Shuttlecock XXV: Praying for Bono's Ball Circulation

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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But you had posted in the kitty thread before...

Yeah...but...nobody in there but us cat freaks. :D And it was a picture of my choice. Different than a picture you didn't know was taken suddenly showing up online. I don't much care anymore I guess. I still love that sneaky bastard NSW.
well, chicockgo sounds like it was tons o' fun.


Not to rub it in, but it really was. :) I think it was all said in person, but in case it wasn't, I really enjoyed meeting and hanging out with all you fine 'cockers. Flying to a beautiful city, meeting some great people and realizing that it's not all a charade and they're just as cool in person, and then going together to see our favorite band perform - that's what I call a great weekend. :up:

I honestly thought you all knew that I took the photo after the fact. Sorry if I shouldn't have posted it. :reject:

It's all good. :hug:

I went and immediately sent out spoiler emails and texts to people who would have preferred I didn't, so ... :shrug:
I just would have liked to not have been making a goofy face and look fat in the picture. But then again, I probably have a goofy face and am fat, so there's likely nothing I can do about that.
I just would have liked to not have been making a goofy face and look fat in the picture. But then again, I probably have a goofy face and am fat, so there's likely nothing I can do about that.

Yeah, your goofy face issues bother me not.

I just forgot that Martha might have wanted to retain her privacy.
They're going to start selling "I went to a U2 concert and all I got was NSW ruining my life" T-Shirts
They're going to start selling "I went to a U2 concert and all I got was NSW ruining my life" T-Shirts


If y'all don't want the pic up, you can have a moderator remove it, just so you know :shh: I don't post my pic on the forum either, though there are pictures of me at gatherings floating around :shifty: Oh yeah, and that time there was a video from Adam of U2 driving up to the Capitol Records building earlier this year, and somehow I was caught on it :shifty:
I'm shocked my photo hasn't made it on considering how many douchebags have seen photos of me.
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