Random Music Talk XXIII: Give Me Butt Meat or Give Me Death

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Well that's what I meant.

But aren't you surprised that the mods didn't come down on that? Or did it slip through the cracks?

Given the number of islands in the larger interference 'ocean' and the pace of discussion in some of those threads back then - I'd guess it probably slipped through the cracks.

Not like there haven't been plenty of... questionable things that have slipped through all around this forum.
Hay guyz, Neon Trees r coming heer in koncertz wit My Chemical Romance!!1!!! ZOMGZ!!!!!111!!1!!
you guys need to stop mocking neon trees because i get morbidly, masochistically curious when there's such unanimous dislike spawning jokes that i don't get. i have no idea what they are, and i think i want to keep it that way.
I'm not sure if any of us were familiar until that KROQ Almost Acoustic Christmas, where they were mindblowingly annoying. To add more insult to injury, they're from the city that both I and U2inUtah live in.

i am going to youtube the single, though. someone tell me what that's called.
ugh, curiosity...

ok, i've heard that song before. it sucks. completely terrible. kind of like the fray. not saying they sound like the fray musically, just in the sense that both them and the fray sound like crap. i'm sure the rest of their songs sound painfully boring and just like it, and that they'll fall off the face of the earth by the time the put out a second album.

Thank you, it'd been too long since I laughed hysterically at that.
I'm not sure if any of us were familiar until that KROQ Almost Acoustic Christmas, where they were mindblowingly annoying. To add more insult to injury, they're from the city that both I and U2inUtah live in.

Oh no, I was very aware of who they were. I liked "Animal" for about two weeks until it became the monster it is today. The rest of the stuff I've heard since then has just been AWFUL though.
you guys need to stop mocking neon trees because i get morbidly, masochistically curious when there's such unanimous dislike spawning jokes that i don't get. i have no idea what they are, and i think i want to keep it that way.
As Ke$ha is to Lady Gaga, so Neon Trees are to The Killers.

Sorry I couldn't warn you earlier, Bored. :sad:
Oh no, I was very aware of who they were. I liked "Animal" for about two weeks until it became the monster it is today. The rest of the stuff I've heard since then has just been AWFUL though.

I was aware of them since they're from here and had heard their single a few times as well, I just wasn't aware of how ridiculous they looked and how annoying the rest of their catalog is.

Now I know.
You know what, I blocked it from my memory until just now, but I remember the day that I stopped liking them. It was the day I saw the music video for "Animal".

I was sitting in my living room, innocently going through the music video list On Demand. I saw Neon Trees, I thought, "Oooh, this'll be fun, I like that song." And then I stared in horror at what was on the screen before me for the next four minutes, but transfixed in terror and awe. It was the saddest day of my life to see them fall so swiftly from my estimations.

i just thought the song was boring crap, and it reminded me of why i don't listen to the radio.

they do look ridiculous, but there are enough bands out there that look equally ridiculous. hot topic has to stay in business somehow.
You know what, I blocked it from my memory until just now, but I remember the day that I stopped liking them. It was the day I saw the music video for "Animal".

I was sitting in my living room, innocently going through the music video list On Demand. I saw Neon Trees, I thought, "Oooh, this'll be fun, I like that song." And then I stared in horror at what was on the screen before me for the next four minutes, but transfixed in terror and awe. It was the saddest day of my life to see them fall so swiftly from my estimations.

I'm used to my electropop looking like this:





Look at all of these fine upstanding members of society.



EDIT: I just took a look at all of those pictures more closely, I love how detached/disinterested they all look.
Bloody hell, I've heard that "Animal" song about a million times and never realized that Neon Trees were responsible for it. Does he really say "take a bite of my heart tonight"?
Bloody hell, I've heard that "Animal" song about a million times and never realized that Neon Trees were responsible for it. Does he really say "take a bite of my heart tonight"?

She's an Animal, what else is she supposed to do?
ATLiens is my second favorite album of theirs. It's absolutely essential, especially for a big fan.

I'm really surprised that you hadn't heard either that or debut until yesterday. The way you talk about those guys I would have thought you'd have heard every single thing they've ever done. And maybe had a bit of lyric tattooed on your back or something.

You'll love ATLiens.

well it was very different to what i was expecting. it's actually really dark, dense. you can't dance to many of these tracks. but hot damn, it's good.

the first thing that hit me was how good it sounds. seriously it sounds like it could have been released yesterday. remarkable.

the title track is really good, got some real good music going on in the background there and a great hook.

but from there on it becomes introspective, soulful, contemplative, paranoid. one of the more cerebral hip-hop records i've ever heard.

Mainstream and ATLiens were my favourite tracks and then we got to 13th Floor/Growing Old. i'd had a few beers, and i was in my room with the lights off listening to it on headphones, but i was sort of moved by it, in a way. that soulful, reflective piano, Big Rube's opening spoken verse, and some incredible lyrics from 3000 and Big Boi.

this is a pretty good snippet of a review of the album, and how i feel about Outkast as a whole:

It's deep. So deep that listening to 'ATLiens' you might feel like drowning, but the smooth vo-cals of Big Boi and the earthy flows of Andre always push you back up to the surface. They are players in the truest sense of the word; not just playing for ends but playing to win in the ultimate battle of life over death, good over bad, and righteousness over evil. Yet, it's not that heavy either. This album is nod your head music, shake your ass music. It makes you think and groove at the same time. If you don't want to be challenged by your hip-hop, 'ATLiens' is not the album for you; matter of fact OutKast is not the group for you. They refuse to be conventional in a world of formulaic mediocrity, which may make them harder to grasp but ultimately makes them that much better to listen to.
I can't recall if this was the thread or not, but a while ago LM was debating the merits of the song "Hellhole Ratrace" from Girls' Album with someone whom I cannot recall at the moment. Anyway, I finally got around to listening to that particular album tonight, and I absolutely loved the track. It was the standout of what was already a very strong album for me.
i think it's easily one of the most overrated songs of the past few years, though i can see the appeal. watching drunk hipster couples play tonsil tennis to that song would suck to watch at Girls concerts.
shit guys. i hate to drool over Pitchfork's BNM, but the Smith Westerns album is very enjoyable!
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