Random Music Talk LIX: (but doesn't suck)

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I was a bit sad after visiting my late grandparents' old house to find there isn't so much as fragment of concrete left from the house I had many memories in. So I chucked on The Joshua Tree on the way home for a bit of comfort but found it wasn't really grabbing me the way it usually does, so I turned it off, and that made me more sad.

I feel this one. My grandparents' old house was just sold. I made a special trip home a few weeks ago to see it one more time.
I was a bit sad after visiting my late grandparents' old house to find there isn't so much as fragment of concrete left from the house I had many memories in. So I chucked on The Joshua Tree on the way home for a bit of comfort but found it wasn't really grabbing me the way it usually does, so I turned it off, and that made me more sad.

Last year or the year before, I was driving to my aunt's house. She lives on the same street as the house that I spent the first four years of my life in. I was going to point the house out to Travis when I saw that it had been torn down. It was a horrible shock to me.
I was a bit sad after visiting my late grandparents' old house to find there isn't so much as fragment of concrete left from the house I had many memories in. So I chucked on The Joshua Tree on the way home for a bit of comfort but found it wasn't really grabbing me the way it usually does, so I turned it off, and that made me more sad.

Everything about this is depressing.

Yeah, echoing the general sentiment here, it's weird as hell to see those kinds of changes. The house my grandma lived in has been all changed around over the years, and my mom always mentions how much she hates what the people living there now have done to the place whenever we happen to pass it.
Danny Boy said:
Other than U22, I don't believe I have listened to a Shuttlecock album start to finish since the AB remaster tweaked edition was released.

I still like U2. :sad:

U2...sooomeooone still looovess yooouuu :(
I don't think anyone inspires multiple pages of RMT discussion more consistently than U2. Except Michael Jackson and The Cure.
I was a bit sad after visiting my late grandparents' old house to find there isn't so much as fragment of concrete left from the house I had many memories in. So I chucked on The Joshua Tree on the way home for a bit of comfort but found it wasn't really grabbing me the way it usually does, so I turned it off, and that made me more sad.

That wasn't one of the ones I tried, unfortunately. That album never manages to fade for me.

Friggin' Cobbler.

While JT isn't my fav, it never fails as a therapeutic listen.

Also, Stone Roses naming their album "Second Coming" to begin with pretty much sealed their downfall. Unbridled arrogance. Although I bet Oasis would have used the title had it not already been taken.
That sucks, Reggo. Sorry. :(
Found different brand of motor that does fit the bracket, wired it properly, got the drive pulley all calibrated perfectly, turned the sucker on and...nothing. So the problem is wiring somewhere else, it appears. I don't know nothing about wiring unless it's clearly diagrammed for me, so I've spent over $125 on new parts for the thing and it still doesn't work.

91 degrees inside the house. Utah summers SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK.
Cheers guyz. It was pretty sad, looking at where the path that led to the front door used to be, where the kitchen and back room and fridge that was always stocked with treats used to be. The block was subdivided in two so there's already a schmaltzy new apartment thing on the back half of the block where Pa's garden used to be.

Friggin' Cobbler.

Thanks for the support :wink:

It usually works, but on this particularly occasion, save for a few moments in Streets and RTSS, it just didn't grab me like it normally does. I only got as far as In God's Country anyway before I got home and had to get ready to go out.

I still like them too, they'll always be my #1, but like DB WOW, I haven't listened to an album in full since the AB remaster came out.

Also, nice to see you back in Random Music and B&C in general, Lance.

It's weird to see a post of his without every fourth word bolded or italicised, though :wink:
I'm all for some random Cure talk. I'm seeing them in 2 days! I think I've finally got around to Seventeen Seconds even though it's not the time of year for that album.

The Cure is probably going to be my next ZOMGBESTESTBANDEVA after U2, Radiohead, Sigur Ros...
91 degrees inside the house. Utah summers SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK.

Not to mention all of the smoke from the wildfires. Actually, having lived in St. Louis, Miami, and Phoenix, I would definitely take a Utah summer over any of those. St. Louis was brutal...and at least it cools down nice at night here. Phoenix is an oven all night long.

Anyway, glad you got your AC fixed :up:

Took a listen to Oceania tonight. Pleasantly surprised.
Anyway, glad you got your AC fixed

ha nevermind Reggo, reading comprehension fail. Well I hope you can solve your AC problem soon. Spending a lot of money and not getting results always sucks.
cobl04 said:
Coming up next: the merits of The Clash's albums London Calling, the s/t and Sandinista!


How would you improve Hail to the Thief?

Something tells me I'm not going to like this...

And....that album is improved by taking it out of the cd player and using it as a coaster.
I was feeling rejuvenated from my road trip, especially after taking the back roads home (Being There is excellent back-roads-music) and stopping at just about anything that was open and taking pictures, until I walked in the house and was not greeted by my little dog's big eyes, waggy tail, and happy dance. :sad::sad::sad:
Looks like the Chris Martin track isn't on the Lips and Fwends CD release. It's been replaced by a collaboration with Aaron Behrens of Ghostland Observatory.

Nice to know that someone can do shitloads of acid over the years and still be able to separate the wheat from the naff.

Ironically, the version of this album that I "acquired" online has 19 tracks and includes both of those songs. :sad:
Nice, DB.

So I live in a small condo complex. One building of town houses, one of condos. In the last week and half, someone in my stairwell (I'm on the top floor) has started playing video games in their bedroom every night. They start between 10:30pm and 11;30, and play until midnight or 1am most every night. I'm not sure if it's just that their speakers have a decent amount of bass, or if they're actually playing with a sub-woofer, as the bass from guns and explosions in their game echoes through my room the entire time. I'm unfortunately a really light sleeper, and it's flat out ruined my sleep schedule for the last week.

For the life of me, I can't figure out where it's coming from. I thought it was the person in the unit adjacent to mine. I know it's not now, as I've heard it when he's gone. I also thought it was the unit immediately below me. Now I'm not so sure, as it seems like it may actually just be echoing up through the wall.

I have no idea who to talk to. I'm assuming others in the place have to be hearing it as well, as everyone's master bedrooms share walls because of plumbing. I'd sorta feel like a dick reporting them to the HOA, but I have no clue who else to talk to. I was tempted to print out a paper and tape it to the stairwell stating that it's extremely loud and asking them to use headphones. If you lived in a place like that and saw something like that posted, would you find it douchey or acceptable? I'm not sure what else to do.
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