Sarah Palin, continued.

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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I still say it is a net positive for the GOP

she gets people FIRED UP AND READY TO GO

she certainly had a big impact this last election.
Nice. Um, not a good idea to be doing things like that on Facebook when your family is just so famous and successful. But like Sarah said during the campaign they have gay people in their family-so I guess that makes it ok? Those screengrabs affirm why I avoid Facebook-high school is looooooong over.

I agree FB is rather useless and seems to do more harm than good.

But to condemn a 16 year old kid for sticking up for her family is really silly for any even semi-legit media source.

anyways here is a link to more of the FB postings,

this stuff is really retarded, lame and gay!!!
But to condemn a 16 year old kid for sticking up for her family is really silly for any even semi-legit media source.

Give me a break.

It's completely possible to stick up for your family without calling people "gay" and "faggot," which is what she's being rightly condemned for.

Total asshole move from Willow Palin.
I second that thumbs up. And why is it necessary to start something like that and use that kind of slur just because someone says your parents' reality show is a fail? Looks like Willow has bought into the whole family stance that they are victims and the "haters" are out to get them. Sixteen is old enough to realize that not everyone is going to like your family and that you don't have to defend everything they do on Facebook.

Um SHE posted it online where everyone can see it. These people have an unbelievable way of twisting things. And SURE, that's the ONLY time it's considered a homophobic slur. Maybe in their world.

� GOProud on the Willow Palin “Controversy”

For Immediate Release
November 17, 2010
GOProud on the Willow Palin “Controversy”

Statement of Tammy Bruce – Chair of the GOProud Advisory Council

(Los Angeles, CA) – “Willow Palin is a 16 year old girl who, like all 16 year olds is going to make mistakes and say things she shouldn’t have. This, however, has nothing to do with Willow Palin or the substance of what she said on Facebook. The ‘slur’ used here is one you could hear on the streets of West Hollywood or Chelsea every day of the week. Apparently, it’s only a ‘homophobic slur’ when it comes from the daughter of a conservative female leader. Make no mistake; this is all about destroying Sarah Palin by any means necessary.

“The angry misogynistic left and their accomplices in the main stream media have been unable to take down Governor Palin – no matter how hard they have tried. Unable to take her down directly they now have decided to try to hurt her by attacking the most important thing in her life – her family.

“Any person, gay or straight, who participates in this cheap political smear should be ashamed of themselves.”
“The angry misogynistic left and their accomplices in the main stream media have been unable to take down Governor Palin – no matter how hard they have tried. Unable to take her down directly they now have decided to try to hurt her by attacking the most important thing in her life – her family.

She quit and turned her family into reality TV stars... no one had to "take her down".
GOProud, are they the ones who had Ann Coulter for a keynote speaker?

"Angry misogynist left," lol, back to that one again. What was it McCain said about Palin--"She is a direct counterpoint to the liberal feminist agenda for America; she has a wonderful family..."
"Angry misogynist left,"

My favorite anti-left slur came from, of all people, Scott Baio's wife, in their brief Twitter war against the website Jezebel, who dared talk about some of their questionable tweets.

They called Jezebel readers "lesbian shitasses." So awesome, many of the readers coined it for themselves, lesbian or not.
Maybe Willow should spend less time "defending her family" on Facebook and more time learning your vs you're. Just sayin.

I like this comment that I read online

"The idea that this is okay in "defending your family" is actually really creepy to me--especially from such a low-key observation (I would barely call it an insult.) It is kind of an exemplar of the Tea Party mentality of disproportionate, inappropriate, even violent response supposedly packaged in a "virtue" and "emotion" so it can't be criticized.

The scale is totally different, but my mom ran a campaign for school board a few times that was sharply critical of the district administration, and there were some pretty stupid and inflammatory responses. And if at age 12, I'd directed that word at someone who said my mom was a bitter hateful sneaking liar who believed her kids were better than anyone else's--well, I can't even imagine what my mom would have done, because it would never have happened because I knew that was inexcusable. But I have a feeling at the very least I'd be delivering both a verbal and written apology, and it certainly wouldn't get brushed off as okay because I was "standing up for" my mom. I'd have been told that if that was the best I could do, my mom didn't really care for me to stand up for her at all.

Of course, my mom actually has integrity and beliefs that aren't entirely about spinning and consolidating her personal power."
Palin shot herself in the foot, I think it's great that tea partiers think she's still viable because she's a celebrity. The longer they hold on to her the better chance this country has of the tea party completely disappearing...:up:

Palin 2012!!!
"The scale is totally different, but my mom ran a campaign for school board a few times that was sharply critical of the district administration, and there were some pretty stupid and inflammatory responses. And if at age 12, I'd directed that word at someone who said my mom was a bitter hateful sneaking liar who believed her kids were better than anyone else's--well, I can't even imagine what my mom would have done, because it would never have happened because I knew that was inexcusable. But I have a feeling at the very least I'd be delivering both a verbal and written apology, and it certainly wouldn't get brushed off as okay because I was "standing up for" my mom. I'd have been told that if that was the best I could do, my mom didn't really care for me to stand up for her at all."
To be fair--if that's the word--ten bucks says this person was age 12 before the days of teenaged Facebook flame wars. If you've read the extended version of Bristol and Willow Palin's exchanges with various "critics" (I confess, I have; it's been in far too many articles today), the bulk of the comments on both sides were depressingly full of vulgar, slur-laden, highly personalized, spiteful character attacks. "Your such a faggot" was only the tip of the iceberg. The double social life of many teenagers is nothing new, but the lingering paper trails sure are.
Y'know, I really think Palin stands a good chance of winning the nomination. Nobody is going to be able to get people out to vote in a primary the way that she will. She has an army of hyper-enthusiastic supporters. Who else can match that? Pence? Romney? Christie? In a primary, those guys will split their vote.

Obama must have some sort of angel on his shoulder.
Y'know, I really think Palin stands a good chance of winning the nomination. Nobody is going to be able to get people out to vote in a primary the way that she will. She has an army of hyper-enthusiastic supporters. Who else can match that? Pence? Romney? Christie? In a primary, those guys will split their vote.

Obama must have some sort of angel on his shoulder.

See I don't agree, I think she now splits the base much more than people think, plus the strategists in the party know that she's going to turn independents off and they're going to want to run someone like Romney. The division will be beautiful... but my bet is she doesn't really run.
To be fair-....

That is just it. I did post a link to some of the FB postings. It is just a bunch of stupid kids popping off. One person throws out the N-word. Her picture is a African American girl. :shrug: Also, it seems like some of these kids know each other.

I imagine many adolescent postings look this bad or worse. As an adult I can not jump on a teenager for making emotional, immature postings. Adults should be held to a different standard.

There are plenty of reasons to reject Sarah Palin's political aspirations. The reasons I do are because I find her policies on energy, environment, reproductive choices are contrary to mine.
I just wish this entire classless family would go away so I'd never have to accidentally stumble upon another idiotic thing one of them said or did.
I still say it is a net positive for the GOP

she gets people FIRED UP AND READY TO GO

she certainly had a big impact this last election.
She gets this election cycle's equivalent of the religious right FIRED UP AND READY TO GO, anyway.

She will not be winning any moderate voters over for the Republican Party.
I imagine many adolescent postings look this bad or worse. As an adult I can not jump on a teenager for making emotional, immature postings. Adults should be held to a different standard.
As a private citizen, and as a matter of common sense, I agree with you. (And I don't think this FB fracas says anything about Sarah Palin's fitness for office, either.) But as a parent...I think situations like this do raise some really difficult questions about parental accountability for children's online conduct. Unfortunately, kids master the outward trappings of diplomatic and discreet behavior long before they appreciate the longterm consequences of not making that your default social setting, and things like FB and Twitter only amplify the dangers of that lag time. When you're in the public eye--even if you didn't ask for that--you really might as well be convening a press conference whenever you post, and you could wind up doing some real damage to yourself or your family by who you inadvertently hand ammo to.

I'm not comfortable with attempts to influence kids' behavior by appealing to notions of not "shaming" their family or community; I grew up with some of that myself, even though it was never made explicit, and I don't think it's healthy or even particularly effective. But it's not always easy convincing a teenager (I know, I know...or some adults, either) to think about the longterm consequences of how they handle nominally "private" feuds. And all that's setting aside the matter of using slurs, which are quite different from profanity/obscenity, and what it says about how good a job you've done as a parent conveying the wrongness of them.
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I have no problem pointing at Willow's behavior and condeming it. I'm not making it a reflection of Sarah Palin.

I don't care if "oh, she's just 16," or "oh, they're just being teenagers, they make mistakes."

So what? So you just ignore it and brush it off as stupid teenage behavior? No.
^ I don't necessarily disagree, but I also don't see the *justification* for all the public focus on this one teenager's vulgarities (in an all-around vulgar flame war) out of all the other shit that's out there on Facebook. If you have, say, a 15-year-old daughter, and you overhear her referring to some classmate she's had an altercation with as a "faggot," then you have what's in a sense the luxury of being able to put a full stop to it right there--you can sit her down and have a long talk with her about the history of the word, what kind of people use it, what kind of damage it's done, and so on. And yes, you should've had this discussion with her long before, but at least it's come to your attention and you're addressing it now. But what if you're a well-known public figure and your daughter said it on Facebook instead, and now it's being relayed in articles and blogs and TV all over the place, and people are pouncing on it both to blast you as a hypocrite for your claims to be raising your children with the values of fairness and justice or whatever, as well as denouncing your child's character and sneering about what a stupid, bigoted little shit she is? That's not the way for her to grasp what makes slurs wrong, and it's unlikely you'll be in the best frame of mind to address it with her at that point, either. And who knows how long this incident might follow either or both of you around? Becoming a mature adult, and getting due credit for becoming one, does take some space and privacy; it's a problem if you're regularly having to deal with much bigger fallout from your moments of recklessness, stupidity, or just plain wrongness than we'd normally expect teenagers to be hit with.

It's not really even about this case specifically; just the general problem raised by the public at large being able to watch and react to what teenagers perceive as their private behavior, often even before the parents know about it. Some of the things (several of) these kids said were really wrong, no doubt about that, but I'm also uncomfortable with the fact that people were watching and waiting to make a spectacle of it in the first place, just because it's Willow Palin. Like I said upthread, from a parent's perspective, it does raise some troubling questions about the extent of your accountability for what your kids say online.
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*Rubs temples while muttering to self* Please, go away, Palin family, please, please, please go away, Palin family...

I'm all for leaving the kids alone (which is why it'd be nice if Sarah didn't feel this incessant need to parade them around on TV all the time), but if they're at the age where they're old enough to make the sorts of remarks they do or act the way they do, then they're old enough to expect some response/backlash about it (though you raise some very valid points about the Facebook thing, too, yolland. I can't really argue with you on that). That's what you get for being in the public eye. Don't like it? Then stop having cameras around your family 24/7 and go back to a private, non-media oriented life. It's not that difficult a concept to understand.

It wouldn't surprise me at all if Sarah ran in 2012 (blech), but if she keeps on this track and continues her media saturation, by 2012 she's going to be even more divisive/annoying to people than she is now. I don't imagine she'll win the nomination or general election, but never underestimate the voting public. That's what terrifies me the most.

Wait... that's ex-Hillary supporters, who now support Palin? What the hell?!?

It's supposedly A gay Hillary supporter that is so pissed at Obama that he's embraced the Tea Party and turned his back on any principle in order to bring down Obama.

The website is riddled with contradiction...
I love how some people are saying "ooh, liberals are getting so pissed that Bristol hasn't been voted out yet!"

Yeah, uh, this liberal does not give a rat's ass about DWTS, or Bristol Palin, or that yet another reality show with audience voting is being overrun with a block of people voting a gajillion times each to keep someone on.

Big Effing Deal.

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