Results for Rate The Song Series

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but hey, i'm glad to see we managed to go, what? i think that was three whole days without pointless arguing over freaking results of an internet poll? nick, since this is obviously so important to you, how about after this series is done, you create your own series by invitation only. invite the people who share your taste for loving uf, hating pop, etc., and wouldn't dare rank a b-side over a single.

but i'm done trying to discuss this with you. it's beyond old hearing you constantly compare the results of every freaking song to one, though your favourite seems to be lwtsh. so what? you're the only person getting so worked up about it. to everyone else i suggest to just ignore nick because if no one engages him in an argument then he can't have one.

Well said! :applaud::up:
Wow, and I thought the old Song Survivors were pretty bloody antagonistic.
HTDAAB results, by mean:

1) City of Blinding Lights
2) Vertigo
3) Original of the Species
4) Miracle Drug
5) Sometimes You Can't Make It On Your Own
6) A Man and a Woman
7) Love and Peace or Else
8) Crumbs from Your Table
9) One Step Closer
10) Yahweh
11) All Because of You

Fast Cars would be in sixth place, displacing everything from A Man and a Woman and below down one place.

I think it's a very accurate representation of HTDAAB: a lot of decent/enjoyable stuff, but not a lot of great stuff. I'm really glad AMAAW cracked the 7 mark.
Interesting that LAPOE is so low. That song was a highlight for most people that attended the Vertigo Tour and I imagine it would have scored at least an '8' overall way back then. ABOY and Sometimes were also held in much higher esteem back then.

Vertigo, on the other hand, has probably risen around here. It's use in the iPod commercial and huge amount of radio play are what turned a lot of people off at the time, but truthfully, there's no denying that it's one of the album's best tracks.
BigMacPhisto said:
Vertigo, on the other hand, has probably risen around here. It's use in the iPod commercial and huge amount of radio play are what turned a lot of people off at the time, but truthfully, there's no denying that it's one of the album's best tracks.

This is true, but only because HTDAAB is so lacking in good songs.
Vertigo was one of the highlights of 360 for me so I'm not surprised it scored so well. The siren in the intro was badass.
There's been a rumour being passed around ever since I was a child, in fact this rumour has probably existed well before my time.

BUT I can now say with certainty that this thread has now elevated this rumour to the confirmed rumour list.

Confirmed rumour: opinions are indeed like assholes.
AMAAW over LAPOE? I thought there was more hate harbored towards AMAAW. And ABOY getting the bottom of the barrel is hilarious! COBL being in first is not surprising in the least, though it is disappointing.
Poll each one! :up: But don't stop there: poll every single last person who's seen another person/persons get up and perform in front of an audience gathered for the express purpose of listening to music!
Not over City of Blinding Lights. This is non-debatable. There is irrefutable proof that I am right. Why you with your almost 4000 posts must be crazy. This is independently confirmed. :wink:

You got it all wrong. My post count further validates my point. I'll consider you opinion when you get to the mid-2000's :wink:
Man, ABOY in last place. I knew it wasn't liked much here, but damn that's too low. OOTS is quite high too. Ah well, I'm glad to see Miracle Drug up high, it deserves all the praise it gets!
Okay, so before I post NLOTH results... we have a bit of a problem. I didn't notice this until I tabulated the results, but it appears that Breathe, Cedars, and NLOTH2 all got archived halfway through their poll time. I'm not sure if polls that are unexpired can be voted on while in a read-only forum, but even if they can, people won't generally know to go into the archives to vote on active polls. Now, that being said, Breathe and Cedars both had plenty of votes (62 and 59, respectively), which is only a few less than typical for the NLOTH round. NLOTH2 only got 41 votes, significantly fewer than usual in this round, but it is a non-album song. There's a bit of a fairness hawk in me that wants to re-do the rounds, but overall, I lean against it... what does everything think?

Ignoring this problem, the ranks for NLOTH, sorted by mean score, are:

1) Moment of Surrender
2) No Line on the Horizon
3) Fez - Being Born
4) Magnificent
5) Breathe
6) Cedars of Lebanon
7) White as Snow
8) Unknown Caller
9) I'll Go Crazy If I Don't Go Crazy Tonight
10) Get on Your Boots
11) Stand up Comedy

Despite the problem that does look pretty good. Though Magnificent is way higher than I'd ever rank it, lol, and poor SUC. It doesn't suck THAT hard. :lol:
COBL ended up with a higher score than MOS? Ugh, live bias.

Can we conclusively say that NLOTH is, in general, the most beloved U2 album of the 00s here, by like a mile? Nearly everything is around or well above a 7 1/2.
COBL ended up with a higher score than MOS? Ugh, live bias.

Can we conclusively say that NLOTH is, in general, the most beloved U2 album of the 00s here, by like a mile? Nearly everything is around or well above a 7 1/2.

COBL above MOS really surprises me. I personally love both songs, but I like MOS a lot better. MOS is kind of in my "super ten" category. I probably should have inflated my scores less. I tried to, but it didn't last.

NLOTH is the highest ranked 2000s album. The mean rating for a song is a 7.47, compared to 7.08 for Bomb and 6.97 for Attyclub.

The albums are ranked:
1) Achtung Baby
2) The Joshua Tree
3) The Unforgettable Fire
4) Pop
5) Zooropa
6) Rattle and Hum
7) No Line on the Horizon
8) War
9) Boy
10) How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb
11) All That You Can't Leave Behind
12) Original Soundtracks 1
13) October
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