PLEBAn Girls Party: No Eyeliner on the Horizon!

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^ :lol:
We have a coffee table that doubles as a tray with a good sized 'lip' around it so we can work on there without the pieces going everywhere! The plane is build and now he says "NOW what can I do? Mama, PLAY with me!" I just want to get my laundry and mending done!
It was a cold and wet december day
When my little one put his clothes away
Snow might be falling from the sky
But in Legoland it's warm and dry
Tucson full of lights and noise
If only he'd put away his toys
my angel...
Angel of Tucson
Merry belated Christmas/Happy Boxing Day, everyone! :wave: And a Happy New Year, too! :hug:

I'm back from spending Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with my brother and my s-i-l in Ohio (and driving three and a half hours back home). We had a nice time.

I was planning on spending the entire weekend with them, but our uncle died on Christmas Eve. :sad: So I drove back to Michigan today for the funeral, which is tomorrow. At least I get to see one of my favorite aunts, but I wish it were under better circumstances ... :|

Anyway, hope you're all having a good time this holiday season.
*:wave: from Chatham*

To anyone I sent texts to yesterday - if you responded I can't get it yet (save Ali's, hers got through before) because my battery is toast :lol: (It was full charge when I left TO!) Am likely going to Windsor shopping tomorrow, so will be using Megan's car charger ;)
I'm happy most of you had a good Christmas Eve/Christmas Day!:hug::heart:

I'm so sorry, jo.:( :hug:

I stayed in Christmas day......because the nasty roomie went to her relatives for the day/Eve, and the nice one (who's been more cranky off & on -not her usual self)- wasn't home either !:hyper::love:

I spent 3 days looking for the right color to crochet my sis a small scarf (scarflette?:D ), and then 1 1/2 days crochetting into Christmas Eve afternoon to give it to her {she loved it}
So i became too tired to assmeble my New Christmas Deocrations, even though I had bought stuff the week before. The previously-made 2 yrs worth of decorationsare buried somewhere :rolleyes:.
I finally started making the new ones on Christmas day!:lol::lol:Played loud radio- but Christmas Music & chorals and R&R , ate Christmas Eve dinner leftovers, sang out loud, called a friend for the holiday etc *F-U-N* !!!

I saw the Windows at Bergdorf Goodmans tonight. OMG they're Fantasic!
Wow, Daz, you're on late. I just came in to say hi before going to bed. The knot in my back hasn't gone away even though I just finished making the last of the homemade pressies about 30 minutes ago. Better late then never, right?

:hug:s and :kiss:es for everyone
Finished the lego plane. It was snowing on the other side of town a few minutes ago :yikes:

:love: Lego!

:love: Snow!

Damn, I wanna be where you are! :sad: All I have is a really really really bad cough.

Tho tonight we'll be eating Turkey! :yippie: I've always wanted to eat one for christmas but since it's only four of us there's not enough people to eat one. Tonight my parents have two guests and my sisters' friend is here, so we'll eat a baby turkey fit for 8! :D
Well no, haven't gotten that yet. Was supposed to check it out at work but I forgot!

Ofcourse I will enjoy it! I've waited years to finally get a turkey!
I went shopping today and realized, I don't really need anything. I even tried on shoes that were on sale and didn't buy them.

Maybe I'm coming down with something. :lol:
Wow, Daz, you're on late.




II left the house around 9:30pm to go into mid-town Manhattan have a bit of a buffet cold/warm salad & grain salad stuff, pasta salds & entrees at a Whole Foods in Columbus Circle area. Then i walked across town to see the BG windows, then waited WAY TOO LONG (40 mins ) for a bus- NOT realizing that there was another bus i could take to near this Net Cafe. :grumpy:

ther only thing was i went back to the BG windows and got tnsipered to work onn my painting & artisan jewelry!:hyper::heart:

and darn :grumpy::grumpy:
I missed you by like a few mins - i finally left after multiple checks here & romping over in PLEBA & and abit in WTAHAN!
:wave: I'm here now for awhile. Sounds like you had a nice evening. I'm making a salad tonight for a dinner party, no recipe but it all sounds good to me: broccoli, bacon, red onion, peanuts and some kind of dressing - not sure what yet.

So did you stay up all night doing jewelry? I haven't done jewelry since 2 years ago when every girl I knew got hand made beaded bracelets.
Yeah it was nice ONCE i was able to drag my butt out the door :lol: Then again I got up about 1 PM b/c I stayed up way too late Christmas day night reading a semi-sci fi book.

missed you-- doing actual art work.......... since i have a often shorter time on sat

:wave: I'm here now for awhile. Sounds like you had a nice evening. I'm making a salad tonight for a dinner party, no recipe but it all sounds good to me: broccoli, bacon, red onion, peanuts and some kind of dressing - not sure what yet.

I'll take a plateful! :D yum!

So did you stay up all night doing jewelry? I haven't done jewelry since 2 years ago when every girl I knew got hand made beaded bracelets.

NO but i drew a few ideas down ! which is good enough for now.

I am going back to take photos of the BG store windows!:hyper::drool::drool::heart:
I cleared off enough pics on my Sd card to get aound 30. and veleive me, 30 pics out of those windows is EASY to snap!

will be leaving in just a few & be back Mon afternoon! :hyper:
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