What's the song playing after the show?

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Dec 24, 2004
Minneapolis, MN
Once '40' wraps, Larry leaves, and the house lights come on - a U2 songs begins playing (at least it did at the SJ 4/9 and 4/10 shows). What song is this? It is infectuous and I need it! Thanks so much for any and all info!!!
If it's the same song they played in Anaheim and L.A. it's a cover of REM's "It's the end of the world as we know it". I've had it stuck in my head for like 2 weeks! It is sung very slow, as opposed to super-fast like REM sings it.
I'd love to know who the artist is.
The cover was done by Julee Cruise, and the song is found on the album Hed Kandi: Winter Chill. This is not the song I was refering to, but hope this helps.
Odd music question but in the right forum

At the end of the second Manchester gig the PA played a cover version of REM's "end of the world" as the crowd was leaving the stadium - does anyone know who the band was?

It was a ambient, trippy mix (not a punk cover) and it sounded like a woman's vocal.

Anyo helpo mucho appreciato.
Sorry to bump this thread BUT I NEED TO KNOW!

I've tried searching the net REM forums and p2ps with NO luck at all - only loads of punk covers :(

U2 mixer, 2 (or more) threads have been merged. Check out the 3rd post of this 'merged' thread...

drleomarvin said:
The cover was done by Julee Cruise, and the song is found on the album Hed Kandi: Winter Chill.
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1st Night Manchester - Kraftwerk, Man Machine.. Fantastic!

or did I imagine that?

2nd Night - the REM cover - I have to agree this version was SO good!

I realise I haven't helped too much! :scratch:
you need to replace the "ysi" with "you send it" with no spaces. then it will work.
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