No spoken words
Blue Crack Supplier
1,800 names come up when I search for you.
i've been approved to apply for my us visa
Really? No one asked me if I thought it was a good idea for you to come here. Where do I send my strongly-worded letter of complaint?
I kid - that's awesome!
Immigration is really lenient on sheep crimes, eh?!
I kid, congrats.
Surprisingly, the $10 U2 keychain looks pretty good sitting on my desk shining in the light from my monitor.
Front: NSW Ruined My Life
Back: U2:360
I wish I was in TO right now.
I'm watching this video in my Modern Pop Music class, and early- to mid-'90s Bono shows up to talk about Elvis. He truly looks like a badass there. I miss that.
Wasn't NSW making a last minute trip over there with his frequent flyer miles?
Joyful, you're older than I thought you were.
Such a charmer.
I thought she was 21-22ish (I knew she must be at least 17 cause GAF doesn't hit on her constantly), but I'm now guessing she's 28-29.
Well done.
And, yes, Bono looks cool in that pic from the mid-90's ...
Ok which one of you Chicago mofos got me sick?
Ok which one of you Chicago mofos got me sick?
my god, have you seen the idiots in the 360 vs. Vertigo Tour thread?
I don't know what your symptoms are but I just got an email from a friend in Chicago who I DID NOT see while I was there but she just got diagnosed with swine flu. So there's swine flu in Chicago. Not to be an alarmist or anything but if you have flu-like symptoms you might want to get it checked out or at least start pounding down some supplements to boost your immune system.
Great meeting you, too. I'm still coveting that hat.