Project Zero One / Songs of Ascent / New Album Discussion

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You're dreaming if you think that, given the ability, U2 would now in hindsight cut Boots/Crazy Tonight/Stand Up Comedy. I think, given Bono's 'Lessons Learned' from No Line, any or all of White as Snow, Cedars of Lebanon, Fez-BB, Unknown Caller and even No Line itself, would be at highest risk of getting the chop, or a serious, serious re-working.
You're dreaming if you think that, given the ability, U2 would now in hindsight cut Boots/Crazy Tonight/Stand Up Comedy. I think, given Bono's 'Lessons Learned' from No Line, any or all of White as Snow, Cedars of Lebanon, Fez-BB, Unknown Caller and even No Line itself, would be at highest risk of getting the chop, or a serious, serious re-working.

This is unfortunately probably very close to the truth.
The roof of the airplane was filled with blood from the nose to the tail. Everything was quiet throughout the cabin as i made my way out of the cockpit from where i had just awoke. My head hurt terribly and i could barely see, as if i had just recovered from surgery and really didn't know what the hell was going on or where i was. It occurred to me that we were upside down, as i walked along the bloody trail and noticed seats hanging upside down with the safety belts dangling below them.

It also became clear to me that i was alone on this plane, which no longer smelled like people but more like an appliance or a machine. I felt a bit disoriented as i staggered towards the emergency exit and tried to force it open. It would not budge no matter how hard i pushed on it. I looked out the small window and saw only black, so i continued towards the middle section of the plane.

I began to feel a bit dizzy, perhaps even sick, as i stumbled and fell down. Before i knew what happened i began to float upwards and had to grab the nearest chair to steady myself. I assumed that the plane was "turning over" so i guided myself towards another window to try and see what was outside, this time i could clearly make out some very bright stars.

Unsure of what to do i continued to steady myself in this position until i could focus a bit more outside of the window. We seemed to be moving as i could see the stars were sort of "floating". Maybe we had landed upside down in the ocean, i thought to myself? I closed my eyes and tried to listen for the sound of waves crashing on the fuselage, but heard nothing. As i opened my eyes and looked out the window again, i came to see something few people can say they have actually seen in person. Out in the distance, i noticed Planet Earth floating by in all of her majesty...

damn monkeys

You're dreaming if you think that, given the ability, U2 would now in hindsight cut Boots/Crazy Tonight/Stand Up Comedy. I think, given Bono's 'Lessons Learned' from No Line, any or all of White as Snow, Cedars of Lebanon, Fez-BB, Unknown Caller and even No Line itself, would be at highest risk of getting the chop, or a serious, serious re-working.

you could be right-and that would be proof that U2 has lost its creative balls.
You're dreaming if you think that, given the ability, U2 would now in hindsight cut Boots/Crazy Tonight/Stand Up Comedy. I think, given Bono's 'Lessons Learned' from No Line, any or all of White as Snow, Cedars of Lebanon, Fez-BB, Unknown Caller and even No Line itself, would be at highest risk of getting the chop, or a serious, serious re-working.

No, I think it's pretty clear that the band realizes their mistake with Stand Up Comedy.
No, I think it's pretty clear that the band realizes their mistake with Stand Up Comedy.

Why? Because (a) they don't play it live (b) "one or two songs too long" and its an obvious candidate, being the worst, and (c) its so undeniably shit that surely they realise it too?

I was thinking more of Bono's comments a few months ago, talking about what he thinks was 'wrong' with No Line. Where he was talking about not wanting "interesting" music, not wanting "progressive" music, or progressive rock - that these were the issues with No Line - and then again with his emphasis on getting a 'hit' song on the radio. They may or may not now think SUC is a shit song, but its type - big, straight, brassy, (attempting to be) catchy - I would think, is secure. They just got that particular one wrong. Its something like Cedars of Lebanon and Fez-Being Born that I think we only stand a very small chance of seeing again any time soon. If ever. I think that side of No Line will end up being a bit of a one off reversion.
My question, right now, is who is producing the 'next' U2 album...:hmm:

It seems every producer is claiming some credit for working with the boys on their next disc...:scratch:

Are we getting a Pop/HTDAAB sorta mish-mash of producers? Or are there really separate projects going on here? Have they had a change of heart and decided to put together the best mix of songs, or will they really do something interesting and put out two albums in a short time frame...:hyper:
I never believe a word Bono says.

Back in November Adam stated the songs they were working on are a depature from what they've done before. Adam also stated before HTDAAB that the songs were Pop in nature, and he was correct. Was a very Poppy record.

So I still hold out hope we get something interesting for the next release (in the next 2 months to 4 years). Although I do enjoy Boots, i'm not a fan of Crazy Tonight at all. SUC is a little bit least they tried. Crazy Tonight is just shit, and it's saved by the live remix version.

I don't want an album full of those songs though, or they better be done differently and not with the by the numbers Edge guitar and the stupid Bono lyrics.
I think they will obviously have realised that what they want (hit records!) requires, at a minimum, songs of both significantly higher quality than the No Line singles, and a significant departure in sound from anything roughly reminiscent of U2-past. That's a good thing. If we can't avoid U2 thinking that The Goal is Soul GaGa, then at least something striking and fresh would be nice.

But I do think it will be a drift back into Bomb territory in as much as every song had better have a good reason for being there. No thinky, moody, arty bullshit. Nothing 'interesting' or 'progressive'. If it doesn't have a killer hook or chorus or something, in the bin. Which is a shame.
But I do think it will be a drift back into Bomb territory in as much as every song had better have a good reason for being there. No thinky, moody, arty bullshit. Nothing 'interesting' or 'progressive'. If it doesn't have a killer hook or chorus or something, in the bin. Which is a shame.

I disagree, in the sense that U2 are not working with an older producer/trusted confidant...they are working with young, dare I say, 'fresher' producers who will update the sound, and put a 'modern' spin (or at least a sense of what's going on with Pop Music today) on the songs.

While I'm not sure we'll get a AB/Zooropa/Pop sorta experimental type album, I think it'll sound different and yet like U2 at the same time...:hmm:

I understand your trepidation, based on the need to be on the radio comments, but I think they'll be changing it up some. They need to let go of the past and embrace the now...and I love Old School U2...I'm just ready for a change-up...:yes:
Can you explain then why they haven't played it live? Because the only reason I can think of is that they looked back at the song and weren't happy with it.

No, I agree. I was guessing at the reasons why BVS thought SUC was the best candidate for getting 'dropped', if they had the ability to do that. That they don't play it live does clearly suggest to me that they don't think its all that good.
I understand your trepidation, based on the need to be on the radio comments, but I think they'll be changing it up some. They need to let go of the past and embrace the now...and I love Old School U2...I'm just ready for a change-up...:yes:

No, I think they'll definitely change it up. Will definitely be a new spin. Probably one their very large shifts in sound. That's not opposing to what I was saying. With DM, I do fully expect something quite different in sound and perhaps structure. I was just saying that given the comments, it seems like its the more left-field side of No Line that is copping the flack, and therefore I think overall the album will be more Bomb-like where pretty much everything is brassy. An album where there would be no chance for a seven minute rolling future-gospel track like MOS. No chance for a rambling Fez-BB, hook-free and never arriving at some sing-a-long chorus. No space for a moody little 'interesting' number like Cedars.
Gotcha! I love Fez-BB, but MOS and UC...just not sold on them. I think it's my 'old-school' roots showing, but while I find them 'interesting' they are not part of any playlist I put together...too long, too meandering, and ultimately un-interesting in the end to me.

Cedars is far more interesting, and even White as Snow, which took me a while to get into, is something I can sit and listen to. I appreciated what they are doing on UC and MOS, but I find the lyrical content a bit hard to get in to.

I'd like a little tighter album this time AB, JT or ATYCLB...HTDAAB tried to be, but was a scattering of songs, that were great, but sounded more like a greatest hits album, than a thematic, or cohesive sounding U2 album. NLOTH was a good album, but some songs just don't sit well (with me at least)...:reject:...the longer songs, just don't reach me...:shrug:
I've heard 33 of 36 mins, nothing so far.

But I had no idea Bono's piano lessons was from Jordan's piano teacher!
Pretty good interview.
From hearing this interview, I have one little guess for Friday night:

Breathe back in the set.
Yeah - that part is really cool actually. Those alternate lyrics, and thus the far more clear meaning of the song, are much better, me-thinks. Would be great if they did perform it, and he did it with those lyrics.
Hopefully that's why they decided never to play it this tour.

Like Fez, Cedars and White as snow ?

Adam also stated before HTDAAB that the songs were Pop in nature, and he was correct

No, he wasn't.

NLOTH had good reviews, the media reception was not one of the problems. What was missing was a good single, least of all not a second-rate re-hash of your previous lead single and the worst song on your album.
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