U2 needs to release some songs for Rock Band...

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War Child
Oct 10, 2000
Seattle, WA
First off, if you haven't played this game (or even it's lesser cousin, the Guitar Hero games) you need to. They are fun, extremely addictive, and you don't have to necessarily be musically inclined.

I am a part-time music teacher and cannot believe the number of students of mine who now know songs by several bands only because of the Rock Band video games. For example, one day while a student of mine was tuning, I started playing a Smashing Pumpkins song. Student asks me, "who is that". I told him and he sort of shrugged..."yeah, I don't really like them".

About two weeks later he comes to me and says "OMG, have you ever heard this song 'Cherub Rock' by the Smashing Pumpkins?!!? It's AWESOME!!! Can you teach it to me!??!" Of course, he only heard this song via Rock Band.

Love it or hate it, this game is familiarizing a HUGE audience to a lot of music they may have otherwise never given a chance. I will admit that there are several songs that I have grown to really enjoy due to this game.

That all said, U2 needs to seriously consider this. When bands like the Killers, R.E.M., the Rolling Stones, the Who, Elvis Costello, and so on, and so on are all licensing their music for this game, it is WELL past time for U2 to do so.

It would MASSIVELY increase their popularity and would be a smart time to do so, right before the release of another album.
I think that U2 would have done so by now if it was something they all believed would benefit them and bring profit. If it's not something all 5 of them completely believe in then it won't ever be done.
What about the rumours that guitar hero U2 was a possibilty? The article also mentioned guitar hero Areosmith and that actually panned out...hmmm?

Honestly, I don't want a guitar hero u2...

...because I'd never leave my house again!
U2 are too deep for a video game. It would be ironic to play The Fly on Rock Band...
U2 in video games. :hmm: I'd like that. :hyper:

I would love myself to be playing The Fly, Bullet The Blue Sky, Vertigo.... :drool:
I'd be down for a full Joshua Tree download on Rock Band... or even a best of, containing I Will Follow, Beautiful Day, etc...
Totally agree!! Rockband really gives you a greater appreciation for the individual parts of the song (i.e. lyrics, lead guitar, bass lines, and the drooms). It is also one of the most fun things to do when together with friends and drinks!

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE let me play with the band!!!
I agree with OP, U2 on Rock Band or Guitar Hero would be a great way to get exposure. Plus it'd be fun :D The Rock Band 2 list is already out though, and U2 ain't on it. but they could still be on GH4 which is supposed to be like Rock Band with drums, vocals, etc
Lemon on Rock Band :drool:

Seriously, though, unless the person playing guitar in Rock Band had to screw with effects pedals and their settings, playing Edge's stuff probably would be a bit boring compared to some other guitarists' material... the magic of Edge is in how he plays, not what he plays.

Although I have no experience on the guitar, so I really wouldn't know.
The Fly
Until The End Of The World
Sunday Bloody Sunday

Should all be in there. :reject:
But i'm no expert. :sad:
Trust me, U2 songs are just about the easiest songs in the world to play, even on a real guitar.

I'm with you on the guitar point, I'm just talking about the drums.

I could kick the thing over half-way through and get a higher score, I lack coordination. I'm surprised that I can type coherent sentences right now.
I never saw a legitimate "article" about this, do you have a link?
People made a bigger deal out of this than they should have. It's just a rumor from the February issue of EGM;

"We already know GH 4 is on its way (as well as a game based on the band Aerosmith), but I'm hearing two more Guitar Hero titles are also in the works, bringing GH3's sequel count to four. And one may star a group that rocks in mysterious ways."

I think there is an old U2 Guitar Hero topic on this board where I posted this quote as well. Sorry to say that I have yet to hear anything more substantial than this little blurb. Nice to see more gamers on Interference though.
u2 it's not easy, it's like the who for example, at a few months ago i see on you tube a cover version of i will follow playing on guitar hero, and that was really punk rock, i think, i will follow, sbs, bullet the blue sky, even better than the realthing, the fly, vertigo, all because of you, the last night on earth, are good examples to be in guitar hero or rock band game.
Buy yourselves some Guitar Hero: World Tour in October and you can make U2 music in the studio mode. It's pretty in depth, more so than you would think. Not just little clangy midi sounds and 8bit drum noises. The songs won't be exactly alike though obviously. For one, they don't let you lay down your own vocals, so gamers wanting to do Bono moves will be disappointed. (may be a good or bad thing depending on vocal talent, lol) Still if you really are desperate, it will be a fun side project for those who take the time to chart every instrument. U2 hasn't had any video game use their music so this may be the only way to make it happen.

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