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Aardvark747 said:

I wonder how Painted Roses got on with her exam results?:hmm:

I was just wondering that as they were talking about A level results on the news.

Hopefully she is down the pub as we speak celebrating good news!
Aardvark747 said:
Probably trying to avoid another Fight Night! That did rub some critics up the wrong way - even tho it's what we WANT to see!:wink:

I can't believe people actually phoned up the police about that. Did they just forget that the whole thing was being taped from god only knows how many camera angles and that C4 probably has a small army of people monitoring what's going on in the house?? :der: :der:

That said it was a bit freaky when Victor threw that platter thingy at Emma's head. He looked like a crazed lunatic with that clown make-up on!
karls77 said:

I can't believe people actually phoned up the police about that. Did they just forget that the whole thing was being taped from god only knows how many camera angles and that C4 probably has a small army of people monitoring what's going on in the house?? :der: :der:
That said it was a bit freaky when Victor threw that platter thingy at Emma's head. He looked like a crazed lunatic with that clown make-up on!

It is those strange people who watch the live BB late at night...:whistle:

Victor was mad, but he was my fave character - I was gutted when he got voted off.
Tilli said:
Victor was mad, but he was my fave character - I was gutted when he got voted off.

Yeah, I remember that. I think Jason was ahead in the vote but Victor was stupid and blew up at one of the nice people (was it Nush??) and was voted out as a result. He could've won if he had toned it down a bit.
Yeah - Michelle and Emma were playing tricks on everyone in the secret room!:lol:
Aardvark747 said:

That's right - and dont forget the legend that was Ahmed!

"I am not a sandwich":wink:

Yeah, I liked him. Perhaps a bit mentally unstable but def. entertaining. I couldn't stand the fact that everyone kept calling him an "asylum seeker" though. Wasn't he granted asylum and thus no longer an "asylum seeker"?????

Remember when he lost it and started smashing plates?
Aardvark747 said:
...and Ahmed's opinion on Marco - "I HATE him!....and his bodyguard" - Refering to Nadia if I recall correctly!:wink:
Ahmed was great!
karls77 said:
Remember when he lost it and started smashing plates?

:lol: Yeah! When that alarm was going off!

He also stopped doing that running round the garden task, sat down, said "I am SICK!" then smacked a cup off of the table!:wink:
I don't normally care that much for celeb BB but I do have to say that John Mcruick was entertaining as hell on the last one. His rants about being denied milk and diet coke were classic. Plus his clothes - that furry hat and the buffalo-imprinted coat thingy he wore WTF???
I can remember when they gave Stu that enormous cowboy had and he complained so they took it back and gave him a cowboy had that was the size of a thimble!:wink:
karls77 said:
I don't normally care that much for celeb BB but I do have to say that John Mcruick was entertaining as hell on the last one. His rants about being denied milk and diet coke were classic. Plus his clothes - that furry hat and the buffalo-imprinted coat thingy he wore WTF???

Legend. What about Sly's mum coming in? Hideous or what?!:eeklaugh:
I just remember that dreadful DJ being on the celeb BB - Lisa I'Anson - aaargghhh! I HATE HER!
Tilli said:
I just remember that dreadful DJ being on the celeb BB - Lisa I'Anson - aaargghhh! I HATE HER!

Fully agree. The last time id actually seen her was when she was presenting the Freddie Mercury Tribute gig in 92'. She must've put on 20 stone since then!:wink:

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