Why bother? Bono at Labour Party Conference

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Crazy Horse

Jun 3, 2002
cast beneath her spell
So, Bono is going to Brighton to speak to conference next week. What a shame he has to , all it will do is give Blair publicity, has Labour given the money they pledged to Africa? If they haven't he shouldn't be there. I am really saddened Bono would agree to be the "star" speaker this year, it sits very uncomfortably with me. Why is he doing it? What a waste of Bono's time. Sad.
He doesn't need to get into bed with liars and war mongers to get his views and beliefs across though does he. I thought he was more intelligent than that.

I don't expect anyone to agree with me anyway.Tunnel vision.
If Bono must avoid all liars he won't get anywhere, all politcians are liars.
Tizer said:

Glad we've got you then to give us a bigger picture.

Er, yeah it's good that someone here can tell us what and how to think.

I think Bono still "bothers" becuase he's not going to get anything done by ignoring the situation...it's the squeaky wheels that get the grease after all. Let him do his thing rather than criticize....at least he's doing something...how are you trying to make the world a better place?
well maybe he is goin to kick them in the pants and send a pretty strong message that it's in the best interest to get their bloody act in gear..someones gotta hold them to the fire. I am more concerned that it always seems to be Bono beacuse that means somewhere the issues are not being dramatized enough to get more ordinary people involved.. maybe then Bono could catch a bit of a break if more people stepup

Look I don't like everything Bono does, I cringe sometimes. But then sometimes I cringe when I have to do certain things in my own job to get something accomplished.. in those moment where you might feel like your shaking hands with the devil ...your driven by the bigger picture
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bono speaking at political conferences has absolutely nothing to do with the political party at all.
i stand to be corrected if i'm wrong but hasnt he been involved with both democratics as well as republicans in America this year?

would you feel better about it if he were at a Tory conference or running around with the Lib Dems? if so then you're missing the point.
Bono goes to conferences to raise awareness - sure maybe Labour hasn't given what they promised they would, well then where's a better opportunity for Bono to make them feel shit about it and possible bring about a change in that than at their own conference in front of their own supporters.
I'm quite happy for bono to spend as much time as he likes (with a little left over to make albums!) with slimey sleazeball politicians in the hope that some of the good that Bono does and his vision will rub off on them and maybe get 1% of what they spend on arms in a year into a worthy cause that could change the world.
Ultimately the only people who have the power to give the sums of money needed in causes like DATA are world leaders and I'm glad that someone like Bono is using his status to get up their arse and annoy them about it while drawing everyone elses attention to it.
this weekend
i was sad enough to look on labour web site to see if i can get tickets but you have to have ordered before the 31st July.

see they're sneaky like that, they announce guest speakers after you cant get tickets anymore so they dont get swamped by U2 fans the world over who dont actually give a damn about labour and their policies (unless it's giving money to aids and debt relief)
Look on the bright side, these political meetings are always good for photo ops and some new pics! :happy: ;)
I'm going its too good an opportunity to miss!!

Mind you its a 5 hour drive for us but to see Bman its worth it!!!:wink:
Bono's Tart said:
I'm going its too good an opportunity to miss!!

Mind you its a 5 hour drive for us but to see Bman its worth it!!!:wink:

believe me it crossed my mind and consideringd that Vertigos out on friday i'll prob get all excited and end up going anyway:D

now.... how to get out of work this weekend??:scratch:
The Labour Party's conference is between 26-30 September 2004. I posted the web link to this conference in the original article on it on Interference's homepage over the weekend. :wink:

And it is simple why Bono is going to speak before the Labour Party's conference - MONEY! :ohmy:

Bono has received all kinds of pledges for money to fund the fight against Global AIDS and extreme poverty, but the Global Fund and other antipoverty programs haven't received nearly enough of the funds promised them by governments and which are CRITICALLY NEEDED TO SAVE AS MANY PEOPLES' LIVES AS POSSIBLE. :yes:

Thus, Bono is not going to this conference to please Tony Blair - he is going to this conference to put Blair's government and other developed nations' governments ON TASK TO LIVE UP TO THE COMMITMENTS TO THE POOR OF THE WORLD THAT THEY HAVE ALREADY MADE! :up:

Bono has said that he would have lunch with the devil if he could gather more financial support to save lives in Africa. He is simply fulfilling the commitment he made to that Ethiopian father (and to God) in that refugee camp in 1985. :angel:

This advocacy of Bono's is bigger than any big idea to him and it appears that it is as important to him as his (and U2's) music. If we REALLY care about Bono we will understand HOW IMPORTANT THIS IS TO HIM and support his right to live his life according to his own inner guidance. :hug:

It's really that simple.


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