Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic Superthread

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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LemonMelon said:

That's definitely a tearjerker. Do You Realize by the Flaming Lips is mine. I can never make it through that song without tearing up. It's like a mental block or something.

"You're Missing" and "Into the Fire" - Bruce Springsteen is the one that hits me hardest.

My aunt, who was a huge Springsteen fan, died five years ago. The played the former at her funeral.
Hello everyone.

Ooh, have I woken up in time to do the Bumberry, NSW thread?
I've picked out the songs for my Desert Island playlist. Now I just gotta get em into order.
Dalton said:
Sufjan Stevens - For The Widows In Paradise; For The Fatherless In Ypsilanti


Casimir Pulaski Day is also pretty sad. Maybe that's become a cliche choice by now.

Anyone ever cried to Fix You? I have.
Mine's totally gonna get voted off first, because all my guilty pleasures are on it. :wink:
It's fucking sunny at 6 PM.

I said to my mom, "Isn't it weird to be sunny at 6?"

She looked at me for five seconds and said, "Get a haircut."
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