I steal stamps from work

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Sizzlin' Sicilian
Staff member
Jan 15, 2001
Bay Area, CA
I do. I cant help it... there's a whole box of stamps that my co worker uses to send out the mail.. just sitting there... any kind of stamp I want, $1, .37, shitloads of them. Stamps are so damn expensive.. and especially right now I have a lot of Christmas cards to mail out.

They dont keep track of them really.

I'm a terrible person. :tsk: :reject:
Sicy said:

I'm a terrible person. :tsk: :reject:

Yes, yes you are. :D

And so am I because I do the same thing. :reject:

I'm sowy!!! But my boss did say at one point that we can take them. :(
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I have to admit, I do this too. I can't remember the last time I bought stamps. Oh well, I don't feel to bad because my boss does it too, and he makes a ton of more money than I do.
Well considering my boss drives 2 mercedes, a convertible jag, another jag, and a mercedes SUV.... and lives in a $7 million dollar estate around the corner, I dont think she'll miss a few stamps.
well I don't know where they keep the stamps at work so I can't steel them :cute:

sometimes I *borrow* disks...including zip disks...and *forget* to bring them back :lol:
One time, at work, my co-worker and I got bored, so I took a can of that foaming cleaner stuff, and he and I went in the back room together and just went nuts with it. Afterwards, I felt bad wasting an entire can of cleaner...but it was a lot of fun! :laugh:
Bonochick said:
he and I went in the back room together and just went nuts

*cough cough* Oh dear :ohmy:

I broke my workbench on purpose. We had this habitual liar druggie as a assistant manager for awhile. He'd get into screaming matches right on the sales floor with other sales associates. One time I had enough of him and I had to take it out on something. So I slammed the stockroom door into the workbench over and over again. After I told the store manager about the incident, that guy was gone within a week heh heh.
I think is the natural balance of things. I work for the fucking governement and I have to bring my own CDs to to back ups on the servers here. How fucking stupid is that shit. I kept asking and bugging and finally gave up. I think I will start stealing printer paper to make up for it.
We have a postage machine, and yes, I have been known to use it in the past for personal letters.

I am also in charge of the stationary orders, so I frequently order myself pretty pens and note pads... and I too have 'borrowed' many a disk and never returned them. :crack:

It's all part of the circle of life. :D
The pens here suck. They INSIST on ordering nothing but extra fine. I hate extra fine.


They're not even worth stealing. :(
Sicy...is that ALL you steal????

Sicy, I do the same thing. Not only do I steal stamps, but I also steal: envelopes, scotch tape, notepads, message pads, and pens (and you're right, very fine points are crap-ass pens).

Also, every once in a while, I'll buy myself some lunch from petty cash. :silent:

Not to mention that I steal Hours and hours of time from them while I'm on this internet thing.


Hey you know what...I would hate to have me work for me!!!
Ok well.. I've taken scotch tape before.. and white out.. and post its :reject:
We have a postage meter. I mean, it's just sitting there for anybody to use...:reject:

Let the rationalizing begin!

Well, first of all, I work many more hours than I am paid for. Just because I am super-employee.

And how about all those business errands I run on my gas.

And then there are those parking costs for our evening events. How many times have I dished out those 2 bucks from my own pocket?

And then there were those two times I had leftover salads in the fridge that were scheduled to be my dinner and my boss said, "Who's salad is that in the fridge? Can I have it?"

On and on.

So, the postage meter it is...

Actually, this problem seems to be sweeping the nation!
joyfulgirl said:
We have a postage meter. I mean, it's just sitting there for anybody to use...:reject:

Let the rationalizing begin!

Well, first of all, I work many more hours than I am paid for. Just because I am super-employee.

And how about all those business errands I run on my gas.

And then there are those parking costs for our evening events. How many times have I dished out those 2 bucks from my own pocket?

And then there were those two times I had leftover salads in the fridge that were scheduled to be my dinner and my boss said, "Who's salad is that in the fridge? Can I have it?"

On and on.

So, the postage meter it is...

Actually, this problem seems to be sweeping the nation!


same here:up:

I hate when your letter gets stuck in the machine and it gets all chewed up:angry:
Then everyone knooows in the business office Im is milking the system:censored:

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