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I'm so sorry, it was not my intention to burden you with this.

<insert some good news>

We were watching a Rugrats movie, this song came on and my daughter said 'Mom, I really like this song'. The song was 'Should I Stay Or Should I Go'

Everything will be fine...go to your happy place
the part that it's in the movie...

your daughter liking it is good.
I think it's in Rugrats Go Wild...the one where they get stranded on a tropical island meet up with the Thornberry family.

Did you know that Flea and Chrissie Hynde did voices in that movie? I am full of useless info such as this :yes: Only because I actually read movie credits
i didn't see that one...i actually did see the other one. where the bald baby's brother was born.

i did not know that. interesting :hmm:
I think I have probably seen them all but I have a hard time distinguishing one from the other. They/me only discovered rugrats over the summer so we've been renting videos.
in an attempt to further procrastinate and avoid writing my essay, i'm watching three's company on nick at nite...
fah said:
Nighty night IWB :wave:

Even though I know you are not going to bed...go write that kick ass paper :up:

Thanks for not mocking me too much :wink:

well...i ended up not writing the paper. i accidentally slept through finnish class, and by the time i realized this (at 9:30am when i woke up to the lack of alarm clock...i must have shut it off) i figured i might as well sleep through russian class.

i woke up again at noon, and realized i could sleep for a couple more hours, but i couldn't fall back asleep

the paper will be slipped into the professor's mailbox over the weekend. my finnish professor doesn't like me much to begin with, but when he tells me in his ever-so-condescending way that i missed the quiz (no, shit, you think i didn't realize???), he won't actually be looking at me. crazy cross-eyed motherfucker.

kat's going to be here...we're going to boston...i am so stressed out about getting lost and all kinds of shit right now that i've suddenly got way more energy than i know what to do with.

moshing around my room to some crazy-ass hardcore band :)hmm: ramallah, perhaps!) might make that a little better...
yep, finnish as in finland.

off to buy a walkman, right? :hyper:

you know you're a music geek when you use a :hyper: smiley at the idea of someone going to buy a walkman :shifty:
i'm thinking about the show, i'm listening to street dogs REALLY FUCKIN LOUD!

let's hope it pisses off the niegbhors :evil:
Kariann said:

Is it anything like the ones we saw at Crate & Barrel?

no not really. It's plum! :drool: It's a nice "nap" couch which is what I'm looking for. My mom offered that gray couch from downstairs. If I really can't spend the money when I move or can't finance this one over a year or so without an insane rate on it then I'll take the gray thing but I think it's :yuck: It was a nice offer but I don't know yet.....

I stopped into a T J Maxx tonight. It's not the one I worked at for 6 years but I know managers in just about every Maxx in town. One of the managers that I loved, Mr Jim, was there. He called me Miss Amanda so I called him Mr Jim. We worked together for 4 1/2 years. He had heart surgery Sept 11, 2001. We all know that date but I was actually more focused on him because he was my favorite ever. We had a very close relationship and we fought like father and daughter all the time and then made up two seconds later. I told him when he left that I wouldn't make it the 3 months without him and that we'd never work together again. I was right. I quit ONE day before he came back.....

anyways tonight I saw him and we talked for about an hour. He told me I looked good and extremely happy. He said "you must have a boyfriend." NO :| He told me when I find one that he wants to be invited to the wedding. I always threatened to quit when we worked together (pretty much hourly!) and would tell him I'm going to get a "real" job. That was a huge joke around there with us. The first thing he asked me tonight was if I had that real job since I haven't seen him for about a year. We talked about my job and I told him what I do (deal with crooked brokers...he said that was a perfect job for me) and then he told me that one of our old manager's we worked with just found out he has lymphoma and luekemia (I'm sure I spelled those wrong). He has to be in the hospital for 6 weeks of treatment and he doesn't have a very good chance of surviving because he didn't go to the dr when he found some lumps under his arm. Anyways...I just needed to get that out and I'm not in the mood to log off and log in under my journal name right now. It was so much fun seeing Mr Jim and talking to him about all the good that's going on with me and then finding out something like that :sad:. On top of it he asked me not to tell one of my old coworkers that I talk too all the time. He said that he would call him next week. :(
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