Arrested Development....THE MOVIE?!?!?!

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Yeah, you'd like it. Start with the miniseries and just start drooling from there - it keeps getting better. There are some standalones that are "meh" but all in all, it's awesome. You'd like it. I honestly think it's the best show I've ever seen, and it has nothing to do with a sci-fi spin - I'm not a big sci-fi dude. It's just brilliant.

Did you like Buffy?

Tobias kills me too. So does Buster. There's really no one I dislike. But in the end, it's all about Gob. And Lindsay is up there too - she's probably #3. When she wore the "SLUT" shirt to the prison I fucking lost it.
hmm, well i suppose i might as well add it to my netflix queue.

i never saw buffy, actually. don't know why.

exactly. everyone's hilarious. though gob is of course the funniest. and yes, i loved that part! a similar one was when maeby gave her a shirt with shemale on it.

edit: boo, they don't have it on netflix.
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Couldn't possibly pick a favourite, but GOB, Lucille and George Michael (as I haven't seen much of Cera's later projects where he seems to be playing more or less the same character) are always up there.

Hell, I'm just going to agree with everyone and say the whole cast is brilliant. I had so much fun watching it the first time around, and I still love watching it on repeat. Genius.
It's happening!

Arrested Development: Bullied Michael Cera Finally Signs Onto Arrested Development Movie

Fire up the chicken dance—or, at least, your best approximation of it. Michael Cera, the lone holdout among the reunited cast of Arrested Development, has finally agreed to do the movie.

Despite the fact that creator Mitchell Hurwitz has said he couldn't begin work on a script until every cast member signed on—and then, everyone but the erstwhile George Michael proceeded to do just that—Cera had remained publicly opposed to the project for months. Now, though, E's Kristin Dos Santos is reporting the news (straight from her Arrested Development source, which is probably Jason Bateman) that Cera has changed his mind and will indeed sign on to the movie, which could shoot as early as this winter with Ron Howard succeeding Hurwitz at the helm. Update: A rep at Imagine Entertainment writes in that Hurwitz still has sole claim to the director's seat, presumably leaving Howard confined to the voiceover booth.

A beloved franchise cut loose by its network and eventually revived elsewhere with all its major players intact. Hmmm. Sounds like something we can get behind.
Yeah, I saw an interview with Ron Howard at the Oscars where he all but confirmed that this was finally going down. It's wonderful news.

And it's weird that this is popping up now because I went and watched a few season 1 episodes on a whim last week. They're all on Hulu.

"I'd rather be dead in California than alive in Arizona."

:hyper: :hyper:


God I miss this show.
After The Office one night, they were running a promo for Chuck in 3D. Apparently Tony Hale is on the show? Anyway, the only part of the promo featuring him was him saying "NO TOUCHING!" The pseudo-lady and I lost it.

That's not pseudo as in she might be a dude. She's like pseudo-my-lady-friend. You know?

I was in trouble like three words into that.

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