2011 NBA Off Season Thread: Draft, Free Agency... Lockout?

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Headache in a Suitcase

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Jul 16, 2000
With the other morally corrupt bootlicking rubes.
So the season is now over...


... and it's time for what should be a very interesting off season, beginning with the draft on thursday night.

frankly i'd be thrilled if the knicks ended up with either jimmer or klay thompson.
I don't know why the Cavs are so insistent on playing coy with Irving. It's fairly clear that they are going to take him at #1.
It would be hilarious if the Cavs took Williams and Minnesota then took another point guard. I think the Cavs may be thinking that Minnesota would not take Irving on account of Rubio, but I doubt that he would slip past Utah.
A healthy Chris Kaman wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. '06 Clippers frontcourt reunion.
And an expiring contract to boot.

The thing about Iguodala I don't get is his reputation for defense. He got put on Second Team All-Defense and I have no idea why. He's really not a particularly good defender, everyone's just been saying he is for years.
It would be hilarious if the Cavs took Williams and Minnesota then took another point guard. I think the Cavs may be thinking that Minnesota would not take Irving on account of Rubio, but I doubt that he would slip past Utah.

there's rumor of minnesota trading the 2 for steve nash, ironically enough... who would act as a tutor to rubio.

johnny flynn is as good as traded already.
Draft day peeps.

As a Jazz fan #3 and # 12 picks, and and a BYU (Jimmer) fan, I have never been so excited for a draft. Also sounds like there could be some big trades going down. (Tony Parker).

Folks around here are hoping Cleveland or Minnesota take Enis Kanter so Williams (Dwill2) falls to Utah. I am hoping Jimmer lands with the Jazz, Suns, Pacers or Knicks. I really don't want to see him in Sacramento, Milwaukee or Charlotte.

Should be an entertaining evening.
i could deal with this...

Jimmer said on the Dan Patrick show that the Knicks are the team he would most like to play for...and there have been reports that the Knicks may be willing to trade up to get him...so I see New York as a real possibility.

As someone who hopes Jimmer can do well in the NBA, I would love to see him do it on the biggest stage in New York and in Madison Square Garden.
Looking forward to watching the draft tonight, even though it's a relatively weak class. Hoping that the Bulls can somehow stumble onto a legit scoring threat with one of these late 1st round picks. Much easier said than done, but hell. Stranger things have happened.
They are saying even though its a weak draft, there should be more quality players than usual in the late first round, so a team like Chicago may be able to capitalize this year.

You guys sick of Boozer yet? Most Jazz fans were glad to see him go.
Great, we took Irving. The kid seems classy and focused. Now we'll see what kind of mentor Baron proves to be.
I love the fans booing Stern, which got a very early "we have a great crowd tonight".....Stern is possibly the most successful sarcastic prick of all-time.
Looking forward to watching the draft tonight, even though it's a relatively weak class. Hoping that the Bulls can somehow stumble onto a legit scoring threat with one of these late 1st round picks. Much easier said than done, but hell. Stranger things have happened.

Yeah, this for Boston as well. I don't really see anything happening for the C's that will make any difference next year, but who knows...
My initial excitement over my brethren Jordan Hamilton being picked by the Mavs has morphed into even greater excitement over swapping the pick for Rudy Fernandez. Daddy like.
I love the fans booing Stern, which got a very early "we have a great crowd tonight".....Stern is possibly the most successful sarcastic prick of all-time.

I loved the one time he came out and just gave a big wave and smile over to a section of the crowd booing him. :lol: Gotta say, Stern is pretty funny.
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