Ordinary Love

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Ok, based on the "cineclip" i think the song is nothing more than ok. Average, ordinary U2. Its not bad, but its not interesting at all. It lowers my expectations for the new album, which could be a nice thing in the end.
A question for you people:

What do you prefer, the boring to death, No Line U2, or the risky but "no good songs" Pop U2??

It doesn't sound like either No Line or Pop. Reminds me more of UF mixed with modern day Coldplay.
Can people stop comparing everything to Coldplay.

What an odd obsession so many of you lot have with them.
That's one of my favorite lines in the song.

And I would, one million times over, take another Pop over another NLOTH. I'd also, a million times over, take another HTDAAB over another NLOTH.

Your opinions are respected. I would just disagree with you on all counts. I found that line one of the most embarrassing lines Bono has ever written. And I feel that NLOTH is a superior album to POP and HTDAAB. Yes, a few weak tracks, but ditto for POP and HTDAAB. But there ya go - U2 has something for everyone. :)
Pop was risky?

It was a continuation down a road that had proven itself to be very successful for several years.

Pop was safe and expected by 1997.
No. It wasn't.

It wasn't avant garde or anything groundbreaking... but it wasn't safe nor expected.

"Pop" was only unexpected or risky if you ignore their previous 7 years worth of work. Very successful work as well.

How anyone could have heard "Achtung Baby", "Zooropa", "Hold Me Thrill Me Kiss Me Kill Me" and then been surprised at the tone and sound of "Pop" is a rather strange thing.

Hearing "Beautiful Day" for the first time was more startling than hearing "Discotheque" for the first time.
too bad u2 aren't social media savvy enough- we would have had the official version by now since it leaked yesterday. Where is that Video we were promised in November? it's only the 20th.
Von Shtupid's original post said Pop was "safe" and "expected".

I contradicted that, but didn't call it "risky"-- those are words he put in my mouth so he could strike it down harder.

Believe it or not, there's actually middle ground between safe and risky! While U2 had been implementing more and more electronic elements beginning with Achtung, Zooropa certainly couldn't be called a party record. What wasn't expected was their embrace of the club aesthetic, something not really present before outside remixes by other people.

So while Discotheque may not come off risky in the way that Numb did, its sheer energy and propulsion are what surprised a lot of us. And the album, despite the dark, reflective lyrical content, is a lot more upbeat than its two predecessors for the most part. You just weren't hearing this blend of sounds from other big bands at that point. Had it come out as planned in the fall of '96 we wouldn't be having this discussion.
Ordinary Love? Haven't heard it yet. But because of this thread, I am now off to listen to The Trooper and Flight of Icarus for the first time in many moons.
Ok, just listened. It's passable. A little generic, but not embarrassing like WITS.
All judged relative only to what can be heard.

Didn't expect much and I definitely don't draw much of an association to the new album.
Von Shtupid's original post said Pop was "safe" and "expected".

I contradicted that, but didn't call it "risky"-- those are words he put in my mouth so he could strike it down harder.

Believe it or not, there's actually middle ground between safe and risky! While U2 had been implementing more and more electronic elements beginning with Achtung, Zooropa certainly couldn't be called a party record. What wasn't expected was their embrace of the club aesthetic, something not really present before outside remixes by other people.

So while Discotheque may not come off risky in the way that Numb did, its sheer energy and propulsion are what surprised a lot of us. And the album, despite the dark, reflective lyrical content, is a lot more upbeat than its two predecessors for the most part. You just weren't hearing this blend of sounds from other big bands at that point. Had it come out as planned in the fall of '96 we wouldn't be having this discussion.

Von Shtupid? Ok. Ya nailed me. Ya made fun of my screen name. Good work. Ya could have called me Von Poopen, that would'a been funny. I guess. Funnier than Von Shtupid. Seriously? Von Shtupid? Ok .

Also, I didn't use the word "risky" because of you. I used it because of this guy:

What do you prefer, the boring to death, No Line U2, or the risky but "no good songs" Pop U2??

If only "Pop" had come out in 1996. Then we could all agree it was a party record.

Think about that.

"Pop" is a party record.

You've never actually listened to "Pop"? Have you?
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