not my favorite (of the 5 beach clips i heard). i know this song won't be the strongest on the album. i mean, look at achtung baby- the fly was the first single and a short time after, one was getting radio play and is now considered one of their best songs. you have to look at it in the same vein as the fly. it is my opinion that they released this song as an attention-getter, nothing more, and the album will reel us all back in.
OK, I've listened to it a bunch and GOYB doesn't hold a candle to anything on Achtung Baby or Pop. Its trying to Vertigo x2. Oh come on with the crappy chorus. "sexy boots" come on... Your fans aren't freakin' 15 years old any more.... If I weren't a biased U2 fan, I'd say its crap. My wife who is a biased U2 fan said its crap... Its a shame.... Where did the U2 of AchtungBaby, Unforgettable Fire, Pop go, anybody know??? I think they are lost...

I'm sorry I'm going to clean my ears out with some real rock music now...
I love the song. It doesn't need to be a "genius" song; I'm just glad U2 are back.

Here here. The song is great as a single. Will it be my favourite track in 3 months time, probably not. Would I want 11 tracks in a similar vein, er no.

I am loving the fact that it is causing such division amongst fans. Time for us all to be tested again.

Am I happy that the boys are back and 2009 is going to be all the better for it - OH YES :D
OK, I've listened to it a bunch and GOYB doesn't hold a candle to anything on Achtung Baby or Pop. Its trying to Vertigo x2. Oh come on with the crappy chorus. "sexy boots" come on... Your fans aren't freakin' 15 years old any more.... If I weren't a biased U2 fan, I'd say its crap. My wife who is a biased U2 fan said its crap... Its a shame.... Where did the U2 of AchtungBaby, Unforgettable Fire, Pop go, anybody know??? I think they are lost...

I'm sorry I'm going to clean my ears out with some real rock music now...

Again....strong arguments

And I thought Pitchfork was the worst thing around. :lol:
it is my opinion that they released this song as an attention-getter, nothing more, and the album will reel us all back in.

Can you imagine that they would talk about With or without you like that.

Edge:shouldnt we put streets out first and then reel the fans back in with the Tree?
Larry: let's put out WOWY out first. it will get us airplay but we save the special ones for the album.


6 weeks and we will know
OK, I've listened to it a bunch and GOYB doesn't hold a candle to anything on Achtung Baby or Pop. Its trying to Vertigo x2. Oh come on with the crappy chorus. "sexy boots" come on... Your fans aren't freakin' 15 years old any more.... If I weren't a biased U2 fan, I'd say its crap. My wife who is a biased U2 fan said its crap... Its a shame.... Where did the U2 of AchtungBaby, Unforgettable Fire, Pop go, anybody know??? I think they are lost...

I'm sorry I'm going to clean my ears out with some real rock music now...

I rest my case
I told my friend to listen to Boots and he sent me a reply saying

"Hard rock FTW"

So the Guns n Roses fans like it then :wink:
Btw, forgot to say:
Played to six persons today:
6 friends of my age (17): two Metallica-Nirvana-Pink Floyd fans (but one is also a Bob Marley, Dylan fan). Three casual radio listeners and a girl, also casual radio listener.

One of the casual listeners loved it and already downloaded it.
Two of the three casual listeners liked it a lot. (one of them being the girl)
The other casual listener didn't like it, but didn't showed a hate feeing. Just said he didn't liked it and would probably change the station if it started to play on the car.
The Marley-Dylan-Nirvana-Pink Floyd-Metallica fan found it interesting and a lot better than BD or Vertigo
The other Pink Floyd-Nirvana-Metallica fan hate it.

Intriguing reactions going on there. :hmm:
OK, I've listened to it a bunch and GOYB doesn't hold a candle to anything on Achtung Baby or Pop. Its trying to Vertigo x2. Oh come on with the crappy chorus. "sexy boots" come on... Your fans aren't freakin' 15 years old any more.... If I weren't a biased U2 fan, I'd say its crap. My wife who is a biased U2 fan said its crap... Its a shame.... Where did the U2 of AchtungBaby, Unforgettable Fire, Pop go, anybody know??? I think they are lost...

I'm sorry I'm going to clean my ears out with some real rock music now...

They are not lost. They went to the south of france to drown out their last bit of rock 'n roll in sunny Cote d'Ázur.

I agree with you concerning the rest. A shame it is indeed.:|
They are not lost. They went to the south of france to drown out their last bit of rock 'n roll in sunny Cote d'Ázur.

I agree with you concerning the rest. A shame it is indeed.:|

I can't believe so many people are jumping ship after listening to one song for 3 days. Have you all not seen the thread re the reaction to the fly>?

one comment called for 4 caskets to be built, because U2 was dead.

For fuck's sake will you all get a grip and wait to hear the album, and give it time to sink in.

I'm going fucking insane listening to this asonine drivel
I don't understand the arguement that the people who don't like it are using concerning the use of "sexy" by Bono or U2 because of their age. WTF people in their 40's are too old to sing/write/appreciate something sexy?
One problem is that is been over 4 years since anything new has come out... Too long, people lose interest, find other things, other music, etc.... Sorry, its not the worst thing by U2 (Maybe A Man and A Woman wins that one), but its not the best... I'd say 5/10... Out of the 1st releases from JT on how would you rate it??? Id say it would be a close last place race between GOYB and Numb right? WOWY, Desire, Fly, BD and V all better right?? You'd have to agree with that right... So that the dissapointment...

This ain't no Fly, where you were like "WTF??" in a good way... This is like "WTF??" in a bad way...
here's a theory for you all. I think the reason 80's and 90's U2 was consistent and amazing is because of the times. Music wasn't only geared towards teenagers, and anyone could get famous and make it based purely on the quality of their music...well 80's was just the beginning of the end with MTV, but that didn't really start affecting the musical landscape til the late 90's i'd say. Today, music is aimed right at kids, and let's face it, the kids today are all about instant gratification, and most kids i talk to are pretty slow and have no interest in history or anything that requires them to think. This is why U2's music has become corny and in=your-face, lacking subtlety, whether it is conscious or not, the music of today has rubbed off on U2. That said, i still like GYOB for what it is. I'm hoping that's the only song off this album that somewhat panders to the LCD of listeners today.
One problem is that is been over 4 years since anything new has come out... Too long, people lose interest, find other things, other music, etc.... Sorry, its not the worst thing by U2 (Maybe A Man and A Woman wins that one), but its not the best... I'd say 5/10... Out of the 1st releases from JT on how would you rate it??? Id say it would be a close last place race between GOYB and Numb right? WOWY, Desire, Fly, BD and V all better right?? You'd have to agree with that right... So that the dissapointment...

This ain't no Fly, where you were like "WTF??" in a good way... This is like "WTF??" in a bad way...

maybe for yoy but not everybody
One problem is that is been over 4 years since anything new has come out... Too long, people lose interest, find other things, other music, etc.... Sorry, its not the worst thing by U2 (Maybe A Man and A Woman wins that one), but its not the best... I'd say 5/10... Out of the 1st releases from JT on how would you rate it??? Id say it would be a close last place race between GOYB and Numb right? WOWY, Desire, Fly, BD and V all better right?? You'd have to agree with that right... So that the dissapointment...

This ain't no Fly, where you were like "WTF??" in a good way... This is like "WTF??" in a bad way...

Read through the comments in the thread on the reaction to the fly. MOST were WTF in a bad way.

No-one can say either way if it is better than those songs yet, because they all have the unfair advantage of time. ITS BEEN THREE DAYS!

I am not prepared to say I like it more than those songs (even though atm I do like it more than a lot of them), because the initial buzz, or disappointment yuo get with a new song is always blown out of proprtions.

Those who love it are probably more excited for new music than anything, and will come down a bit

Those who hate it probably had unrealistic expectations on what it would be and their's will rise.

Get a grip and wait for the album.

Christ the entitlement and petulance in this forum is MIND-BLOWING
One problem is that is been over 4 years since anything new has come out... Too long, people lose interest, find other things, other music, etc.... Sorry, its not the worst thing by U2 (Maybe A Man and A Woman wins that one), but its not the best... I'd say 5/10... Out of the 1st releases from JT on how would you rate it??? Id say it would be a close last place race between GOYB and Numb right? WOWY, Desire, Fly, BD and V all better right?? You'd have to agree with that right... So that the dissapointment...

This ain't no Fly, where you were like "WTF??" in a good way... This is like "WTF??" in a bad way...

Like I said in other thread mate... music is subjective. I have a friend who loves to hear Beyonce and couldn't care less to U2. He do understand lyrics are not strong or whatever but he feels good listening to Beyonce.

To me, being honest, GOYB IS U2's best lead single and I would rate it with a 9.75/10, but that's my perception. To you and a lot of other people The Fly may be the best, but that's just another perception. Don't say to other people that their perception is wrong. No one is right, no one is wrong.
Music is subjective.
One problem is that is been over 4 years since anything new has come out... Too long, people lose interest, find other things, other music, etc.... Sorry, its not the worst thing by U2 (Maybe A Man and A Woman wins that one), but its not the best... I'd say 5/10... Out of the 1st releases from JT on how would you rate it??? Id say it would be a close last place race between GOYB and Numb right? WOWY, Desire, Fly, BD and V all better right?? You'd have to agree with that right... So that the dissapointment...

This ain't no Fly, where you were like "WTF??" in a good way... This is like "WTF??" in a bad way...

Nah, this one waxes Vertigo and Numb easily. For me, it's about tied with Discotheque, which has more meat to it and an even greater guitar riff. Of course, that song takes forever to go anywhere, while GOYB is more dynamic and attention-grabbing.
I can't believe so many people are jumping ship after listening to one song for 3 days. Have you all not seen the thread re the reaction to the fly>?

one comment called for 4 caskets to be built, because U2 was dead.

For fuck's sake will you all get a grip and wait to hear the album, and give it time to sink in.

I'm going fucking insane listening to this asonine drivel

he actually liked it the other day
Again....strong arguments

And I thought Pitchfork was the worst thing around. :lol:

It's not really an argument, just an opinion. I agree that if some other band put out the exact same song, I wouldn't really give a shit. It's not that good imo, but it's U2, so I listen...
I can't get into it. I've listened to it about 10 times so far. It just didn't grab me the way Vertigo did. :shrug:
I can't believe so many people are jumping ship after listening to one song for 3 days. Have you all not seen the thread re the reaction to the fly>?

one comment called for 4 caskets to be built, because U2 was dead.

For fuck's sake will you all get a grip and wait to hear the album, and give it time to sink in.

I'm going fucking insane listening to this asonine drivel

stop listening to the song than Dan :)
the idiot that called for 4 caskets should be buried in the first place.
The fly:up:
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