RED (WIRE) - Video clip of a new Christmas U2 song (11/30/08)

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Trust me, you don't sing that way for years and it not damage your throat. I don't buy the allergy thing one bit, I have no doubt that he has an allergy to certain red wines, a lot of people do, but it doesn't put your throat out of comission, unless you are drinking a bottle before you get on stage.

It was well documented that the allergy was a huge factor in his voice problems. I never said his vocal style didn't contribute...I specifically stated that the main problem during the Popmart tour was the allergy to wine. He has since addressed it and his voice has gotten much better in the subsequent tours peaking with his ability to belt out operatic choruses during the Vertigo tour night in and night out. BTW, you don't need large amounts of something that you're allergic to in order to cause an allergic reaction...just ask anyone with a peanut allergy.

So I'm sorry, but you happen to be wrong.
Do you know when a singer strain or screams? WHEN HE HASNT ENOUGH VOICE AND POWER TO HIT THE HIGH NOTE.

That's one possibility, yes. The more likely reason in this case is that he lacked the training to hold those notes properly without screaming/straining. He had plenty of voice and power, he just didn't know how to properly control it.
That's one possibility, yes. The more likely reason in this case is that he lacked the training to hold those notes properly without screaming/straining. He had plenty of voice and power, he just didn't know how to properly control it.

like totally agree with u. :up:

I think it took him years to get this kind of control and I would say the last two tours have shown this live. IMO but that's just little ole me with what is called an opinion, that's right I said it..
It was well documented that the allergy was a huge factor in his voice problems. I never said his vocal style didn't contribute...I specifically stated that the main problem during the Popmart tour was the allergy to wine. He has since addressed it and his voice has gotten much better in the subsequent tours peaking with his ability to belt out operatic choruses during the Vertigo tour night in and night out.
Yes, it's well documented in the sense that that's the story some in the U2 camp gave us, but I'm telling you I don't buy it. Bono mentioned the allergy back in the ZooTV days, attributing that to the reason why he started wearing sunglasses indoors. He said there were only certain wines he could drink, most of them expensive vintage wines, so he knew about back then...

BTW, you don't need large amounts of something that you're allergic to in order to cause an allergic reaction...just ask anyone with a peanut allergy.
I understand you don't need large amounts, but you need to continue to have the allergen in your body in order to have a reaction. Those with peanut allergies are fine once the allergens are out of their system, allergies don't leave longtime effects, given you live through it. So my point is he would still have to be drinking wine every night if that was really the case, and since he knew about this years before I doubt that was the case.

looks like u were sadly minformed my friend.. :wink:

Wait, so just because I say it, it's not a fact?

What if I repeat it over and over? Then it's a fact right?

Oh, I know, if I say for example: "Ashlee Simpson is the best singer in the world, she's been touched by the hand of god, everyone in the world knows this, it's just a fact".

Because I put "everyone in the world knows this" and "it's just a fact", now that's a fact, right? I mean I called it a fact, so it must be one, right?
Wait, so just because I say it, it's not a fact?

What if I repeat it over and over? Then it's a fact right?

Oh, I know, if I say for example: "Ashlee Simpson is the best singer in the world, she's been touched by the hand of god, everyone in the world knows this, it's just a fact".

Because I put "everyone in the world knows this" and "it's just a fact", now that's a fact, right? I mean I called it a fact, so it must be one, right?

yep... pretty a nutshell.

Ok, so his voice is much stronger now. Anthems like Pride, NYD, SBS, WOWY are sang with a crap voice that is only a big ugly scream.

So you people at least agree that Bono could loose the glasses since he starting to look silly with them. And shaving wouldn't hurt either...
Ok, so his voice is much stronger now. Anthems like Pride, NYD, SBS, WOWY are sang with a crap voice that is only a big ugly scream.
There's nights on Vertigo where I think he sang NYD better than he has since ZooTV. SBS isn't that difficult of a song to sing. Pride he's never really been able to sing live as well as the studio. WOWY he hasn't sung well since JT, ZooTV he started sing/talk thing with MacPhisto and it's been downhill since then.

But if you listen to Desire from Union Chapel, I think that's the best he's ever sung it. Miss Sarajevo is amazing and he probably couldn't have done it back in the day.
So you people at least agree that Bono could loose the glasses since he starting to look silly with them. And shaving wouldn't hurt either...
Who cares? I could care less about the glasses, except those Lennon ones... those were just shit. And who gives a shit if he shaves or not? I mean really, are you just searching for shit to bitch about now?
There's nights on Vertigo where I think he sang NYD better than he has since ZooTV. SBS isn't that difficult of a song to sing. Pride he's never really been able to sing live as well as the studio. WOWY he hasn't sung well since JT, ZooTV he started sing/talk thing with MacPhisto and it's been downhill since then.

But if you listen to Desire from Union Chapel, I think that's the best he's ever sung it. Miss Sarajevo is amazing and he probably couldn't have done it back in the day.

Who cares? I could care less about the glasses, except those Lennon ones... those were just shit. And who gives a shit if he shaves or not? I mean really, are you just searching for shit to bitch about now?

Wrong mood! Chill my friend!
I got an email from (Red)WIRE today. This is still the thread, right? :wink:
I was able to fill in some information but there isn't a field to fill in for username and password. I don't have high speed and its recommended in their faqs section.
Does ths mean I can't join because I don't have high speed? Guess I'll have to sign up at work.
and this was at the bottom:
We're not asking for your credit card now. We just hope once you've enjoyed (RED)Wire, you'll become a member and start saving lives.
Then there's a box to click that says [Try (RED)WIRE on us]
Yes, it's well documented in the sense that that's the story some in the U2 camp gave us, but I'm telling you I don't buy it. Bono mentioned the allergy back in the ZooTV days, attributing that to the reason why he started wearing sunglasses indoors. He said there were only certain wines he could drink, most of them expensive vintage wines, so he knew about back then...

I understand you don't need large amounts, but you need to continue to have the allergen in your body in order to have a reaction. Those with peanut allergies are fine once the allergens are out of their system, allergies don't leave longtime effects, given you live through it. So my point is he would still have to be drinking wine every night if that was really the case, and since he knew about this years before I doubt that was the case.

Not to sound like a dick here...but what the hell is there not to "buy into" :doh: Its obvious that his singing was shit during Popmart, everyone said it was due to the wine, he subsequently forced to give up red wine allergy AS WELL AS the over use of his vocal chords while touring, and his voice got noticeably better and better towards the end of that tour then even better on the Elevation tour and then better on the Vertigo tour. There's really nothing to argue about. It is what it is. If YOU don't want to believe it then fine, there are still plenty of people in this world who think the earth is my guest, just don't be my pilot on a plane. :wink:

As for the allergen thing....sorry, but you must either have absolutely ZERO experience with such severe allergens...or you are just trying to argue for the sake of arguing. Either way you are so way off that I hope you don't have an allergy one day. A peanut allergy for example can kill you within me, my dad nearly kicked it multiple times because idiot waiters didn't heed his food allergy warnings when serving him a dish with drizzles....DRIZZLES of nut oil. Thankfully he had an Epi pen with him or he'd be a memory.

This is from Wikipedia: "If untreated, anaphylactic shock can result in death due to obstruction of the upper or lower airway (bronchospasm) or hypotension and heart failure. This happens within minutes to hours of eating the peanuts"

Trust stays in the system...and it can kill you.

That being said wine allergies generally don't kill people, but it doesn't take much time at all to get the allergy and close up someone's throat. And your comment about having to drink wine everynight is also incorrect. Allergies can build over time because they revolve around one's immune system. If your immune system is compromised due to a number of Bono's case: touring, eating badly, DRINKING, overuse of vocal chords, not being in your 20's etc. you are more likely to succumb to a food allergy at that time. My dad didn't have a nut allergy his entire life. He used to be able to eat handfuls upon handfuls of nuts since he was young. But for some reason, when he got older, and started taking various medications for blood pressure as well as his little affinity for "wine and spirits" he began to fall victim to ffod allergies...and thats why he's much more careful about what he eats and drinks and ALWAYS travels with his Epi pen.
His singing in In A Lifetime will never be repeated, so what who gives a shit. He had to stick his vocal chords out back in the eighties because Edge wasnt as good as he is now. Bono carried the band in the eighties. Now its Edge's turn to carry the band.
His singing in In A Lifetime will never be repeated, so what who gives a shit. He had to stick his vocal chords out back in the eighties because Edge wasnt as good as he is now. Bono carried the band in the eighties. Now its Edge's turn to carry the band.

Edge is the only guitarplayer in the world who has actually started to play worse when he got older. God I love this man :)
Talk to me when Bobo can sing like this(which will be never!)
YouTube - u2-With or Without you(rattle and hum)

I will donate 100 euro to any charity you'd like if that happened. I promise.
Last night I was listening to cant help falling i love live for sydney. God I wish he could use his falsetto like that nowadays. today his scream is very good for his age but I miss the "playing around with the voice coolness and the timing he used to have in the beginning of the 90's which what made want to become a singer for real.
Talk to me when Bobo can sing like this(which will be never!)

I'm surprised you're still around. Didn't you want to leave this board for good some days ago? Instead you're wasting even more of your precious time on this horrible band U2. :tsk:

And I have a good advice for you: the N on your keyboard is exactly next to the B. Just move your lazy little finger a little to the right. Or is your N-key broken because you never use it when typing Bono's name?
I'm a tenor singer as a major and the frontman of every band I've been in. So I'm singing every day and night. I have the range of a tenor and a counter tenor.

And I can honestly say his voice is much better now. It's more powerful, more at ease, and has less strain. Granted people like me can easily hit those notes because that's where they more most comfortable singing-
But I'm extremely impressed with Bono' new voice. It gets stronger and he hits the higher notes better every time I hear something new from him. Good on him :up::up::up::up::up:

Finally, a qualified opinion. Thank you.
You know why? because he completely underwhelmes in the verses. He SAVES himself for the chorusses where in the 80's and beginning of the 90's he gave everything during the WHOLE song. Again he sings the chorusses very very good, the verses is a completely different story.

I've noticed this effect too and I think Wave Of Sorrow is a good example of it. I like this song alot and think the lyrics are some of the best Bono has written in recent years, but for me its the vocal performance that lets it down. The high notes are definitely the highlight of the song, he attacks them with plenty of confidence and energy, but I feel the performance he gives on the verses is much more hit and miss and its here that I think the quality threshold slips, preventing a good song from becoming a great song. I can see that Bono is singing the big notes with plenty of commitment and focus these days, but I sometimes feel as if his commitment to the less challenging parts of the song is somewhat lacking.

High notes are great of course, they can really add drama and excitment to a song, but high notes alone do not make for a great performance, far more consistency is required. Its all personal taste but that's why I believe songs like Streets, ISHFWILF, WOWY and All I Want Is You are genuine classics, they'd be brilliant tunes anyway, but its Bono who raises them to another level.

His vocal performances are of the highest quality throughout, he gives equal care and commitment to both the verses and the choruses, to the easier moments and the more difficult moments. His consistency, I believe, is bang on. That's what I feel has sometimes been missing with more recent performances.

Its that consistency I'm looking for. We know he can still do it, the Islington performance especially proves that, I just hope we get plenty of evidence of it on the new album.

we get it, get over yourself and maybe u should take a hike aka pick another board to spew your repetitive crap.

just a thought.. which is a OPINION....not fact FYI.
I, too, am a bigger fan of the "new" Bono voice.

For me, of course, "Achtung Baby" is my favorite Bono album. It's the perfect combination of early-Bono strength and latter-Bono character.

But I'd much rather hear the Bono on ATYCLB and HTDAAB and especially newer tunes like this one, "Happy Birthday" and Wave of Sorrow. His voice sounds much more...lived-in. It's got character and soul. I like that more than the opera singer of the early days.
I don't know anything about the technical details of singing, but I think that Bono sings better now than he did in the 80s; back then, he just seemed to be screaming most of the time (especially on UF). His voice now might be a little more worn out from time and use, yes, but he's using it differently (not screaming) and that more than makes up for it.
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