PGP: Waiting for the monster inbetween legs

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Yes, it will do!:drool::drool::drool:

I thought it would! :wink: :drool:

In the same box that the letter was in, there was also a folder that had all my pictures that were in my locker and in my notebooks in grade 12. That one in particular was in there. :D I really should throw all this stuff away, but it makes me laugh and smile every time I see it, so I keep hanging on to it. :)
I am glad you are keeping them! I still have somewhere my first love letter. Those are so fun to look back on! Memories!:heart:
High school was a horrible time for me, so it's nice to have some of the good stuff saved. :yes: That's sweet that you have your first love letter saved! :love:
Hilarious, Thora! i was just looking through a box from when my mom moved that I hadn't unpacked yet, the last one, and it had all my old report cards from elementary school. Going to have to go through those. :)

Amy, hopefully tomorrow will be better. :hug: Night!

I'm really bummed by the Frankfurt dvd having no audio, I was looking forward to seeing it. I checked a few things, but I'm too tired to delve into why it didn't burn properly tonight. Hopefully I'll be able to figure it out tomorrow.

Cori, if you see this, does IMGBurn burn non-ISO image dvds?
G'night, Amy! :hug:

Hilarious, Thora! i was just looking through a box from when my mom moved that I hadn't unpacked yet, the last one, and it had all my old report cards from elementary school. Going to have to go through those. :)

Amy, hopefully tomorrow will be better. :hug: Night!

Aww, that's cool! I have a bunch of old report cards saved too. :)

I need to put all these fun memories into one box so that I can pull it out whenever I'm having a crummy day, because all this stuff is guaranteed to cheer me up. My day today was normal - nothing especially bad or good, but it brightened my mood SO much to look over this note and the other fun things I found in there. :love: And this is just one random box - I have loads of other boxes filled with random junk that would be fun to look at and organize some day.

Eeps - just noticed the time. Gotta head to bed too. G'night, all! :hug:
VP - thanks for the update on your cat's situation! it's a stressful time for the owner if pet is sick! you just can't help but to worry too much... But fingers crossed that the results would be good! And hopefully Max will soon be able to pee those large puddles! Poor kittie :( And I'm sure he'll start eating soon, might be just because of the stress of going to the vet and getting the medicine! mine always has it! But definately ask what they will suggest! hopefully he still drinks at least? :hug: to you and your cat!!!

So I came home tonight, and there was a package notice in my mailbox! :hyper: Then I looked closer at it, and there's a fucking $14.13 + taxes due notice on it. W.T.F. :| The only thing it could be would be the scarf, as I can't remember ordering anything else online lately. All I have to say is that this scarf sure as hell be worth it, because I'm paying close to $100 for the fucking thing, what with the exchange rate, shipping, and now this COD thing. :sigh: I'm not too thrilled about this, as you can probably tell. :lol:

sorry about the taxes! these things always piss you off! But I hope that when you finally have the scarf wrapped around your next, you will still think it was all worth it :D

Giving pills to cats apparently isn't as easy as I thought. :| He has to take two tiny ones at once. He wouldn't take it in the pill pocket. Mind you, they're over two years old, so maybe they're no good. Gotta pick up some more tomorrow. I tried to do it the manual way. Got them in, then he lost it, ran through the house, spit one out (not sure about the other, but I can't find it), and then went through the house literally foaming at the mouth for the next 10 minutes.

Max - 1, VP - 0. :(

I've never had problems feeding cat the pills! Just take him into your arms a bit tilted with his stomach and face facing you (sort of like holding a baby), get a tight grip around the limbs, cause he will probably start to kick a bit (as soon as the pill is in!), open his mouth with one hand, put the pill to his mouth either with the same hand or using the other (which ever is comfortable, but have it ready already), close his mouth and try to hold his jaws together gently, cause otherwise he'll spit it out, and don't let him out of your arms that way until you see that he is swallowing it or munching it!
might sound a bit barbaric maybe, but it's the only way that works for my cat and the only way that the pill isn't destroyed! and those several times of spitting the pill out cause the foam, which is unpleasant for the cat!
be a bit mean to him when it comes to the pill giving! :D
It's possible I may have taken a screenshot.


well done, Comet! you have evidence :D smart girl!

I almost feel like I cheated a little, by getting Thora and Sarah to follow them. But dammit, I'd been checking their page for months! And in the past month, I've had it open in a tab constantly. And the past few days, I've been checking like every 10 minutes when I'm online. I was determined. :lol:

I've been hoping that in the past few weeks they wouldn't remind people, and that I'd be the only dork who remembered. They didn't, and I was.

awesome! i wouldn't call that cheating! it's more like a determination to win with every right :yes: but yeah, you got to tell us what you will get!!

Sarah's going as Medusa this year. She has it all together, she just needs to find snakes. :lol:

sounds like an awesome costume!!! would love to see the pic afterwards! Halloween is not actually a holiday in here, yet some pubs/clubs etc use it to throw some small costume parties for party people. But we do have our own 2 national holidays here coming up soon which in their modernized idea are a bit similar to Halloween (costumes + trick-and-treat kind of thing), but in my opinion those holidays are like a dying-breed here, fading away.
But I'm going to shop for a pumpkin today, because I still like to make a small carving and put the pumpkin outside :)
and hope that Halloween will run on tv - best horror movie ever!
Intimidation stare, maybe?


Heil Kitler :fist: (this is the closest smiley to the one i'm aiming for, just imagine the fist standing still on the air! and i would make a bit happier face too!) :D

I know it's probably only hilarious to her and me, but I was laughing so hard when I was reading this. Ahh, memories! :love: :lol: We were so nerdy, and SO in love with Brad Pitt! I know I have many other notes like this saved in another box somewhere. I must find those some day when I need a good laugh. :D

glad you discovered the old memories!! :)
I :heart: 7 Years In Tibet!! one of the best! And Brad Pitt is awesome too! one of those pretty faces who can actually act! i don't know any bad movie with him, he always has brilliant role choices!

sounds likr you've had to go through this with your cat(s) a bunch of times!:hug:

he has a tendency to easily get cold. Most of the time it's just no big deal, he self-heals fast with a lot of pampering and home-aid from me, but a few times it has been quite aweful! Once he had pneumonia. And then just at the beginning of the summer he was very ill for about two weeks until he started to recover. First days were just frightening! he was vomiting and had a bad diarrhea etc. and was very sluggish, not eating or drinking. So he was on meds for quite some time. He was soooo light that he was quite non-existent! Turned out that it was some really bad cat virus!
and he is quite a fighter, always gets scratches.. So I'm quite used to being a home-vet for him most of the time :)
such a pretty song!! :yes:
with the MASSIVE amount of songs that U2 has, some just go unnoticed at first and I think it's just a pleasure when you will finally notice them! So great to have so much variations and then discovering and rediscovering the songs! so basically you can never get bored of U2 :D
I love that song! I particularly like the title. Always fun to discover little gems like that, isn't it?

Also, someone mentioned possibly hearing the Jools Holland version of "Velvet Dress" in a commercial-so earlier tonight I was watching Rachel Maddow's show, and a correspondent did a fun, goofy segment where he went to the Hoover Dam and marveled at its size and the amount of manpower used to build it (as a means to imply that Americans need to maybe get back to their "can do!" spirit).

Anywho, he was interviewing people to get their thoughts on the dam, and he asked a couple what rock star, if any, the dam would be. Their response? Bono :D.

Glimpse of Bonotongue + scarf



"Hi, my name is Paul David Costello, I'm the brother of Elvis Costello..."

Nice picture nonetheless :). And LMAO at the idea of Adam's Lifetime "moobs" story. Oh, the heartache! The struggle!

VP, your poor little kitties-I feel so bad for them :hug:. It's nice to hear a bit of positive update, though, hopefully they continue to get better and will soon be happy and healthy and all that good stuff once again.

:lol: at the picture of Cricket! That's hilarious. My sister's cat's been sleeping on this soft, white cozy shawl of hers lately, and tonight she was sitting on it, and my sister pulled it out from under her at one point, 'cause she was going to kinda try and have her "wear" the shawl. The cat suddenly got a look on her face like, "Hey, that's mine, I was laying on that!" and starting jumping about and waving her paws around wildly trying to get it back from my sister :p.

DG, ugh, I know exactly what you're going through, I've been there myself :hug:. Chin up, you're bound to get something eventually :). I wish you continued luck in your search.

Talk of snow-apparently it snowed here today, and with the wind the snow was blowing around quite a bit. No accumulation, though. As long as we have snow on the ground by Christmastime, at least, I'll be happy. I also saw mention of snow-covered mountains...oh, that is some of the best scenery you could ever witness. As nice as it is to be back in my home state of Iowa, not gonna lie, I definitely do miss living in the Rockies and experiencing their winters.

Loved the "Brad" letters. I think nearly every teenage girl and her friends write goofy stuff like that, I know my friends and I did. I've got a few things around from my teen years, too, including a "get to know your classmate" sheet that I filled out when I met the guy who would become my boyfriend in high school. I also have a Valentine's Day card from him taped in a journal that I think is unfortunately packed away somewhere.

Thanks Angela :hug:

I have an interview tomorrow! :dancing:

Hooray! Good luck! :hug:

I had the STRANGEST dream last night. :crack: I was hanging out with zu at her house, but she lived around here. Anyway, we were training for this triathlon that we were doing together, but next door there was this massive investigation going on of the house of one of the most horrible serial killers in Vancouver. So it was a mix of a nice dream between running and swimming and biking, and going to bars with zu, then also a kind of CSI show, where we were helping with the investigation of this murderer. Creepy!!

I woke up and had to shudder, because this serial killer had hit on my old roomie when we were living together 8 years ago. A few days after he had approached and propositioned her, he was arrested and has been in jail ever since. :yikes: So yeah. That was a weird dream to wake up to this morning! :lol: :uhoh:
Watching this movie is hillarious. While me and a lot of guitar nerds around here all fanboy over Edge and his equipment, it's lovely to see Edge himself fanboying all over Jimmy Page. :cute:

Am enjoying the whole effects info of this movie a lot. :love:
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