Mobile App Changes

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Janet H

Site Team
Staff member
Dec 11, 2006
In the coming days forum access via the mobile app will be discontinued and we wanted to make you aware of some other options so that your surfing won't be interrupted.

Our forums software already has a mobile view with this same functionality. Transitioning to this view on smaller screens is straightforward and we'll add convenient links at the top of the page to help you navigate to the mobile-friendly view. You will find those links right at the top of the list of forums as you log in. Click the desired link to toggle the view.

In the coming months, we'll be moving to new software (exciting details soon) so this current change is a temporary one. Deprecating the mobile app has been a difficult choice but we are taking this step in an abundance of caution as security concerns for this aging platform increase. We take member privacy seriously and believe that the inconvenience caused by this change is outweighed by broader privacy issues. Thanks for understanding.

Example of new links location (coming in a few days):

Wow. So will the forum be web only or will a new mobile app eventually follow the software change?

Also, for the record, I blame Headache.
The mobile view is pretty good. We already have this functionality but the links to find it are buried in the bottom left corner of the footer (style picker).

In the coming months, we are going to be updating the forum software moving to Xenforo and leaving vBulletin behind. XF is mobile-friendly - no app needed.
I assumed I was using an app long ago abandoned...
Why is the app dead again? I never quite understood. I miss it too.

I see the answer above, but it's 2023 - no app needed doesn't make any sense when half the time websites push you to download the app so things work better on your mobile phone.
Unfortunately its just going to mean less overall posts to this already dying forum. I know I'll be less likely to come here if I have to navigate though my phone's internet browser.
I created a shortcut to the website and placed that in the spot on my phone screen where the app icon used to be. Not perfect but my muscle memory at least doesn’t have to be retrained too much.

Also haven’t deleted the app yet bc reasons
I created a shortcut to the website and placed that in the spot on my phone screen where the app icon used to be. Not perfect but my muscle memory at least doesn’t have to be retrained too much.

Also haven’t deleted the app yet bc reasons

Ha I did the same. I really dislike that you can’t see who made the last post of each thread on the mobile version of the website. Plus yeah the ads are annoying. Maybe I’ll get used to it.

They did say they will be upgrading the site software soon, so hopefully that will be better than what we currently have.
The mobile view is pretty good. We already have this functionality but the links to find it are buried in the bottom left corner of the footer (style picker).

In the coming months, we are going to be updating the forum software moving to Xenforo and leaving vBulletin behind. XF is mobile-friendly - no app needed.

While the app wasn’t perfect, I really appreciated its simple and uncluttered (ad-free) feel. I’ve got to say I really dislike the mobile forum experience now with all these ads interspersed everywhere.

Is Xenforo going to address that at all?
I just deleted the app and absolutely no chance whatsoever I'll be using the mobile browser. Guess it's just desktop for me from now on... rest assured, I am going nowhere, it'll be me and the cockroaches when this place eventually dies for real...
While the app wasn’t perfect, I really appreciated its simple and uncluttered (ad-free) feel. I’ve got to say I really dislike the mobile forum experience now with all these ads interspersed everywhere.

Is Xenforo going to address that at all?

agreed on the ads. the mobile site right now is awful and will absolutely lead to decreased usage.
I just deleted the app and absolutely no chance whatsoever I'll be using the mobile browser. Guess it's just desktop for me from now on... rest assured, I am going nowhere, it'll be me and the cockroaches when this place eventually dies for real...

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