PGP: Waiting for the monster inbetween legs

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:shocked: Leather offstage???????
Oh shit. I just realised.. DALLAS is in It Might Get Loud. :shocked: I can't believe it has taken me so long to watch this, but it's awesome anyway!

:applaud: really great docu! i especially loved the scene where The Edge and Jack White are just stunned and all in awe and giggle with totally sparkling eyes when Jimmy starts to play! Just total fanboys :)


Hooray! Good luck! :hug:

I had the STRANGEST dream last night. :crack: I was hanging out with zu at her house, but she lived around here. Anyway, we were training for this triathlon that we were doing together, but next door there was this massive investigation going on of the house of one of the most horrible serial killers in Vancouver. So it was a mix of a nice dream between running and swimming and biking, and going to bars with zu, then also a kind of CSI show, where we were helping with the investigation of this murderer. Creepy!!

I woke up and had to shudder, because this serial killer had hit on my old roomie when we were living together 8 years ago. A few days after he had approached and propositioned her, he was arrested and has been in jail ever since. :yikes: So yeah. That was a weird dream to wake up to this morning! :lol: :uhoh:

AW :love: Thora was dreaming about me! :love:
Wait, was the serial killer hitting on your roommate real? Yikes!

DG, good luck with the job interview :hug:
:applaud: really great docu! i especially loved the scene where The Edge and Jack White are just stunned and all in awe and giggle with totally sparkling eyes when Jimmy starts to play! Just total fanboys :)


I think that was everyone's favorite scene! I also like where Jimmy Page was air guitaring in his giant room full of records. I can't believe GG hasn't seen this movie until now! :shocked:
:applaud: really great docu! i especially loved the scene where The Edge and Jack White are just stunned and all in awe and giggle with totally sparkling eyes when Jimmy starts to play! Just total fanboys :)




:giggle: Yeah I just commented on that scene, before JImmy plays Whole Lotta Love they both are fanboying so badly! :giggle:
I think that was everyone's favorite scene! I also like where Jimmy Page was air guitaring in his giant room full of records. I can't believe GG hasn't seen this movie until now! :shocked:

I know!! :doh: I've owned the dvd for about two months now since I couldn't find it anywhere before, but I stupidly misplaced and couldn't find it anymore. I found it last week so I'm watching it at LAST!

Hearing Edge speak about the bombings is kinda eerie with Chains on the background.
Hooray! Good luck! :hug:

I had the STRANGEST dream last night. :crack: I was hanging out with zu at her house, but she lived around here. Anyway, we were training for this triathlon that we were doing together, but next door there was this massive investigation going on of the house of one of the most horrible serial killers in Vancouver. So it was a mix of a nice dream between running and swimming and biking, and going to bars with zu, then also a kind of CSI show, where we were helping with the investigation of this murderer. Creepy!!

I woke up and had to shudder, because this serial killer had hit on my old roomie when we were living together 8 years ago. A few days after he had approached and propositioned her, he was arrested and has been in jail ever since. :yikes: So yeah. That was a weird dream to wake up to this morning! :lol: :uhoh:

creepy!! too much TV or too much of watchin/reading criminal news? or just waiting for Halloween?

Watching this movie is hillarious. While me and a lot of guitar nerds around here all fanboy over Edge and his equipment, it's lovely to see Edge himself fanboying all over Jimmy Page.

Am enjoying the whole effects info of this movie a lot. :love:

hah, you just said what i said while I was replying... :D
:lmao: !!!! Awesome!!

Oh shit. I just realised.. DALLAS is in It Might Get Loud. :shocked: I can't believe it has taken me so long to watch this, but it's awesome anyway!

About time! BEST MOVIE EVER!

I think that was everyone's favorite scene! I also like where Jimmy Page was air guitaring in his giant room full of records. I can't believe GG hasn't seen this movie until now! :shocked:

I love the Jimmy Page air guitar! I've seen that like 2837592875 times, and I still crack up EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Even if I'm just listening to The Rumble in my car, I do his little down-down-up air guitar and crack up.

Who is The Boy? You have a boy? Or is it a boy you want? (Cue Devo: She's just a girl, just the girl, the girl you want) I'm so out of the loop. :sad:

It is a boy I want. :sexywink: I never really talk about him here because it is omg-soap opera! complicated, but we met Halloween 3 years ago, so I'm all nostalgic. And I HATE missing his shows, especially one where I have an excuse to dress up! :D
About time! BEST MOVIE EVER!

I love the Jimmy Page air guitar! I've seen that like 2837592875 times, and I still crack up EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Even if I'm just listening to The Rumble in my car, I do his little down-down-up air guitar and crack up.

It is a boy I want. :sexywink: I never really talk about him here because it is omg-soap opera! complicated, but we met Halloween 3 years ago, so I'm all nostalgic. And I HATE missing his shows, especially one where I have an excuse to dress up! :D

Aw, what does he play?
And what are you going to be for Halloween?

*air guitars* Breaw - Breaw - BREAW
(I don't know how to type a guitar chord sound)
Interesting to see Edge changed guitars. :giggle: And to see that when he's using the slide, he goes back to the Gretsch. Predictable.
Guitar, of course. ;)

I don't think I'm dressing up this year, but I might do some awesome green makeup for handing out candy!

Cool. What kind of music?
Mr.Z has had a goatee for about 13 years and he's thinking about shaving it for his Halloween costume. I'm a little scared - what if he looks all funny?
I think that was everyone's favorite scene! I also like where Jimmy Page was air guitaring in his giant room full of records. I can't believe GG hasn't seen this movie until now! :shocked:

yeah, I loved that scene too! It was just great to see how he was all in giggles too! And wow, what a record collection this man has!!!
But the movie made me appreciate Jack White a lot more! i hadn't really listened to him before!

I know!! :doh: I've owned the dvd for about two months now since I couldn't find it anywhere before, but I stupidly misplaced and couldn't find it anymore. I found it last week so I'm watching it at LAST!

Hearing Edge speak about the bombings is kinda eerie with Chains on the background.

unbelievable indeed! i thought you have seen everything :D
oh now.. you make me want to watch the movie, again! i've seen it like a million times already! maybe i should just push the play button :lol:
i love it when Edge talks about the trees in the end! it's an interesting perspective!
:lol: Edge is so recognizable in the dark. The beanie wins.

Strange they're using footage from the Slane dvd while TTTYAATW plays.
yeah, I loved that scene too! It was just great to see how he was all in giggles too! And wow, what a record collection this man has!!!
But the movie made me appreciate Jack White a lot more! i hadn't really listened to him before!

unbelievable indeed! i thought you have seen everything :D
oh now.. you make me want to watch the movie, again! i've seen it like a million times already! maybe i should just push the play button :lol:
i love it when Edge talks about the trees in the end! it's an interesting perspective!

He's in Mt. Temple now! I've never actually been there. :hmm: perhaps for our Dublin sightseeing we could see where it is.

I get what you're saying about Jack White. I didn't really know much beyond the White Stripes before this eitehr, but he sounds pretty interesting.
:hmm: Am trying to figure out where it is outside where Edge stands with his amp and the Explorer. Doesn't look like Killiney beach to me. :hmm: more like Sandymount.
:lol: Creepy dream Thora! Had you watched CSI before going to bed?

Nope. Haven't watched any of those types of shows in years - they're too damn creepy, and I especially wouldn't watch that at night! :lol:

AW :love: Thora was dreaming about me! :love:
Wait, was the serial killer hitting on your roommate real? Yikes!

DG, good luck with the job interview :hug:

Yes, the asshole killer did hit on my roomie in real life. That's why the dream freaked me out so much. :lol: Both of us didn't sleep for about a week after he was arrested because all the creepy disgusting stuff that came out about him freaked us out so much. He had a pig farm, and basically he'd murder the girls and then feed the body parts to the pigs. :shudder: I don't know if that was just rumour or if it was true. Either way, that guy's an absolute nutcase, and I'm glad he'll be locked up forever. :up:

And I still haven't seen IMGL. :reject: I must buy it someday soon.
Nope. Haven't watched any of those types of shows in years - they're too damn creepy, and I especially wouldn't watch that at night! :lol:

Yes, the asshole killer did hit on my roomie in real life. That's why the dream freaked me out so much. :lol: Both of us didn't sleep for about a week after he was arrested because all the creepy disgusting stuff that came out about him freaked us out so much. He had a pig farm, and basically he'd murder the girls and then feed the body parts to the pigs. :shudder: I don't know if that was just rumour or if it was true. Either way, that guy's an absolute nutcase, and I'm glad he'll be locked up forever. :up:

And I still haven't seen IMGL. :reject: I must buy it someday soon.

Oh my gosh, Thora. That's so frightening!!!

And what??? You haven't seen IMGL? :shocked: Turn in your fangirl card! :shame:
Oh my gosh, Thora. That's so frightening!!!

And what??? You haven't seen IMGL? :shocked: Turn in your fangirl card! :shame:

It really was. Apparently he'd been under investigation for a LONG time - the cops were just waiting for an opportunity to bust him for something else so that they could get onto his property and do an investigation. There had been rumours he would be released, and once we knew he was going to be locked up for a good long while, then we could relax a bit. I mean, it was a bit ridiculous for us to worry, since he had just seen her at her work, and never pursued her beyond that. Plus, his targets were prostitutes and other homeless women living on the east side of town, so he likely never would have gone after her to murder her, but of course our brains are irrational, and we just thought the worst. But he's rotting in jail where he belongs, and isn't even eligible for parole for about 20 years. :up:

I know. I majorly fail. :sad: My excuse is that it never came to theatres here, and it was too expensive when it first came out on DVD for me to buy. But now I have no more excuses. Maybe I'll buy it and watch it this weekend, since I have a $5 off coupon for Best Buy... :)
It is a boy I want. :sexywink: I never really talk about him here because it is omg-soap opera! complicated, but we met Halloween 3 years ago, so I'm all nostalgic.

he must at least be a little bit like The Edge - beanie? shiny guitar?

When I watch it on DVD I skip through the Jack White parts

really? :lol: is he that bad? but hooray for the possibility to skip things we don't want to see!

He's in Mt. Temple now! I've never actually been there. perhaps for our Dublin sightseeing we could see where it is.

I get what you're saying about Jack White. I didn't really know much beyond the White Stripes before this eitehr, but he sounds pretty interesting.

:yes: definately must visit!! after we do the round around Enya castle :wink: oh yeah, and visit Guinness-factory (though as I understood many don't actually really like this beer :lol:)

I though the song that Jack White wrote on his knee in the movie sounded really decent! And wow, what an intense concert he gave - all bleeding and stuff!


i know!!! i was melting into my seat when I heard him do it:heart:
wait? you were still talking about The Edge, right? :shifty:

Am trying to figure out where it is outside where Edge stands with his amp and the Explorer. Doesn't look like Killiney beach to me.
more like Sandymount.
me wants to know too! I'd definately wait him in the beach :D
Guinness factory is mandatory. Even if you don't like the beer you must see the spectacular view from the top floor!

Yeah I was talking about Edge. So did NOT expect to hear him sing. :heart: He should sing more often.
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