'Vertigo' allegedly will be played today on Southern CA radio station - pt2

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mikal said:
is it just me, or during that commercial, did it sound like they played what might be the beginning of "Vertigo"?

I was thinking that as well! If you're referring to the guitar, that is. It almost sounded like that other song that surfaced recently...forget which one.

They're toying with us!
i guess i wont be able to play madden tonight, lest, i must sit here with my freaking latin book studying until vertigo comes on, assuming that it happens...
SmileyGladhands said:

The only italian phrase I know is something like this:

"no sono mi la feca in culo" - the spellings probably screwy however.

Uhm.. that make no sense.. except for "culo" that's the italian for ass so... :)
I'm going to get a workout walking from the computer to the stereo when I think the song is over. You see the sound is on so low that I have to put my ear close to the speaker. Plus, the damn Harley is in the way, so I have to walk around it to get to the stereo.
maybe they're building up to Vertigo by playing songs that people said reminded them of Vertigo
well if they dont want to tell when the song will be played so they can keep you listening to the commercials and therfore make more money.
it was like 3 power chords and then the commercial was over, but it was in the same key that the 90 sec clip of Vertigo was in.

i'm not sure to be honest.
if this is all pre-recorded, how is it that the new single will get played? won't someone have to actually be there to play it? by the sound of things, no one is there to play it....

just my $.02
Moteuchi said:

Uhm.. that make no sense.. except for "culo" that's the italian for ass so... :)


It's supposed to be "no one fucks me up the ass", but I don't remeber it exactly...learned like a life ago
They better play it! that'd be a nice back to school gift, though my university doesn't officially start till thursday, lol!


I just got back from a BBQ and read all 29 pages of this thread.....



when will it happen???

helter skelter
nick_u2 said:
maybe they're building up to Vertigo by playing songs that people said reminded them of Vertigo

There might be something to that....Especially playing ES and HMTMKMKM a million times....
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