When do you listen to U2? and any reason why?

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Rock n' Roll Doggie Band-aid
Jan 17, 2001
I have seen posts in other threads regarding listening to U2 during a workout. Some people have suggested that they refrain from listening to U2 because they do not wish to associate U2's music with a negative experience. Others have said that U2 motivates them to press on and work out harder.

Interesting perspectives. How do you perceive the music and its affect upon your well-being. Do you use U2 to help alleviate sorrow and melancholy or would you rather not listen to U2 in the fear that you will associate the music with bad times.

For me, U2 lifts my spirits even during the negative moments. If I am suffering a moment of roadrage, working out, feeling sad or lonely, depressed or stressed out, a good shot of some of my favorites U2 tunes turns my frown upside down.

Peace out.
I listen to U2 when I do my daily, sitting-in-my-chair spacing out session. I find it very hard to do homework, workout, or read a book when I'm listening to U2, because I become fully absorbed in the music. So I just lie back in my chair and turn the music up loud, and spend about an hour that way. This is why my mom associates U2 with drugs, because I act so stoned, LOL.

But, no, I'll be serious. I listen to U2 a lot when I am feeling sad or bitter actually, because it washes that misery away.
It's not by routine or anything like that. But U2 gets played alot. I'm big on the headphones. I make time for the ear buds. I love U2 loud and in every glorious detail.
I mostly listen to U2 to and from work on the train (which is an hour each way) I have a netmd player so it's easy to make different play lists on the computer, but I got it like 3 months before the U2 ipod come out :sigh: I also listen to U2 in the office if there isn't much going on and no one's around.
Pretty much all the time. Every time I'm in the car going somewhere, I have a U2 CD in the stereo. I listen to U2 when I'm exercising, when I'm at the computer goofing around on this forum, when I'm housecleaning, and any number of other occasions.

However, I don't listen to much U2 when I'm feeling depressed. That's because I like to listen to sadder songs then, and there aren't many U2 songs that fit that description (for me, at least.) I will admit though that when I heard about Edge's daughter, I listened to MLK for about an hour, crying the whole time.
I listen to U2 in the car, in the bathtub (where I spend an inordinate amount of time), in the kitchen, and when I exercise. I ran a half-marathon in January and listened to U2 every step of the way, which I'm convinced saw me through to the end. I also listen to U2 in my office and regularly have people stick their head in and scowl at me when it's too loud :)
Listen to them pretty much all the time. I don't necessarily need to be in a particular mood. Any mood works for me.

Although, i always dig into the U2 catalogue when I need to be centered or get back to basics - why am i here, what is important, what is pure music the way it's meant to be played...when i need those answers, U2 fits the bill.
I listen to U2 every day.......... all different times!!!

And for those of you who do some sort of exercise workout (pilates / aerobics etc...) while listening to U2.... then
these two tunes are excellent songs for "working out"::::

Discotheque ( DM Deep Extended Club Mix ) This song is 10 mins.
Pop Muzik ( Pop Mart Mix ) This song is 8 and a half mins long..

I listen to these when I workout and the "rhythm" in these songs
alone...is the reason why they're "GREAT" workout tunes.. they
will really keep me "moving", even when I tire out!! :drool:
They put me to sleep every night when I go to bed. I just pop in HTDAAB and put the sleep button on. And then my alarm awakes me to HTDAAB. And then I listen to them countless times inbetween. Good music for going on longggggggg drives.

Also I listened to Pop Muzik when I was getting ready in the morning the day of my exams.
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I've been having a 'U2-binge' this last fortnight... the rest of my CDs have been completely forsaken. I think its driving my housemates round the bend, but hey, they don't know what they're missing out on.

I had a 3000 word essay to do last week and the band kept me going. And now... because it's the end of term, I can turn it up loud and relish my holiday freedom :D
Too Funny! Because I used to, back in the day, work out to Two Hearts Beat As One with my girlfriend along with SBS, NYD etc. However, I never knew "WHO" the band was until I heard WOWY.
Then I ask her, who is this? We have to see them in concert. She
told me I already "Did know them".........just not their name....LOL
That was back in 86. Today, I listen to them all the time. They have so many records now. Each is different. It's perfect! It just depends on my mood when deciding which one to listen to.
I probably listen to U2 the most when I'm in the car. I had to be on the road today for a couple of hours and I had U2 playing the entire time.

I used to listen to The Best of 1990-2000 or Zooropa a lot when I was working out, but then I got lazy and stopped going to the gym. :reject:
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Many times I wake up with a U2 song in my head and even more often, go to bed the same way. Sometimes it overwhelms me so much that I have to listen to some of my other favs like the Beatles or Pearl Jam just so I don't go totally bonkers. :crazy: :wink:
Most of the time when I'm driving, hehe, I'll sometimes stop playing a U2 CD, to see if a U2 song is playing on the radio...is that insane or what?
I find the best time to listen to U2 is when you are in a pitch black room between the hours of 11-1 AM or so and just put in any U2 CD and lay back and let the music fill the room....the darkness adds to it dont ask me why but I have found this to be true.
Yahweh said:
I find the best time to listen to U2 is when you are in a pitch black room between the hours of 11-1 AM or so and just put in any U2 CD and lay back and let the music fill the room....the darkness adds to it dont ask me why but I have found this to be true.

I'm gonna give that one a try. Sounds pretty dayum cool :wink:
Axver said:
I think I even listen to U2 in my sleep.

i listen to U2 almost all the time. During homeroom in school...right now when im sitting on my computer...when im doing homework...i WOULD listen to it almost all the time except my family wouldnt appreciate it. But U2 is where I go when im depressed or bummed. Normally i crank up Walk On[single].
I listen to them when my sister blares her Maroon 5 through the paperthin walls

and w/e I'm conscious
Rarely. BAH-DUM-TSH. I listen to them when I'm in the mood, which means when I go through a sort of 'U2 phase'...I'm currently up to my ears in Daft Punk, which is a lot more appealing to me right now given my new-found musical leanings I'm afraid. :wink:
All the time 24/7
Everyday 365 days
Night and Day
Until the day I die.

I listen to them when i'm happy,sad,and just because.
Do Ineed a reseason to listen them...I think not.L8r!

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