Mobile friendly Interference?

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Rock n' Roll Doggie
Apr 18, 2001
32° N 117° W
While I'm at work the only access to the internet I have is through my Smart Phone. Unfortunately when I visit Interference it takes forever to load up a page because of the amount of graphics and ads on the pages. Would it possible to create a mobile friendly version of Interference? :pray:
Have you tried using , then using that to go to the forums?

Google Mobile makes everything mobile friendly.
Well I've been trying the mobile google route to log on to interference. I does seem a tad faster however I cannot log into my account. I keep gettting that refresh/reload warning.
Ah.... I didn't realize you wanted to log in. Interference doesn't like proxy/anonymizer type sites/services (purposely).
Well I guess I don't have to. But it would have been nice to say "hey I wanna comment on that real fast like." I can understand why proxy anonymizer sites aren't allowed.
i can see the newspaper article now...

a 69 year old woman got into an accident the other day while posting on a u2 webforum through her cell phone while driving her SUV and drinking a mocha latte while applying makeup.
Interference Mobile

I couldn't find anything else about this, so I figured I'd bring it up.

Often times I don't have access to my laptop or PC so I try to access the forums, specifically "Where The Album Has A Name" via my cell phone. However, when I attempt to log-in on my phone it says my username and password are wrong. Eventually after several attempts it says I have to wait 15 minutes. I have no problem logging on using a computer, so my question is 'Is there a way for me to get my blue crack via my mobile phone? If so, what am I doing wrong? If not, is there any chance this can/will be offered in the future?'


I can log in with my iphone just fine, but I'd also like to see a mobile version. I asked the site owner a few days ago, will update with any response.
I am going to explore installing a mobile version. Look for an update soon...

Andy, I installed a mobile version over on the vB forum at and it works like a charm. I'm on the road alot & visit here mostly via my blackberry and I would love to have a mobile version to use here.

If you have any questions feel free PM.

i was just coming here to say the same thing... i go to a basketball forum that's pretty much the same layout that i can access via my blackberry, but no blue crack from the road... makes me a sad panda :sad:
I only just tried getting onto Interland on my phone the other day, and what with it being all busy/not being able to log in and such, I was going to come here and yarn about it - but I don't really know what phones can do these days. Mine's a couple years old now, anyway.

It would be pretty sweet to drunktext on the forums while out on the town discuss U2 maturely with my fellow community members while hiking.
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