Random Music Talk LIX: (but doesn't suck)

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martha said:
We're cleaning out in the never-ending prep for a never-ending remodel. I found this again.

It was April, 1980. It was in the Music + store on Sunset and Vine. The Ramones were doing an in-store signing. We heard about it on the way up to the Palladium for the show. We had signed ourselves out of school for the afternoon. As we were waiting in line for autographs, many around us were stealing lps and taking the shrink off to have them signed. I had a notebook in my purse, of course.


I drove past my house the other day and almost ended up in connecticut cos I was rocking out to the Ramones on the drive home. :shifty:
Danny Boy said:
If I ever record a rap rock album, I'm going to call it Cotton Candy and the Chocolate Wonderfall.


The golden corral scares me. Since the one here opened, I haven't heard anything but tales of people saying they just had to check out, and spent the rest of their evening puking and/or shitting their brains out.
We're cleaning out in the never-ending prep for a never-ending remodel. I found this


So Wilco night 1 at Red Rocks was The Show. Night 2 was The Party. Seemed like they played about 30 songs but I haven't seen the setlist yet.
I would like to go on national televison to compliment last night's audience on knowing the first line and the chorus to every song, along with key moments in songs where it's good to just shout out that one word you know ("Romeo!!!"), and for singing it loud, proud and on key.

Of course it was basically the same audience as Friday night, as was determined in a show of hands, yet as Tweedy said, "You guys make last night's audience seem like assholes." He was in fine form.

I'm guessing for that for the hard core fans who follow them around, last night's setlist was probably a wet dream.

Dr. Dog opened the show and given that the majority of the audience also knew every word to every song, I felt like kind of an asshole because I don't think I'd ever heard one song before. I liked how into it everyone was.

Which leads me to the inevitable "Denver has the best audiences in the country" comment.

U2 needs to do a week at Red Rocks.

And now, back on the road again.
Danny Boy said:
If I ever record a rap rock album, I'm going to call it Cotton Candy and the Chocolate Wonderfall.


If Dalton ever writes an autobiography, he should call it The Little Injun That Could
I had no idea that the sax on the Stones' "Waiting on a Friend" is played by no other than Sonny Rollins. It was already one of my favorite Stones songs, but that only pushes it higher.
Wait. Keep my cheeks dry today. He's talking about crying. Not as bad as I originally thought. Shame about having to over extend the syllable still
Wait. Keep my cheeks dry today. He's talking about crying. Not as bad as I originally thought. Shame about having to over extend the syllable still

Yeah, it sounds pretty emo to me. But he had a drug problem/depression, so I dunno.

Joyful, here's last night's setlist:


What a band. I love it when artists remember how much fun their early work is and stuff it into the encore like that :)angry:unlike Radiohead:angry:)
More songs from Being There than anything else = WIN.

And LM, if by "early work" you're referring to Pablo Honey, then no. Please no. Except for Lurgee.

The motor on our air conditioner died two days ago. Yesterday was too windy to get up on the roof safely, so I climb up there today. I have everything I need ready to go.

Except the goddamn motor mounting bracket is spaced 1/4 of an inch too wide for the new motor. So I can't replace it. Because it's welded in place.

A quarter of an inch. And they don't sell mounting brackets as spare parts at home improvement stores because they're original to the frame. So I'd have to buy basically an entirely new air conditioner at this point and return the parts I bought.


I don't think I have ever been quite so pissed in my life.
I had no idea that the sax on the Stones' "Waiting on a Friend" is played by no other than Sonny Rollins. It was already one of my favorite Stones songs, but that only pushes it higher.

I could've swore I read that that was Clarence playing sax on that song.
I'm relistening to albums to get a good top ten for the first half of the year down, and oh God, I forgot how great Animal Joy was.

Much like last year's Nostalgia, Ultra, the lushly produced songs on Channel Orange are connected by tape-damaged interludes of dialogue and sound effects and warped snippets of tracks, giving things an intimate, homemade scope and feel. The record begins with an upgraded version of "Thinking About You" (now with gorgeous strings), and also features previously-heard tracks "Forrest Gump", "Pyramids", and "Super Rich Kids". A distorted version of the Tumblr-leaked track "Voodoo" could be heard underneath the album's outro.
Elsewhere, Ocean offers left turn after left turn, from psychedelic soul a la Sly Stone, to D'Angelo-style, keyboard-based R&B, to a politically-charged track delivered over a nimble beat reminiscent of A Tribe Called Quest, to something akin to a spaced-out epic rock ballad in which a conversation with a cabbie inspires Ocean to ponder some of life's big questions.
Needless to say, this is not your typical major-label R&B record. So when Andre 3000 showed up to offer some guest rapping and singing near the end of the album, it made a hell of a lot of sense.


Frank Ocean's Channel Orange Album Details: Andre 3000, Genre-Hopping, and More | News | Pitchfork
Purity Ring leaked.

Go download it, guys.

Then buy it.

Or if you hate it, don't.

Just be happy with music.
I want to hear that, based on the song that was online this past week. I think I liked it.

But jeez, I listened to a bunch of new songs this week and they all start to blur together.

DAMN IT, NEW MUSIC. Stop being so plentiful!

I'm going out to hear a friend's band. She was a high-falutin' executive at my company, and her band played at a few of our "musicians network" shows. She's pretty cool. I felt bad I never made it to one of her shows before she left the company and started traveling around, so I'm going tonight.
I'm finally listening to Stone Roses' Second Coming. Talk about songs blending together. Bless them, they were so damn high.

I swear, every song is just them going bow chicka chicka chicka bow bow while Ian Brown overdoses into a microphone.
I'm finally listening to Stone Roses' Second Coming. Talk about songs blending together. Bless them, they were so damn high.

I swear, every song is just them going bow chicka chicka chicka bow bow while Ian Brown overdoses into a microphone.

With a lead single like Love Spreads, that album should've been a killer. So disappointing
Speaking of which, were any of you into the Seahorses? I loved that album when I was younger. Haven't listened to it in years though
I'm finally listening to Stone Roses' Second Coming. Talk about songs blending together. Bless them, they were so damn high.

I swear, every song is just them going bow chicka chicka chicka bow bow while Ian Brown overdoses into a microphone.

What else could you ever expect from an album that has the opener going for 11 minutes with half of it being random noises? :lol: Daybreak and Begging You are still pretty darn great.
I thought John Squire's guitar solo on Tears about justified the existence of the album. But by golly that hidden track is absolutely horrible. They must have been like "Hey, we wrote a pretty good song there with Love Spreads; let's take a giant shit all over the album for the last six minutes. We earned it!"
Was driving to and from work a bunch today and tried listening to some shuttlecock albums for the first time each in the longest of times and was all uuuugggh then put in zooropa and was like YESSSSSSSSS

you know?
I was a bit sad after visiting my late grandparents' old house to find there isn't so much as fragment of concrete left from the house I had many memories in. So I chucked on The Joshua Tree on the way home for a bit of comfort but found it wasn't really grabbing me the way it usually does, so I turned it off, and that made me more sad.
That wasn't one of the ones I tried, unfortunately. That album never manages to fade for me.
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