Best of 2000-2010 - yay or nay ?

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Blue Crack Addict
Sep 28, 2000
We had a lot of "unnecessary, songs rehashing" etc talk with U2:18.

But what if U2 came up with a third two disc, bronze-coloured Best of that would consist of circa 15 songs on each disc ?

What would you put on it, would you consider buying it with a good selection of songs and a good new song added ?

My setlist would be:

4 songs off ATYCLB (BD, Stuck, Walk on and Kite, to keep the tradition of a popular live non-single song)

3 songs off Bomb : Vertigo, Sometimes, COBL

1 new song

3 songs off LP 12

2 songs from the "Passengers part II" Morocco

Ground beneath her feet and Stateless off MDH

disc 2 :shrug: remixes ?
1. City Of Blinding Lights
2. Elevation
3. Song new U2 album
4. Stateless
5. Sometimes You Can't Make It On Your Own
6. Vertigo
7. Song new U2 album
8. Song new 'Passengers' album
9. Original Of The Species
10. Ground Beneath Her Feet
11. Kite
12. Mercy (edit version, Best of single)
13. Song new U2 album
14. Walk On
unless they release two new full albums and the passengers 2 one by 2010 but as that's unlikely, i have to say nay.
Though they probably will anyway.
I say FUCK no.

But I'm sure it's going to happen when The Edge decides he needs another yacht or Bono wants a house in Tuscany.
I can't conceive of any possible tracklist that would make it worthwhile.
They jumped the gun with 18 and wrecked a perfectly nice system of best-ofs. It would be insane for BD to appear on 3 best of comps within a decade.
Nay ... but at least not before the next official studio album has come out. Because otherwise we have to wait again months and months, before we get to hear new tunes ...
I've been thinkin' about this a lot lately, and I have to agreee that the only way I could see it is if they get out 2 albums by 2010 and the other possible Passengers thing. Even then, they might need another single project thing like HMTMKMKM to add another track or something.

4 from Bomb, 3 from LP 12, 3 from LP 13, 1 From Passengers II, 1 from random single project, 2 brand new tracks, and that still only gives you 14 tracks.

My short answer is "Nay". No way they'll be productive enough for it. I'm thinking something more like "Best of 2000 to The Day We Called it Quits". But I'm sure they'll find a way to do a few more compilations before that happens; "U2:18 More" or something weak like that.
Why would they need 2 more albums and the "next Passengers" until 2010?
As it stands now, it looks like this decade we will get 3 albums and an extra project - just as much as they had to work with on the 90's Best of.

You don't really think BD won't be on the 2000-2010 Best of ? It was the biggest hit of the decade.

Ahittle: the gun jumped them, it seems. :wink:

Rich79: I don't know...I think they'll probably wait until their career is over and then do a proper career-spanning Best of. I'm sure if U2:18 didn't have to happen, we'd probably get a bronze coloured two-disc 2000-2010 Best of.
They won't repeat Beautiful Day, just like they won't repeat Window In The Skies or The Saints Are Coming for the next Best of.
I disagree. I think Saints and WITS will be on the next Best Of, if it actually happens.

I'm sure they will invoke the argument that U2:18 was a singles compilation, not a Best Of.

From ATYCLB, they would probably use Walk On, Elevation, and Kite.

So with 3 tracks from ATYCLB, 4 tracks from HTDAAB, and the 2 new songs from U2:18, they only need 3-4 tracks from their next LP and a couple of new tracks to round out a perfectly unnecessary third Best Of.
Let's wait and see what other material we get before the decade is out.

Generally, I don't buy Best Ofs unless there's something big and extra on it----I ripped the two Best Ofs from a friend, and I only own U2:18 for the Milan dvd.
There probably will be one, but there won't be much on it if they don't get their rears in gear and make more music faster. :waiting:
Since the next album will probably come out in 2012 (Bono says 2008 = 2012 for me :happy: ), I don't see how attyclibhutdab would make up yet another Best Of, especially considering BD and Stuck were idiotically included on the 90s Best Of. Least productive decade ever in the history of music I think. :down:
There's no way BD will reappear on a 00-10. If it does, they're just having a grand old laugh at our expense. Maybe that Influx mix if there's a B-side/remix disc (it wasn't on the 90-00 was it?)

I agree though that U218 wasn't a part of their overall plans, but from what I've heard of their severance deal with Island - I certainly wouldn't have been able to resist putting it out there either.
For all those who immediately say "nay", keep in mind that this release would be at least 5 years off.

Also, I doubt they'd repeat songs from 1990-2000, although they could conceivably throw WITS on there because it wasn't on one of the olympic medal-colored best-ofs yet. Definitely not "Saints" because it isn't their song and it features another band, and isn't great, etc.

With two more albums coming, this could atually work more easily than 1990-2000.

First, you pretend like U218 never happened and that it was just to get out of the record contract faster/be a companion to U2byU2 (and it isn't really related to the first 2 best ofs, so this doesn't require a big stretch of the imagination).

Then, you take the remaining 2 singles from ATYCLB plus Kite, then the 5 singles from HTDAAB. So that's an easy 8. Windows is 9. 2-3 from Passengers 2 and 4 from new U2 and you have a Best of that is busting from the seems.

If you don't like their recent material/singles, that's fine, but you should still be able to admit that the decade would justify a bronze Best Of in the vein of the other two.
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bram said:
For all those who immediately say "nay", keep in mind that this release would be at least 5 years off.

That's true. And 5 years is a century in this wacky music-biz climate right now. Hell, in 5 years compilations will most likely make even less sense, as a listener can easily assemble the tracks he wants via downloads. I imagine a ton of casual fans have already done so via itunes. The kids I know don't give a shit about albums any more.

Maybe in 5 years the 00-10 best-of will be a blue-light special on itunes - get the package at a discount. In 5 years, maybe downloads will be passe and all-you-can-eat subscription service on demand will be en vogue. Hard to even predict what the medium will be in 2012.
I think the Indie Rock/Indie Label mini-revolution has shown that there is a healthy market of individuals who are serious about the album as the ideal presentation of music (regardless of whether the album is digital or hard copy--just look at the response to Radiohead's "In Rainbows", although I realize few bands can pull this particular stunt off). Rather than waning, I think that this audience is actually getting larger.
U2girl said:
Why would they need 2 more albums and the "next Passengers" until 2010?
As it stands now, it looks like this decade we will get 3 albums and an extra project - just as much as they had to work with on the 90's Best of.

I definitely don't count ATYCLB as being qualified for a 2000-2010 compilation, since they already chose songs from it on 1990-2000. I'm sure they would 'cheat' and use it just to round out a compilation though if the need arose, since everyone seems to be in love with that album. I would just hope if that is the case, they use the big songs that weren't on the 90's compilation (Walk On, Kite (and Elevation, although I don't think it deserves to be on any "best of" but I guess that's a topic for another discussion.).

So, this is why I'd want HTDAAB plus 2 more and the extra project just so we don't have to tread down the ATYCLB road again. Like I said though; preferably no "Best of 2000-2010". So, still "Nay".
How is it cheating to include songs from 2000 (released as singles in 2001 depending on where you live) on a Best Of 2000-2010? Just because they included 2 from that album already does not disqualify the others just because you don't like them. And it would only be 2 or 3 songs from ATYCLB.
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