Shuttlecock IX: Romi and Miss Sil's Line Rules Disunion

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
hey guys, when in Amsterdam a very, very nice thing to do is have Middle Eastern food in a gorgeous church-turned-restaurant with our good friend Popmartijn. :)

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It's weird that they appear so reticent to add a 24th song for all the shows, yet they'll randomly include the 7+ minute Bad and not drop a song to make room for it.

I haven't timed this tour's versions of Bad, but they've seemed rather short...
Marty is cool :up:

(He's also the only person from this place I've actually met in real life)
Well, Bono's got some more talking points for "Pride" now. When's the next show? I'll try and periscope that one, but I think I'll be at the Kendrick concert :sad:.

EDIT: Nope, the next show is the one I'd be going to if I'd pulled the trigger on going home for my sister's wedding shower :sad: :sad: I'll be at home...on periscope...watching. O_O
Well, Bono's got some more talking points for "Pride" now. When's the next show? I'll try and periscope that one, but I think I'll be at the Kendrick concert :sad:.

Between this and Ireland, they have to be putting together some multimedia presentation to go along with it on a nightly basis. I wouldn't call them opportunists per se, but they're empathetic and inclusive (in short: populist) on a wide range to begin with which allows them to incorporate prominent cultural events into what they're already doing, with little adjustment (post-9/11 shows, e.g.).
Remember that discussion about Twilight being a gay song?

U2, play Twilight!
Remember that discussion about Twilight being a gay song?

U2, play Twilight!

Every time the subject comes up, I think of a certain poster in that thread about gay themes in Boy, who insisted backwards and forwards and upside down that a "gay reading" of a piece of art was decidedly NOT a thing. Because he said so.

Then he called Irvine a gay bully.
Putting this here because it's more relevant to here than RMT.

I still can't believe that Einsturzende Neubauten opened for U2 once - and then got kicked off the tour.

And I wish I could've been at the ZooTV gig where 3Ds supported them. That would've been amazing.

It's kind of insane to think that at one point, U2 were both mainstream enough to play stadiums, and yet avant-garde enough to have Neubauten as their opener. Totally nuts.

You're probably the person who knows the answer to this; do we know any openers for the Lovetown Tour aside from the B.B. King Band? I was reading up on Vehicle earlier, and thinking that a U2/The Clean bill on the New Zealand dates wouldn't be too far fetched. That'd be a fuckin' show and a half.
ZooTV was amazing for support acts.

Pixies, Ramones, Pearl Jam, Velvet Underground, Neubauten... The list goes on and on.
They've had some great openers and they've had some pretty fucked up ones too.

My favorite opener of theirs will lend some RMT symmetry to this shit:

PJ Harvey
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