Shuttlecock IX: Romi and Miss Sil's Line Rules Disunion

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My siblings have managed to see Pearl Jam and U2 at the same time on ZooTV.

Curse them I say.
They've had some great openers and they've had some pretty fucked up ones too.

My favorite opener of theirs will lend some RMT symmetry to this shit:

PJ Harvey

Since I didn't see Arcade Fire open for them, PJ remains my favorite as well.

The Fray sucked and I also hated Kings of Leon.

ZooTV had great openers but I am too old to really remember how I felt about them at the time (though not too old to remember how freaking exciting those shows were).

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I've had some amazing openers for U2 shows (Pearl Jam, Muse, Jay-Z come to mind) and some horrible ones too. Worst one was Kelis, by far. Kings Of Leon and Glasvegas are also high on the list for worst opening acts.
Let's see ....

Zoo TV - I think it might have been Public Enemy. Everything about that first U2 show I saw is such a jumbled blur, I have no idea how I felt about them. Considering how little thought I gave to hip-hop in 1992, it was probably high ambivalence.

PopMart - Fun Lovin' Criminals. Who? Exactly.


Kings of Leon (I actually didn't hate them, although the first show I saw them from the seats instead of GA, my ears literally hurt from the sound. Eddie Vedder joined them on tambourine for that set.)

Keane - Yay!

Damien Marley - I enjoyed him, but only because it was my first and only Ellipse experience. I would have cheered thrash metal.

Kanye West - was super happy to get to see him.


Snow Patrol - I like.

Lenny Kravitz - fun.

Black Eyed Peas - I hate them, but they were the one act to actually get the crowd excited, so ...... yay?

Interpol - I only saw the last few songs of their set. I was dragging my parents to the show and wasn't going to make them sit through an opening band.

Arcade Fire - Part of the reason I hauled my ass to Moncton. Reeve Carney's band also opened, but they were not part of the reason I hauled my ass to Moncton.
Any time I shit talk the one U2 show I went to, I should probably remind myself at least I got there during Kings of Leon's last song and didn't have to suffer through any more of that.
Let's see ....

Zoo TV - I think it might have been Public Enemy. Everything about that first U2 show I saw is such a jumbled blur, I have no idea how I felt about them. Considering how little thought I gave to hip-hop in 1992, it was probably high ambivalence.

You saw Outside Broadcast in Wisconsin? I'm guessing you had Big Audio Dynamite before PE because that's what I saw in Chicago.
Franz Ferdinand was the only opener I actually enjoyed. I don't even remember most of them. Muse was awful, though.
I got Kings of Leon in Philly on Vertigo and I actually liked a few of their songs so I was interested in seeing them, but they were horrible. They sucked at playing in an arena (the venue was too big for them to grab any of the crowd's interest), the sound was horrendous, and the lead singer refused to pronounce a single word so it just sounded like mumbly moaning. They never had the crowd realized it immediately and gave up on the idea of trying to get them/us back, and it seemed like they were just going through the motions so they could GTFO (which was fine because they were shit and U2 was coming on after).

I knew they were at least better than that and had a bad show, but if I had never heard of them before I would have never wanted to hear another KOL song in my life after that show.
What show did you see them at, Dave? I was in Philly for one of the U2/KOL shows and would give KOL the exact same review word for word.
Ah, I saw them the next week. I guess KOL just happened to suck two weeks in a row and in the exact same manner. Impressive.
To be fair the opening acts are put in the nearly impossible position of playing to a gigantic crowd that couldn't give a fuck about them. You could put Led Zeppelin circa 1971 out there and 3/4 of the crowd still wouldn't be into it.
I wonder if they'll play Crystal Ballroom live. It really is a good song.

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I wonder if they'll play Crystal Ballroom live. It really is a good song.

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Bets for tonight, Crystal Ballroom and Two Hearts on the E stage, Gloria in the 2nd slot.

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They apparently rehearsed Crystal Ballroom, Gloria and "a song not played since '89." I'm hearing it's Two hearts, but whether that's just a guess (based on last date performed and thinking it would be a good fit after Friday's news), or confirmed, I dunno.
I'm honest to God not being bitter, because there was such a small chance of me going to this show tonight, (because, honestly, wedding shower is super important, but I'd rather be able to afford to go to the wedding), but I'd laugh myself nearly to death if they DO play Two Hearts tonight. Chicago gets the best shows. THE BEST.
Yeah, Bono may have fucked up the date, but there's confirmation on Two Hearts.
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