For Cat Lovers Only XIV - Post Pics, Ask Questions, Comments, Etc.

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Scratch me, come on, pleeease!


Yeah, differential equations, I can do that as well, duh.

I'm allergic to them


me too but I still live with one. I can't imagine life without her....or another at some point. :heart: Cats and dust are on the top of my list of things to stay away. I've generally been able to get away with using allergies as an excuse to not have to clean something. :D But now that there's a cat in my life the dusting excuse doesn't work so good anymore! :grumpy:

I think it depends on the cat because I've been around some that have caused major asthma attacks. But my little Lily has never bothered my allergies at all.
OMG, yes! Mofo looooves this. His ears go down, he shuts his eyes, and purrs away when I do this. He almost fell over once, he was so-oo relaxed :lol: I figured that humans love it when I do it, even the dog loves it, so he might too.

Yup, Miep loves this too. :D

:tsk: Stop being a wussy Carlos. I'm allergic to cats too and I still have them! I found out that the best remedy for a cat allergy is actually owning one! I am much less allergic these days!
Trinx, your kittehs are ridiculously cute. Sicy, more vids, pls.

Mofo was playing with the dog's tail this morning. The pup was chewing on his bone on in the living room and Mofo was batting and chewing his tail, lol. Pup didn't even notice. /random silly.
my alarms go off at 3:30 and 3:35 am for work :crack: What a ridiculous hour to have to get up! If it wouldn't have been for Lily this morning I never would have woken up. Slept through both of them. She knows that when the alarm clock goes off that I get up and she gets to eat. I woke up to her sitting on my shoulder whining in my ear. :heart: :drool:
My cats are good alarm clocks too. Except they think that I have to get up for work on the weekends as well. :grumpy:
Yeah, they are :), thanks. Sadly I've got only 2/6 left. Some passed away, some wandered away. Pink-nosed one passed away recently. But I try not to be sad when I think of them because they used to make me happy. :) And this is a nice thread for them to be remembered. :)

Kitties. :heart: :up:
Lily is good about only waking me up after my alarm goes off but she does wake me up at about 4 am on my days off. :angry: She never used to get out of bed for food until we moved. I have some interested living arrangements right now so her food is located in a cabinet in my bathroom while her bowls are right outside of my bedroom/bathroom hallway. So anytime I go into my room or bathroom she follows me thinking she's going to get food. I used to be able to get up and get ready for my day without her moving from the bed but now she runs towards her bowls the second I get out of bed. I really wish I could keep her bowls and food in the kitchen but I'm staying with the parents right now and that's just not an option for my cat-free parents. They are warming up to having a cat around but I still don't think they'd let me move her stuff.
It's pretty cute. I cant get mad. Even at 5am. Nothing like a soft purring cat making a nest in your hair and licking your earlobes lol. :cute:
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