Shuttlecock XXXI: Someone start a new in-joke so we can get a better title

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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You know I think you're the shit and all, Irvine. I do, but I will not watch that show. I need a shower from just watching the preview.

i will say that i have contributed to the downfall of Western Civilization, that is true. but any woman who signs up for any Housewives show knows exactly what they are getting into.

the show that i did with the sex addict (among other issues)? the one you found insufferable? the one where we had dinner afterwards in Laguna? that's now a series, and that's what i'm working on now. more crazy sex stuff. though no trips to SoCal on the horizon so far, my travels have kept me up in NYC instead. but, hands down, the weirdest crazy sex stuff actually goes on in places like Ohio.

You know what puts a smile on your face after a tough day at work? Having to pull your bicycle over to the edge of the sidewalk to let a friendly dog and his sweaty, young, lean, tanned, half-naked master run by you.

That's what.

you're gay.
but any woman who signs up for any Housewives show knows exactly what they are getting into.

That's such a pet peeve for me with any reality shows these days. They've been around long enough to know, and I honestly do not believe anyone signs up to be on a reality show without having a clue about it.

So you, Ren, on Top Model, shut your crying pie hole about the dramaz. It's 2011. Unless you've been in a monastery for the last 10 years, you have no excuse.
I have to say, as big as a U2 fan I am, I really couldn't care less about their investments.

I'd say I care more about whether or not Bono gets toejam than I do about what he does with his gajillions.

Also, there's just too damned much to see in Ireland. Maybe I'll just move there.

How about this choice of sunglasses? That's a hot button issue for many, I see.

I'm going to start a U2 investment tribute group, and we'll buy tons of stock in idiotic things. Essentially, my goal is to become the best imitator of the worst investor in America.

I laughed.
I would rank caring about his sunglasses slightly higher than caring about his toejam.

I had a dream last night that it was time to drag my parents to the U2 concert, but it was in a school gym or something, and there was some huge delay. Somehow I was backstage like I was going to help sort everything out, and then talking to Bono and playing Billy Joel songs on a keyboard.

weird, i have a lot of U2 concert dreams as well. they usually involve some level of deep frustration with something or other. like hearing Pride twice or something.
I have had exactly one U2 dream in my life, at least that I can recall....and it was recent, actually.

I was talking with Edge about how long their careers might go on for, and he told me that he wanted to go on until he couldn't play any longer, but that Adam and Larry were wanting to call it quits sooner than later. I asked Edge if he'd consider solo work and he looked at me like I was nuts. We then went out for Prime Rib and the restaurant turned into my old grade school. :shrug:

Irvine, best of luck with that series.
My U2 dreams have usually involved concerts, and it's often something like they're playing at a small bar, and I can't see very well even though I'm right up front, because I forgot my contacts or glasses. Of course, in these dreams, my vision is always 10x worse than in real life.

I have probably one or two a year. Pretty funny.

We just had a delightful team lunch outing, and I had a beer. We'll see if I'm asleep at my desk within the next hour or not.
My U2 dreams have usually involved concerts, and it's often something like they're playing at a small bar, and I can't see very well even though I'm right up front, because I forgot my contacts or glasses. Of course, in these dreams, my vision is always 10x worse than in real life.

yes, me too. though i've had ones where they're playing in a very unorthodox space, and they're like late or something and i'm telling people not to leave, and then they play the wrong things and i'm all making excuses for them and i think one time i had to sing one of the songs for them because Boner had to piss or something and i was all, "but i can't sing," and they were all like, "no, man, it's totally cool, go for it." and people were polite but i knew that i sucked and they were just being nice to me.

not that anyone on Interference would have the slightest idea of what Bono apologia is all about.
I have some embarrassing recurring dreams. Recently, I've started dreaming that I'm out at a karaoke place with someone I want to impress, and there is NOTHING that I can find to sing in the book. (Or again, I can't read it because I don't have my contacts in.) Horrors!

The other recurring thing in my dreams is that I often swallow small, inanimate objects, like rocks or coins. I have no idea how they get into my mouth, but I first start to panic, like I'm going to choke, but then I swallow it and I'm fine and go on with whatever is happening in my dream. That's been a recurring thing for a long time now.

Good times.
i often have dreams that i have my contact lenses in, but they are huge, like crazy frog eyes or something. and it bothers me.

I've had dreams where I can't put my contact in because it's gigantic and there's no way it'll fit over my eye.

By the way, Irvine, I'm sorry if my comments yesterday about the show were rude. I know I put a "congrats" before I started in on the show, but I hope that didn't come across badly.

Regardless of what I think of the show, it's still awesome you got to work on it. It's cool you do such a variety of shows.

From vaginas to .... um ..... rich, obnoxious vaginas! ;)
Because I can get deep dish pizza that is just as good in Berkeley at Zachary's. Plus, when your great aunt and uncle offer to cook you a Polish feast, you'd be a fool to turn it down.

A dog could offer me a half-chewed piece of meat and I'd like that better than the shit Giordano's serves.
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