More New Album talk from the Space Moon

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Good question. I think that was the appeal for me with TLC. Sure there would be a guy's favorite, but with them I had a really hard time picking - at any given moment I really dug one or all of them. I guess that's what made them so popular: something for everyone (both sexes, I mean probably most girls loved one more than the other at any given moment for what they represented to them as females, I'd imagine also?)
I'm going to answer that anyway. Yes. At the time I was into Chili with the long hair, but clearly now T-Boz was the boss.

And to make up for that I'll post this. Ordinary Love vinyl single now available for preorder on Amazon Germany.
I bought it because I liked one song "Raise Your Hands". Back then I would buy just about anything if I even semi liked anything I heard in the hopes that I would like the rest of the album. Needless to say the cassette did not see a lot of rotation in my car, home stereo or walkman!! :lol:

Wow. I have to admit..I had briefly scanned this before, but never listened properly, especially after the Stingray part..but I've got the good monitors in right now and can hear everything and I agree, those last two really sound nice. Where's Blue Room when we need him?
While that demo sounds maybe 10% complete, I like the feel of that track. I can imagine a whole album of that being extremely refreshing.

Hey. Not related, and I'm not sure if I've ever asked this, but what the heck does your username stand for?

YBOR (ee-boar) City - is in Tampa, pretty neat area of restaurants and clubs that I frequented back in the day.

CityOBL - City Of Blinding Lights.

This is the one and only message board that I am on. My computer unsavvy-ness is on display for all of you everyday. I "followed" this board as a non-member for years before I decided to "jump in". I'm not sure if it was in a haze of being hungover or maybe I got into a real wild batch of some hooch, but somewhere in my delirium I came up with this stupid username. There are many reasons it is stupid.....
1>. While YBOR City is a fun place to visit I don't frequent this place at all anymore.
2>. While City Of Blinding Lights is a good song it wouldn't even appear in my top 25 songs
3>. Lastly..... Why did I do this in all CAPS - I LOOK AT IT NOW AND IT BOTHERS THE SHIT OUTTA ME.
4>. A business man of my ilk shouldn't be on a U2 message my pursuits should be placed in other areas. I've had a number of IT guys that I've employed over the years question me for being on this website and it has caused some weird comments like "U2? That's a band my Parents or Grandparents listen too."
5>. I would be willing to pay Sicy or any other Admin to change this stupid name but I'm prolly stuck with it....

... so if it bothers all of you I apologize but know it bothers me 100x worse.
I really hope they have kept the last demo song here (at 3:33) for the new album :drool: :

7 New U2 Songs and Demo's Possibly For Their Next Album - YouTube

I'm still curious where and how this youtube poster got his hands on the last two songs....

That last one has a pretty nice guitar sound - I love the dirty tremolo - but I hope Bono chooses a different vocal approach if they decided to keep it. The keening wail and whoa-whoas are really annoying. He need to stop pushing his voice into the high register. It's so forced and unnatural, like he's singing like he's expected to, like he did in the 80s. The only way he can get away with it is if he stats wearing acid wash jeans on his legs and a badger on his head.
ah well.. there ya go.

they came from places whence unknown to all but the mysterious Blue Room. :zen:

:lol: nothing mysterious, it just is not from anything 360 related and I never said it was. I said before when I posted them that I do not know if they are part of the current recording process. My "guess" is that they are not. But I do not know for sure.
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