The Temple Bar: Don't Step to This ... MUYFA

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I can't keep track of all these chat threads popping up all willy-nilly. I got all confused when I wandered into OOC after a long absence and saw loserville and sun gods and holding tanks and MUYFAs.
Preventing the bar from being pushed back onto page 2.

ETA - and cori beats me to it.

I can't keep them straight either. I just ignore the majority of them.
I can't keep track of all these chat threads popping up all willy-nilly. I got all confused when I wandered into OOC after a long absence and saw loserville and sun gods and holding tanks and MUYFAs.

I can't keep up these days, either. I've been pretty much keeping to here, FYM and my political blogs. After Nov. 4th, I'll go back to some semblance of normality, and rejoin the rest of the Interference world.
The plan:

Eat pizza.

Watch a DVD.

Listen to it rain/Thunder as I do so.

Go to sleep relatively early.

Wake up.

Go to airport.

Fly to SF.

Return on Monday.

Enjoy your weekend, friends. :)
The first one was actually kinda dull. I mean, setting up for the game was AWESOME. But actual game day was kinda boring because there were too MANY utilities there and I had nothing to do :(.

I kinda expect tomorrow to go the same way, but everyone here is so pumped right now because we're BCS ranked #14, and tomorrow's the homecoming game, so I expect things to be intense
I'm pretty obsessed with Okkervil River right now PFan, especially The Stage Names...don't know if you've heard that.

Classic stuff, I've also been listening to a lot of The Grateful Dead, but I don't know if you'd like them much.
I'm running through some more of Radiohead's catalogue, and them I'm looking into some other bands.

Pablo Honey and Amnesiac tonight. Still don't have HTTT.
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