New Video on Pt.2 (new 01/11/2009)

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Hey, be careful, you're talking about one of my favourite U2 songs here. :wink: To me, the song is perfect, Bono's vocals and all. Try to listen to it at 4 o'clock in the morning after having some drinks.

It's an OK song, I just don't like it... it was the second (after SBS) song I learned to play on guitar... :wave:
So i've been threatened to be banished from the forum just because i don't say that i think U2 now is as good as before?

Ok guys, this subject is dead for me. And be sure that you won't hear any more controversial or "antagonistic" posts from me and from more people that think like me but are afraid of this kind of confrontation. Its forbbiden to have a opinion or express a thought that is diferent from others. This was suposed to be a discussion forum...

I didn't mean to ofend anyone or being rude. Be certain that a lot more people will be intimidated and will think twice before posting a particular idea that is not folowed by the others. As i'm now.
give me a break. there are tons of people that are critical on here of the post 2000 output. while some are jerks about it, some people actually post constructive criticism that leads to legitimate discussion. to say that you have to support everything u2 does is ridiculous.
It turns out that you are never too old to learn.
Antagonistic, what a great word too impress my friend in Canada with :)
oh good, it's time for the "I'm the victim here" speech :rolleyes:

I'm not playing the victim, i'm just trying to show that i'm not here to be controversial, i just want to discuss U2 and if some people are annoyed by the way i expose my thoughts i'll try to express things diferently, even if sometimes i feel censored.
I'm not playing the victim, i'm just trying to show that i'm not here to be controversial, i just want to discuss U2 and if some people are annoyed by the way i expose my thoughts i'll try to express things diferently, even if sometimes i feel censored.

That's the key, it's not the what you express it's the how... There are many well respected posters in this forum that have more "controversial" opinions than you, but the thing is they know to communicate them without being abrasive or a jerk... So stop playing victim and look around and think a little before you post.
Well they are professional and they've been through these times a lot. :wink:
Well they are professional and they've been through these times a lot. :wink:

That's what I like about them. They can deal with the expectations well. Bono clearly stated that "we know that people don't want another U2 album unless it is our best ever album. It has to be our most innovative, our most challenging, or what's the point?"

Talk about pressure :crazy:
Sorry but i can't believe you are discussing this useless boring video that give us nothing on terms of creative process or a hint of a new sound...
OK, maybe cause we are all a little bored. :D

Uhm, because it's a discussion forum and this is a thread about discussing videos released from and so people are discussing the videos?
So i've been threatened to be banished from the forum just because i don't say that i think U2 now is as good as before?

Ok guys, this subject is dead for me. And be sure that you won't hear any more controversial or "antagonistic" posts from me and from more people that think like me but are afraid of this kind of confrontation. Its forbbiden to have a opinion or express a thought that is diferent from others. This was suposed to be a discussion forum...

I didn't mean to ofend anyone or being rude. Be certain that a lot more people will be intimidated and will think twice before posting a particular idea that is not folowed by the others. As i'm now.
come on for christ sake how can you be intimidated on a u2 forum. its ok to disagree with opinions or challenge facts. if someone intimidates you just tell them to fuck off. its a forum no one is going to come through the screen and punch your nose. keep on posting and enjoy your opinion.
^ great point david.

Also, there is a prime example of your lack of communication skills. It is phrased as an insult, as if people who are discussing it don't know as much as you, or are wasting their time. YOU can't decide what other people discuss, or what they find to be of value. It is not your decision.

You need to accept that all of us appreciate difference of opinion, but maybe take a look in the mirror when everyone on the site is telling you that you need to approach things differently.

The most valuable members of the forum are ones with differing opinions. If everyone exalted the ground they walked on, and thought audio of Bono shitting out last nights curry was a masterpiece, the forum would be boring! Discussion is what makes a forum an interesting place to visit.

Please please please accept the fact that EVERYONE here is telling you that you are approaching things in the wrong way.

Even in trying to redeem yourself you say stupid things like "it is a fact that more people like old U2".

There is no way that statement is correct. Not because I think people like new U2, but because you have done NO research on the topic, other than chatted to a few people on the forum, and added your own opinions. What is the definition of "old" U2? Given that we haven't had a new album in 4 years, wouldn't that make all U2 "old" U2?

If you say "I think that a lot of people prefer 80's U2 to modern U2" then you are making a statement of opinion, based in your observations, and are offering it up for discussion. There is nothing wrong with that statement.
That's the key, it's not the what you express it's the how... There are many well respected posters in this forum that have more "controversial" opinions than you, but the thing is they know to communicate them without being abrasive or a jerk... So stop playing victim and look around and think a little before you post.

stop being so preachy...who are you to tell people how to express their opinion?
stop being so preachy...who are you to tell people how to express their opinion?

the only wrong way to express on opinion is one that interferes with others having their own opinions. That is what he is doing in a majority of circumstances. Don't get on your high-horse about BVS comment, it is one validated by a number of people here.
wow there is a lot of goofiness going on in all these forums. i think people are just getting restless waiting for the new album. i come to where the album has no name like 5 times a day to see what the word on the street is.

i guess the word on the street today is :mad::mad::mad:

lets get back to :heart: but mostly :drool::drool::drool:
the only wrong way to express on opinion is one that interferes with others having their own opinions. That is what he is doing in a majority of circumstances. Don't get on your high-horse about BVS comment, it is one validated by a number of people here.

who is to say the validation is legit.

anyway i could really care less about all of this stuff i am just jumping on the band wagon to start a little shit. the vibe is so fucking negative here tonight.....maybe we need some new u2 to shed some light on this dreadful situation.

blessings not just for the ones that kneel........................hopefully
come on for christ sake how can you be intimidated on a u2 forum. its ok to disagree with opinions or challenge facts. if someone intimidates you just tell them to fuck off. its a forum no one is going to come through the screen and punch your nose. keep on posting and enjoy your opinion.

Later that evening the U2 fans got back to discussing the upcoming album....

I think the only way you could feel 'intimidated' on this forum is if you feel self concious about your opinions and don't want or feel the need to share them on here, like I had done in the past. For, example the older members will, i'm guessing, be children of the JT/AB eras and are maybe of the opinion that U2 aren't what they used to be and some, you may feel, will shout you down if you disagree with them. B.O.T.H., if you have an opinion on a subject, share it but don't go on complaining about how people here are treating you or threatening you with a ban. We're about go through arguably the most exciting time to be a U2 fan in 18 years so can't we all just get along? :shrug:
Indeed, they just work as if it's a walk in the park, effortless. :)

Well I was going to start a thread about this awhile ago, but I didn't feel it was worth it....seeing how it is brought up now, I'll pose the question!

I get a general feeling that U2 work in a much more laid back/casual manner in the studio these days than they did in the 80's and 90's....does anyone agree with this observation? And, if so, do you feel this casual atmosphere is beneficial in trying to make a masterpiece? Or do you think this laid back/casual style of working is the sign of a band that simply does not approach their music as seriously as it once did, resulting in lesser quality art?
anyway i could really care less about all of this stuff i am just jumping on the band wagon to start a little shit. the vibe is so fucking negative here tonight.....maybe we need some new u2 to shed some light on this dreadful situation.

I'm afraid to say that the vibe will get even more negative around here when new stuff comes out.:huh:

We had a new U2 song and video a week ago and look what happened.

I really think we should get back to discussing the original topic without getting personal with each other. If this isn't possible, the topic should be closed.
I'm afraid to say that the vibe will get even more negative around here when new stuff comes out.:huh:

We had a new U2 song and video a week ago and look what happened.

I really think we should get back to discussing the original topic without getting personal with each other. If this isn't possible, the topic should be closed.

I would like to quote the incomparable Rachel D. who's magic words struck a chord with me yesterday: "Could someone please ban those thread derailers"

Let's just hope for her sake that the new album will be incredible! :wink:
Someone may have mentioned this already, but this video may have confirmed the February 23 release date rumor. Time of video: 02:23. Seems awfully coincidental.

The Sea and Sky Video was 02:01 second which might have implied a February release.

Or, it could be nothing and I need to stop watching those conspiracy theory shows.
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