PGP -We're ready , ready for the puck

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I took Sarah back to school today. I'm kind of torn between being sad and wanting to jump on the furniture and play air guitar in my underwear. I'll let you all know what I decide. :)

Wild! :kiss:

Awwww :hug:


Drea is going to die, if she's not already passed out on the floor, when she sees this :shocked:
Thanks. Yeah, i saw it was rehearsed full band today, that's why I wondered. I'm nervous about that song. I love it SO much the way it is. I'd prefer they keep it simple, not add too many bells and whistles to it, you know?

Btw, watching Irving Plaza, Elevation promo tour. I need my eyepatch. :wink:

want to borrow mine? :shifty:


:lol: !!!! That'd work! BB?

Thanks. :hug: She took her Lost box set with her. :sad: :lol:

Oh no! You should have hid it. Um, whut Lost box set?!! :hmm:


Oops, great minds think alike!

When I heard shirtless Adam, I figured they meant unbuttoned like last time, not O HAI, ADAMS CHEST! I'm so not an Adam girl, but that's frickin' hot!

PLEASE, Edge? Just once? Even an unbuttoned shirt? :sad: Or I'd settle for no pants! That would be totally ok, too, if you are not comfortable taking off your shirt!

I'm still working on uploading some stuff for you. :sexywink:
I am ridiculously happy this blog is being updated again. Some of the older posts are golden.

Fuck Yeah, Bono!

AWESOME! I like:

When it rains, it pours, and when it pours, everything gets FUCKED. Except for Bono’s hair, of course. Because Bono’s hair is protected by an invisible force field of awesome.

I wonder if a similar scientific phenomenom explains why Edge never seems to sweat. Except earlier when I was watching Slane Castle, he had this tiny little circle of sweat on his lower back... it KILLED ME.

Oh no! You should have hid it. Um, whut Lost box set?!! :hmm:

:lol: I still haven't even looked in it! She comes home every 2nd or 3rd weekend, I told her she has to bring it next time.

Also, I'm worried about the kittens and my ability to fulfill their needs. They're such attention whores that there's no way I can possibly give them all the attention they want. Stripey has barely left Sarah's side/lap all spring and summer, and then there are all the others, too. We talked about this a few days ago. She mentioned how Jem is always saying she's going to move here to be with us and the kittens. Sarah suggested I hire her as a kitten snuggler - that should get her a visa, right? :shifty:
AWESOME! I like:

I wonder if a similar scientific phenomenom explains why Edge never seems to sweat. Except earlier when I was watching Slane Castle, he had this tiny little circle of sweat on his lower back... it KILLED ME.

:hmm: *goes to dig thru photobucket* :shifty:
For MsTE

this is not the pic I was looking for however... there is another that is eluding me at the moment...

The Ground Beneath Her Feet. :combust:

Confession: Sarah took the book out of the uni library at the end of 1st year. I'm generally a fan of Rushdie's, but 2+ years, and I still hadn't slogged my way through that one...we finally returned it today. :reject:

In other words, song = yay; book = meh.
I didn't even get to see the epilogue, and now I have to wait a few weeks. :(

Aww, that sucks! :( If I can upload it for you from my DVD, I can try to do that! Don't know how you'd do it, though...

I can't wait to see the epilogue! OOOH, I wonder if it is available on Netflix yet?? *runs to see*

Another Lost fan?! Yayyyy! :love:
Daz! :hug: How are ya?

:wave::hug: K!

(STILL) slleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepy.:yawn::D

not getting much done today...though I did get the daifferent size garbage bags( ran out thrus night), so I can coninue organizng & cleaniing>.

Loved the Zuruch II co0ncert......... then ran out ( again) fro more stuff. Came back and napped. gotta eat don't even want make a asandwich!

how are you?!
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