Random Movie Talk Twelve (no, not that horrid Schumacher movie)

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my advice - go and see it soon, don't read anything about it, or talk to anyone that has seen it, best to see it with as little fore knowledge as possible.

This. I knew the name of this movie and that's it. Made it a trillion times better.
Saw Tiny Furniture in preparation for Lena Dunham's Girls premiering tomorrow night on HBO.

Neat debut for her, directorially, and I'm squarely in the range for her post-college ennui. Lagged a bit during the middle section, but ultimately a worthwhile watch if you accept it's not really plot-based. That stark white apartment is just magnificent(ly terrifying).
Saw Tiny Furniture in preparation for Lena Dunham's Girls premiering tomorrow night on HBO.

Neat debut for her, directorially, and I'm squarely in the range for her post-college ennui. Lagged a bit during the middle section, but ultimately a worthwhile watch. That stark white apartment is just magnificent(ly terrifying).

Actually did this exact thing today as well. Surprised by how much I enjoyed it. Her series looks excellent.
Casting her mom and her sister as....her mom and her sister, with near identical biographies, was a bit of a surprising move. There's a strange inversion you wouldn't get if the scriptwriter was a different person, as I get the idea of Aura's panic as her sister is raking in these achievements (and gets to sleep in her mom's bed!), but I guess Lena ultimately comes out ahead, what with her Criterion Collection feature film debut and all.
I saw Tiny Furniture in a theater, I thought it was not that good at all

her friend was the best thing in the movie, and I see she is on the TV show too. and they got David Mamet's daughter too, the lesbian from Mad Men, so there are at least two solid cast members. I'll watch it, it has to be pretty bad, for me not to give it a few episodes.
Yes, her friend (Jemima Kirke) was great. Something about that look/personality type rang a bell, as if I'd seen her elsewhere in a different production, but IMDB says this is basically it.
and another cast member


Allison Williams is the daughter of NBC Nightly news anchor Brian Williams.
Probably seeing this Monday. Then again, Damsels in Distress is also playing here, and I absolutely need to get to that before it leaves.

Since you brought up art house films, I would recommend to you
The Deep Blue Sea, I enjoyed this quite a bit. It is a period piece, with strong acting, and has a great look to it. Based upon some of your previous posts, I think it is one you would enjoy.
Saw that one months ago, actually. Terence Davies is a favorite of mine, so yeah, that's a spot on recommendation just the same.
Checking out Cabin tonight since everyone seems to be enjoying it so much.
I hope your expectations are not too high

keep in mind it can't be anywhere near as awesome as Hunger Games, that has been number 1 for 3 weeks now.
I hope your expectations are not too high

keep in mind it can't be anywhere near as awesome as Hunger Games, that has been number 1 for 3 weeks now.

I know you're obviously kidding, but it's 4 weeks actually.
no, I forgot that HG is in it's 4th weekend
pretty impressive, no 1, 4 weeks in a row.

I do think 'expectations' can influence how much one enjoys a film, so for that reason, I try and not over-hype.

I will say I have walked out of a theater saying
hey, that movie was much better than I expected, so it goes both ways.
Cabin in the Woods didn't really have me entirely until the last 30 minutes or so, but it's good stuff. Aint no Behind the Mask, though.
Have not seen or even heard of Behind the Mask,

but the little I just read, (I stopped because it sounded good enough without needing to know more) it seems to be one I should make an effort to see.
no, I forgot that HG is in it's 4th weekend
pretty impressive, no 1, 4 weeks in a row.

I do think 'expectations' can influence how much one enjoys a film, so for that reason, I try and not over-hype.

I will say I have walked out of a theater saying
hey, that movie was much better than I expected, so it goes both ways.

Yeah, agreed, I've been trying to pull away from spending so much time on film blogs & news sites because I want to go in with a fresh perspective. I'm not there yet but I'm improving. I have gone from disdainfully reading critics reviews to basically ignoring them, so that's a start.

As for HG @ the box office, while it's likely to be bumped Friday by :shudder: Nicolas Sparks, it's string of consecutive days at #1 will actually be the longest since The Sixth Sense. Which is pretty nuts.

Also, I totally agree with Lance on Behind the Mask, the existence of that film made me hesitate towards Cabin in the Woods because the ultimate meta takedown of the slasher film had already been made.
I am thinking this

Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon (2006)

The next great psycho horror slasher has given a documentary crew exclusive access to his life as he plans his reign of terror over the sleepy town of Glen Echo, all the while deconstructing the conventions and archetypes of the horror genre for them
I didn't read the synopsis because of what you said, so I wasn't sure. Thanks :)
Probably seeing this Monday. Then again, Damsels in Distress is also playing here, and I absolutely need to get to that before it leaves.

Damsels in Distress was a real joy, delightful film.
Well written, fun, the whole cast was excellent.

and this young lady really lights up the screen.

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