Breaking Bad II - Always say "thank you" to Walt.

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Like I said, the ending was a dud.

The other 45 minutes? >>>>>>>

The walls are closing in on Walt. Jesse is getting manipulated but he's starting to take the reins a bit. Skyler is asking Walt to murder what essentially amounts to a family member. Saul is still dishing out top notch murder metaphors. No Marie overdose this week and what we got was quite enjoyable. What's not to like?
Probably my only complaint in the episode. Him staring Jesse down the whole time seemed like crazy overkill.

Was he staring at him or just standing there menacingly? Either way it felt like a cop out plot motivator, but the whole idea that Walt's starting to re-emerge and the ruthless Heisenberg persona is receding fascinates me.
I think Jessie finally gets that he should stay away from all bald people.

Agree it was a contrivance, but this was a great Jessie episode, and I liked Hank a little less in how he used Jessie every bit as thoughtlessly as Walt uses him.

I've often wondered why so many of my female friends have been in love with Jessie since Season 1. Now, he's grown and matured from being Eminem's little bro and I do find him more physically appealing now, but not back then. Jessie is desperate for a father and mother to love him and, more, to mother him and father him. The chicks, they want to mother him.

And nice Skylar acting. And Saul gets the best line: "let's say for argument that he's not up for a nuanced discussion on the merits of child poisoning."

Didn't have the bite of the first three, but lots of important work was done, and now Pinkman's back and reporting for duty.
Pinkman's back and reporting for duty.

By far my favorite aspect of this episode. Jesse's moping has dragged the pacing down for the past three episodes and removed a vibrant personality from the cast. Glad to have him back.

Scary bald man's purpose should have remained ambiguous.
I had no problem with the bald guy standing near Walt.

In fact I loved it.

A completely innocent bystander waiting for his daughter. Just happens to look like a bit of a heavy. Jessie might have gone in and at least spoken to Walt, but...

Yes it's a contrivance. That's what drama is. Contrivances that shape the incoherence of actual reality (our lives are not stories really, they're just a bunch of stuff that happens) into a structure. The real question is, is it a good contrivance. Given the circles they've both been moving in the last year or so, I say, yeah, it's a good contrivance. Appearances and bluff count for a lot in this world, and it's actually sort of funny to see the effect in reverse (totally harmless guy flips outcome of situation he's oblivious to, just cause of how he looks).
I thought this was the weakest of the new episodes so far - and I think it's because it all felt a little predictable. I never really got any oh shit moments like I did in the previous three, and despite the fact that a lot happened, it never really felt like it was moving particularly fast. Nonetheless, it was still Breaking Bad so it was still good. There were some really good laughs, though, and I'm happy to finally see Jesse and Marie in a scene together. The fact that Walt seems to be the only person who still even remotely cares about Jesse is utterly gutwrenching.

With the bystander thing, I think that Jesse would have taken any excuse not to talk to Walt. He was just too freaked out. The tough guy is just the excuse that manifested for him.
It was the weakest because it was a set-up episode. The pacing seemed much slower than in the previous three episodes. But the menacing bald guy made perfect sense to me (and no, he didn't stare at Jesse the whole time). If it wasn't him, it would have been something else. Jesse is terrified of Walt and well aware that he could kill him in thousand different permutations.

By far my favorite aspect of this episode. Jesse's moping has dragged the pacing down for the past three episodes and removed a vibrant personality from the cast. Glad to have him back.

Scary bald man's purpose should have remained ambiguous.

You're calling the fact that he finally stood up to Walt, connected the dots on Brock and the fact that he wanted to burn his house down in the previous episode "moping"? He was back a week ago.

It wouldn't make sense for it to remain ambiguous because that is the point when Walt finally decides he has to deal with Jesse in the same way he dealt with all his other threats. Zero tolerance.
OK, he was back for a couple of minutes at the end of the last episode (hated the way that was paced btw), followed by the entirety of this one.

And you're right, if there was any possibility that Walt was already going to kill Jesse, it would soften the impact of the final scene. They could theoretically coexist but it wouldn't be as dramatic. Visually though, it would have been quite striking and ominous.
i had a dream last night where Walter was more or less a comic book supervillain who used science to, like, throw fireballs (like with Tuco in S1) and teleport and stuff. i'm sure magnets were involved as well.

it made me realize how much i kind of hate Walter and want him to die. i really was still sort of cheering for him up until the end of S4.
I've a feeling a principle character will bite the dust in the next episode. Five bucks says Gomez will meet his maker.
Contrived though the bald dude may have been, I didn't think it was so bad... it lead to a good plot point where Jesse freaked out, backtracked and figures he's now a step ahead of Walt, when the dude was just a tough guy waiting for his daughter.

The weakest of the four thus far sure, but as Bonnie said, still great because it's Breaking Bad. Probably my biggest complaint with the ep was how quick the whole Jesse burning Walt's house > Hank walks in and takes him away > Walt drives up half a second too late > Jesse tells everything scene went. Felt that could have done with some more exposition.
This season's rapid sequencing, combined with the flashback structure of this episode, overshoot the "plausibility" of the moment you bring up, Cobbler.

I'm all for this half-season's domino effect.
Having watched the entire series on Netflix until now, my biggest complaint about this season are the damn commercials.
Anyone know anything that'll make me sleep for six days and 23 hours? I thought I was going to puke the last 20 minutes.

/pours one out
I watched the entire last scene from behind a pillow, I couldn't watch it. Listening was good enough. :lol: Damn them! And the Hank and Marie phone call... Oh my God this show I hate you!
Dear God.


Hank is doomed. That was the last phone call he'll ever make. It was almost too saccharine (though this is a cliche I would hope the writers would side-step). Gomez is certainly dead. Who knows what will become of Jesse; maybe he'll escape during the shootout. I wonder if the last few episodes will involve Walt's adventures with the white power gang before they eventually turn on him and he's forced to buy expensive weaponry for protection.
I really wonder now if Hank is indeed doomed. For the last 5 minutes, and especially during that phone call, I was literally saying to myself "Oh shit, Hank is gone". But to finish the episode at that point, in the middle of a stand-off - I will find it interesting if they do decide to do a send-off of such a huge character at the opening of the episode and not in the end. Vince Gilligan always keeps me guessing.

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