New Video on Pt.2 (new 01/11/2009)

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Someone may have mentioned this already, but this video may have confirmed the February 23 release date rumor. Time of video: 02:23. Seems awfully coincidental.

The Sea and Sky Video was 02:01 second which might have implied a February release.

Or, it could be nothing and I need to stop watching those conspiracy theory shows.


So much for the theory that numbers will play an important role on U2's new release.
Well I was going to start a thread about this awhile ago, but I didn't feel it was worth it....seeing how it is brought up now, I'll pose the question!

I get a general feeling that U2 work in a much more laid back/casual manner in the studio these days than they did in the 80's and 90's....does anyone agree with this observation? And, if so, do you feel this casual atmosphere is beneficial in trying to make a masterpiece? Or do you think this laid back/casual style of working is the sign of a band that simply does not approach their music as seriously as it once did, resulting in lesser quality art?

I think they've always had trouble finishing albums since they have reincarnations on singles and new mixes after the fact. Based on what Iovine said they are slowing down to do things properly and avoid rushing albums out. Also by just going to Fez and playing freely they were able to come up with more material which means they will have to make more choices on what the album will be like.
I thought that was fairly old news, Edge was talking about it in his interview - he was referring to Moment Of Surrender if I remember correctly.

sar·casm (särkzm)
1. A cutting, often ironic remark intended to wound.
2. A form of wit that is marked by the use of sarcastic language and is intended to make its victim the butt of contempt or ridicule.
3. The use of sarcasm. See Synonyms at wit1.

Maybe 2:01 of Sea and Sky was reference to a double album (2 for 1 special), wouldn't that be just freaking weird and having it drop on 2:23.

Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do .............

Weird that a video of the beach with nothing else in it would last that long though. They could have cut it at 5 seconds and you would have got the idea...
Weird that a video of the beach with nothing else in it would last that long though. They could have cut it at 5 seconds and you would have got the idea...

I don't want to jump on the conspiracy theory train but it just occurred to me that it's indeed weird that this video in particular is exactly 2:01 minutes long. What's the point of it? They could have stopped at any time, especially considering that it is quite long for a video where nothing happens.
I don't want to jump on the conspiracy theory train but it just occurred to me that it's indeed weird that this video in particular is exactly 2:01 minutes long. What's the point of it? They could have stopped at any time, especially considering that it is quite long for a video where nothing happens.

I don't buy any of those theories, maybe Larry had a reason to make 2:01 minute long video, but we'll never know for sure. He probably set the camera, started to talk on the phone or text someone and when he was done with it he turned the camera off, it could be as simple as this...
I don't buy any of those theories, maybe Larry had a reason to make 2:01 minute long video, but we'll never know for sure. He probably set the camera, started to talk on the phone or text someone and when he was done with it he turned the camera off, it could be as simple as this...

the theory is paper thin. but i mean, why not cut the clip shorter then? even if thats all they recorded, they could have cut it at 20 seconds. seems more effort to upload it all than snip a bit out. Not like they wouldnt have ahd the software to do that
the theory is paper thin. but i mean, why not cut the clip shorter then? even if thats all they recorded, they could have cut it at 20 seconds. seems more effort to upload it all than snip a bit out. Not like they wouldnt have ahd the software to do that

:shrug: not everyone's able to edit videos, we know Edge knows everything about computers, Adam's "Final Drive" was also well made for an amateour video, but this is Larry's clip, maybe he didn't know how to cut it :shrug:
I don't want to jump on the conspiracy theory train but it just occurred to me that it's indeed weird that this video in particular is exactly 2:01 minutes long. What's the point of it? They could have stopped at any time, especially considering that it is quite long for a video where nothing happens.

The 2nd of January is a Friday. Don't singles usually get premiered on a Friday? Certainly Vertigo was, over here at least. Could 2:01 be a hint at the date of the radio premiere of the new single?
You see what happens when they take so long to give us some info??
People start to get delirious! :lol:

This is an indication that this wait is truly upseting, i'll repeat, if the album is actually scheduled to be released in Feb then its time to give us some news unless there is something wrong...
Well, it would be cool to start into the new year with a new U2 single.

By now my hopes are over...:sad:

All i think we could get at this point is some info like more song titles. An album title oficial info wouldn't be out of question either, but my feelings say probably not...
It really is beyond a joke now,no news at all on the title or first single. Wee keep hearing its ready to release,well just release it then!

PS Im off work with the flu,so just ignore me!
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